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In my lightning component I am having like this.

<aura:attribute name="claimType"  type="String" default="Pharmacy" description="some pharamcy"/>

I want the default value of the attribute in the controller.js file of the component for further processing.

Please tell me how to do this.


Hello All,
whenever I click command button it works properly however it refreshed immediately which I want to prevent.
<apex:page id="pgId" controller="calculateBMICon">
    <script language="JavaScript">
        function calculateBmi() {
             var weight =   document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs:we').value;
            var height =document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs:he').value;

            if(weight > 0 && height > 0){   
                var finalBmi = weight/(height/100*height/100)
                document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bm').innerHTML =   finalBmi;
                if(finalBmi < 18.5){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "UNDER-WEIGHT"
                if(finalBmi > 18.5 && finalBmi < 25){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "NORMAL-WEIGHT"
                if(finalBmi > 25){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "OVER-WEIGHT"
                alert("Please Fill everything correctly")

    <apex:form id="bmiForm">
        <apex:pageblock mode="mainDetail" id="pb">
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="pbs">
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Name.label}" />
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Height_in_CMs__c.label}" id="he"/>
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Weight_in_KGs__c.label}" id="we"/>
            <apex:pageblockSection id="pbs1">
                <apex:outputLabel id="bm" value=""/>
                 <apex:outputLabel id="bw" value=""/>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Calculate BMI" onclick="calculateBmi()"/>


  • August 13, 2018
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Hi, Please check, there is a wireMethod which returned the value from apex
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;

There is an Id value in recorddetails. I need to pass this value of Id in another variable for another invocation.
Could you please mention, how can i retrieve the value of recorddetails.Id

I shall be grateful to you for your kind cooperation.

Thanks and regards
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;

Hi there,

I'm trying to create a validation rule to prevent accounts from being created in our Community Cloud site whose account name contains non-alphanumeric account names. Getting a lot of fake accounts. For example, I want to prevent Asian characters in the account names. I tried various versions. 

I tried these: 

NOT( REGEX( Name , "[a-zA-Z0-9]+"))

NOT( REGEX( Name , "[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+"))

They blocked this name: "wil test" for some reason. 

Appreciate any help!


I am trying to call Apex Class from Trigger and getting error 'Method does not exist or incorrect signature'. How should i call constructor in Trigger. 

trigger Accountrigger on Account (before update) {
             if(Trigger.Isupdate && Trigger.IsBefore)
            for (Account Acc:Trigger.new)

Below is Apex Class
public class SenddataRequest {

    public class requestWrapper

{-----Code-----    }
    public String GetAccounts(Account a)

    { -----Code----      }

public SenddataRequest(){
      ----- Code-------------        


trigger Product_Schedule on OpportunityLineItem (after update,after insert) 
    for ( OpportunityLineItem o : Trigger.new)
        Opportunity opps;
        // id OppLineItemID = o.Opp_Line_Item_Id__c ;
        id OppLineItemID = o.ID ;
        system.debug('Opurtunity line item triggered ' + o.Opp_Line_Item_Id__c  + 'Opportunity ID ' + o.ID);
        opps =  [Select  o.First_Ship_Date__c  ,o.Expected_Return_Ship_Date__c, o.Min_K_QPID__c,
                 (Select Quantity, productcode  From OpportunityLineItems where ProductCode = 'K-QPID') From Opportunity o 
                 Where id IN (SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Quantity > 0 and id =:o.id) ];
        OpportunityLineItem prod;
        prod =  [Select Quantity, productcode, Nav_Inventory__c  From OpportunityLineItem where Opp_Line_Item_Id__c =:o.Opp_Line_Item_Id__c];
        Datascan_Product_Availability__c Avail = [select K_QPID__c , Count_Date__c From Datascan_Product_Availability__c c 
                                                  where (c.Count_Date__c > :opps.First_Ship_Date__c) and (c.Count_Date__c < :opps.Expected_Return_Ship_Date__c) 
                                                  order by Count_Date__c asc limit 1 ];
        opps.Min_K_QPID__c  = Avail.K_QPID__c ;
        opps.Min_K_QPID_Date__c = Avail.Count_Date__c;
        update opps;
        //select MIN(K_DS_WIFI_1__c) From Datascan_Product_Availability__c where count_date__C > 2019-10-18 and count_date__c < 2019-11-22
        system.debug('opps ' + opps.First_Ship_Date__c + opps.Expected_Return_Ship_Date__c );
        system.debug('prod ' + prod.quantity + prod.productcode );
        system.debug('Avail ' + Avail.K_QPID__c  );
  • October 30, 2019
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Please Help me to write test class for below apex class controller


public class EmailInvoiceA {
    public static void sendMailWithPDF(String recordId){
        for(Invoice__c cc : [select Id,Distributor__r.E_mail__c,Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c,Distributor__r.Name from Invoice__c WHERE Id =: recordId]){
            list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails =  new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();  
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage semail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();//to string
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attach = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            PageReference pref = page.PdfEmailInvoice;
            Blob b;
            b = pref.getContent();
            semail.setSubject('Invoice details');
            semail.setSenderDisplayName('salesforce User');
            List<String> send = new List<String>();//cc string
        //    if(cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c != null)
      //      {
        //         send.add(cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c);
     //       }
            if(cc.Distributor__r.E_mail__c==null && cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c != null)
            else if(cc.Distributor__r.E_mail__c !=null && cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c != null)
           else if(cc.Distributor__r.E_mail__c !=null && cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c == null)
            String emailBody =' <html><body><p> Dear '+ cc.Distributor__r.Name+' ,<br><br> Please find the attached Invoice details. <br><br>    Regards, <br> IT Team <br>  Sayaji Groups.</p></body></html>';
            semail.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{attach});
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{semail});
     public static void sendMailWith(String recordId,String mMail){
        for(Invoice__c cc : [select Id,Distributor__r.E_mail__c,Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c,Distributor__r.Name from Invoice__c WHERE Id =: recordId]){
            list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails =  new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();  
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage semail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attach = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            PageReference pref = page.PdfEmailInvoice;
            Blob b;
            b = pref.getContent();
            semail.setSubject('Invoice details');
            semail.setSenderDisplayName('salesforce User');
              List<String> send = new List<String>();
            if(cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c != null)
            String emailBody =' <html><body><p> Dear '+ cc.Distributor__r.Name+' ,<br><br> Please find the attached Invoice details. <br><br>    Regards, <br> IT Team <br>  Sayaji Groups.</p></body></html>';
            semail.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{attach});
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{semail});
            system.debug('email send');
   public static void Mail(String recordId,String mMail,boolean checkCmp){
        for(Invoice__c cc : [select Id,Distributor__r.E_mail__c,Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c,Distributor__r.Name from Invoice__c WHERE Id =: recordId]){
            list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails =  new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();  
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage semail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();//to string
       //     semail.setToAddresses(sendTo);
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attach = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            PageReference pref = page.PdfEmailInvoice;
            Blob b;
            b = pref.getContent();
            semail.setSubject('Invoice details');
            semail.setSenderDisplayName('salesforce User');
           else  if(checkCmp==false)
               system.debug('hi check'+checkCmp);
              if(mMail != null)
                 system.debug('hi mMail'+mMail);
             if(cc.Distributor__r.E_mail__c != null)
            { system.debug('hi Distributor mail'+cc.Distributor__r.E_mail__c);
             if(cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c != null)
                system.debug('hi Distributor cc mail'+cc.Distributor__r.CC_to_if_any__c);
                List<String> send = new List<String>();//cc string

            String emailBody =' <html><body><p> Dear '+ cc.Distributor__r.Name+' ,<br><br> Please find the attached Invoice details. <br><br>    Regards, <br> IT Team <br>  Sayaji Groups.</p></body></html>';
            semail.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{attach});
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{semail});
            system.debug('email send');
Hello all 

My requirement is that whenever i change the status in the picklict field different color should pop up,
In my requirement i have picklist field called flat status, in that there are 3 fields (Sold,available,Booked), whenever i click on Sold it should show as "red", when i click on Available it should show as "Green", when i click on booked it should show as "Yellow"

for this i have tried formula field and written a formula as
"Green", "/img/samples/light_green.gif",
"Yellow", "/img/samples/light_yellow.gif",
"Red", "/img/samples/light_red.gif", 
"status color")

The error shows as " Error: Field Flat_Status__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions"

Is there any better way to achive this

Any Help or suggestion would be Highly appreciated
I am trying to use a custom controller to get back case comments for a particular case (case id will be in URL).  I need to do this so I can sort columns (very annoying that Salesforce doesn't allow this with dataTables).  Right now I'm just trying to get some data back from my controller and failing miserably.

How can I do this?

So far this doesn't work....
****My test VF page****
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="TestController"> 
    <apex:form >   
        <apex:pageBlock title="{!Case.CaseNumber}"> 
***My test controller***
public class TestController {
    public List<Case> caseComm {get;set;}
    public TestController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    public List<Case> caseComm() {   
		List<Case> comments = [Select (Select Id, 
                            From CaseComments) From Case ];
        return comments;

In my lightning component I am having like this.

<aura:attribute name="claimType"  type="String" default="Pharmacy" description="some pharamcy"/>

I want the default value of the attribute in the controller.js file of the component for further processing.

Please tell me how to do this.


I have multiple related lists which appear in the Contact page. I would like a way to only show related list sections if a record exists for the related object. From a design perspective I was thinking of adding custom button / quick action for each related object and if a user creates a related record then the actual related section will appear on the page.

Is this possible and if so could any guide me on how I can achieve it?
Hi, What is the query limit for @future method and can i use future method to fetch more that 50,000 reocords

On vf page I wnat  to delete multiple record   on seletct checkbox  using delte button. I have implemented using wrapper class but I don't want use wraper class.

User-added image

public with sharing class SRC_ServiceCloudHomePage4 {

  public List<product2> productlist{
        get {
            if (productlist== null) {
                productlist=  [select id, IsActive, Name, ProductCode, Battery_Type__c, Product_Image__c, Purchase_Date__c, Warranty__c, Description from Product2 where Battery_Type__c != 'Radio Battery'
            return productlist;
       public List<Case> caseList{
        get {
            if (caseList == null) {
                caseList=[select id, Owner.Name, CaseNumber, Description, Product_Code__c, Reason, Status, Origin, CreatedDate From Case  ];
            return caseList;
       public List<Observance_Managment__C > omlist{
        get {
            if (omlist== null) {
                omlist=[select id, Name, Owner.Name, Status__C, Battery_Number__c, Within_Warranty__c, Observed_Problem__c, Description__c, Case__r.CaseNumber from Observance_Managment__c  ];
            return omlist;
     public product2 prData {get;set;}
    public String paramprouctId{get;set;}
    public Boolean displayPopUp {get;set;}

    public PageReference showPopup() {

         prData =  [select id, IsActive, Name, ProductCode, Battery_Type__c, Product_Image__c, Purchase_Date__c, Warranty__c, Description from Product2 where id=:paramprouctId];
        displaypopup = true;

        return null;

    public String productId{get;set;}
    public product2 prData1{get;set;}
    public void deleteRecord()
        System.debug('before calling delete methode'+productId);


//            String productId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('row_id');

        prData1=new product2();
        prData1=[select id, IsActive, Name, ProductCode, Battery_Type__c, Product_Image__c, Purchase_Date__c, Warranty__c, Description from Product2 where id=:productId];
      delete prData1;


  • August 31, 2018
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Am Selecting Contract Begining Date in a Visual Force Page
User-added image
When I select Contract Begining Date populating Contract Ending Date
User-added image
Now i would like show Contract Ending Date automatically empty when Contract Begining Date is empty
User-added image
VF Page Code:
<apex:actionRegion >
<apex:inputField value="{!cont.Contract_Beginning_Date__c}" taborderhint="2" Style="margin-left:0.0%;" required="true" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!AccAddress}" rerender="rty"/>
</apex:actionRegion >

Apex Code:

Public void AccAddress()
        if(cont.Contract_Beginning_Date__c!= null)
            cont.Contract_Ending_Date__c = cont.Contract_Beginning_Date__c.addMonths(6);
        if(cont.Contract_Beginning_Date__c == null)
             cont.Contract_Ending_Date__c = null;             
error is in <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(finance__c.Income__c >=0,true,false)}"/> in <outputpanel> component .

I am trying to first check null values for the field to void the error,but i am stuck

Previouly  we have <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(finance__c.Income__c >=0,true,false)}">
after that we got a requirment to check first if field value is nulll so i tried   something like
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!IsNull(finance__c.Income__c) && finance__c.Income__c > 0}">
$<apex:outputField value="{!finance__c.Income__c}" />

The element type "apex:outputpanel" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:outputpanel>".

i already terminated output panel not sure what i am missing. can someone help me with syntax
first i have to check if value is null and if not than i have to check whether it is greater than or quel to 0 and than i havr to disply the field.

thanks in advace
please help me with the solution
//This is an extension controller class
public class Speaker_conf_extension {

     private final Speaker__c speaker; // speaker__c is custom object and standard controller which is using This(Speaker_conf_extension)                                                                           //extension class
      private ApexPages.StandardController sController;
    public Speaker_conf_extension(ApexPages.StandardController scontroller) {
    this.speaker= (speaker__C)scontroller.getRecord();
    this.scontroller = scontroller;

public PageReference save() {
return null;

This extension_controller is trying to over ride Save button and insert an InputFile field to upload image.
I didn't understand what the  constructor of extension_controller is doing . Please explain the behaviour ,Thank you 
ListOfAccounts VfPage
<apex:page controller="Controller1" >
<apex:form >
<apex:PageBlock title="Account">
<apex:outputLabel value="Enter Account Name: ">
<apex:inputText value="{!AccountName}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!Display}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="The list of account are" rendered="{!b2}">
<apex:outputText  value="{!Error}"></apex:outputText>    
<apex:pageBlock title="The list of account are" rendered="{!b1}">   
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acclist}" var="b">
<apex:column headerValue="Action">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!b.Checked}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!b.acc.Name}"/>


 <apex:pageBlockButtons >
    <apex:commandbutton value="Get Details" action="{!Details}" />

SelectedAccounts VfPage
<apex:page controller="Controller1" >
<apex:pageBlock Title="Details of selected accounts are">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Selected}" var="c">
    <apex:column value="{!c.id}" />
    <apex:column value="{!c.Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!c.type}"/>

Controller1-->Custom Controller
public class Controller1 {
public string AccountName{Get;Set;}
public list<waccount> acclist{Get;Set;}
public list<Account> selected{Get;Set;}
public boolean b1{Get;Set;}
public boolean b2{Get;Set;}
public string Error{Get;Set;}
public void Display()
        acclist=new list<waccount>();
        list<Account> ls=[select name,type from account where name=:AccountName];
        for(Account a:ls)
            acclist.add(new waccount(a));
            Error='No Account Found with that name';
public PageReference Details()
    selected=new List<Account>();
    for(waccount w:acclist)
    return page.SelectedAccounts;
public class waccount
    public Account acc{get;set;}
    public boolean checked{get;set;}
    public waccount(Account acc)

Can Anyone help me with test class for above controller 
Hi we are using javascript remoting in visualforce pages. There is a method in javascript that is passing a password in encrypted form using btoa function. Then this data is recieving by one Apex method which is annotated by @remoteAction. But how i can decrypt that password in Apex. Please help in this.
Hello All,
whenever I click command button it works properly however it refreshed immediately which I want to prevent.
<apex:page id="pgId" controller="calculateBMICon">
    <script language="JavaScript">
        function calculateBmi() {
             var weight =   document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs:we').value;
            var height =document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs:he').value;

            if(weight > 0 && height > 0){   
                var finalBmi = weight/(height/100*height/100)
                document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bm').innerHTML =   finalBmi;
                if(finalBmi < 18.5){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "UNDER-WEIGHT"
                if(finalBmi > 18.5 && finalBmi < 25){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "NORMAL-WEIGHT"
                if(finalBmi > 25){
                    document.getElementById('pgId:bmiForm:pb:pbs1:bw').innerHTML = "OVER-WEIGHT"
                alert("Please Fill everything correctly")

    <apex:form id="bmiForm">
        <apex:pageblock mode="mainDetail" id="pb">
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="pbs">
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Name.label}" />
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Height_in_CMs__c.label}" id="he"/>
                <apex:inputText label="{!$objectType.Volunteer__c.fields.Weight_in_KGs__c.label}" id="we"/>
            <apex:pageblockSection id="pbs1">
                <apex:outputLabel id="bm" value=""/>
                 <apex:outputLabel id="bw" value=""/>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Calculate BMI" onclick="calculateBmi()"/>


  • August 13, 2018
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