• Roberto Albuquerque
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Hi everyone, I have a problem when I will perform the conversion of patients candidates, when I try to convert says that I am not allowed to select the coordinator of care, attached is attached a photo

User-added image
Hi, i'm using Person Account and i have a problem with my layout in the field Name (Salution, FirstName, LastName) when i'm editing or creating a new Account. How a fix this layout:
Create Account
Edit Account

View Account - OK

Hello everyone, I tried in several ways to create a test for the class below, but I am not succeeding, could anyone help me?
global class CancerDeColonBatch implements Schedulable, Database.Batchable<sObject> {
	String query;
	global CancerDeColonBatch() {
		query = 'SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE RecordTypeId IN (SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = \'Paciente\' AND SObjectType = \'Account\') AND Detecta__pc = TRUE AND Idade__pc >= 21 AND Idade__pc <= 65';
	global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
		return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

   	global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {
		List<Account> accounts = (List<Account>) scope;
		Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
		for(Account c : accounts){
      	List<AggregateResult> procedimentos = [SELECT C_digo_do_Procedimento__r.Name exame, Nome_do_Paciente__c conta, MAX(Data_de_Processamento__c) dataExame 
												 FROM Dados_Utiliza_o__c
												WHERE C_digo_do_Procedimento__r.Name IN ('40303250', '40202690', '40202720', '40202739', '40202666',
                                                                      				'40201082', '41001265', '40201090', '40201350', '40202135')
												  AND Nome_do_Paciente__c IN :accountIds
												GROUP BY Nome_do_Paciente__c, C_digo_do_Procedimento__r.Name];
        Map<Id, Boolean> criarCase = new Map<Id, Boolean>();
		for(AggregateResult ex : procedimentos){
			Date dataExame = (Date) ex.get('dataExame');
			Integer difCalc = Date.today().year() - dataExame.year();
			if((ex.get('exame') == '40303250') && (difCalc >= 1)){
				criarCase.put((Id) ex.get('conta'), true);
			else if(((ex.get('exame') == '40202690') || (ex.get('exame') == '40202720') || (ex.get('exame') == '40202739')) && difCalc >= 5){
				criarCase.put((Id) ex.get('conta'), true);
			else if(((ex.get('exame') == '40202666') || (ex.get('exame') == '40201082') || (ex.get('exame') == '41001265') || (ex.get('exame') == '40201090') || (ex.get('exame') == '40201350') || (ex.get('exame') == '40202135')) && difCalc >= 10){
				criarCase.put((Id) ex.get('conta'), true);
		List<Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
		for(Id cId : accountIds){
			if(!criarCase.keySet().contains(cId) || criarCase.get(cId)){
				Case newCase = new Case(
					Subject = 'CancerDeColon - Exames Pendentes',
					AccountId = cId,
					Description = 'Exames pendentes: Sangue oculto nas fezes, pesquisa imunológica (40303250), Retossigmoidoscopia flexível com biópsia e/ou citologia (40202690), Retossigmoidoscopia rígida com biópsia e/ou citologia (40202720), Retossigmoidoscopia rígida com polipectomia (40202739), Colonoscopia com biópsia e/ou citologia (40202666), Colonoscopia (inclui a retossigmoidoscopia) (40201082), TC - Colonoscopia virtual (41001265), Colonoscopia com magnificação (40201090), Colonoscopia com cromoscopia (40201350), Colonoscopia com magnificação e tatuagem (40202135)'

			system.debug('Entrou no insert');
			insert newCases;
		catch(Exception e){
			system.debug('Erro: ' + e.getMessage());

	global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
		CancerDeColonBatch b = new CancerDeColonBatch();
	global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

Hi everyone, I have a problem when I will perform the conversion of patients candidates, when I try to convert says that I am not allowed to select the coordinator of care, attached is attached a photo

User-added image
Hi, i'm using Person Account and i have a problem with my layout in the field Name (Salution, FirstName, LastName) when i'm editing or creating a new Account. How a fix this layout:
Create Account
Edit Account

View Account - OK
