• Lorr Mc
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I have a large list of values in multi picklis that I want to replace to reduce the amount we have. 

The field is on the knowledge article and is multipicklist
User-added image
After replace a few in our sandbox I have noticed that if I open an article that now contains the new values I receive the following error. 
User-added imagethis is linked to a Global Value Set and I have not worked with these before so I am wondering if there is anything else I need to do here. 

Please help!

Thank you,
I have a CCS code that removed the system information fields from the community page, but I need to add to it so that I can split the display into sections, as shown below. 

User-added image
Currently shown in community like this. 
User-added image
I have never worked with CCS bofore so reall not sure how to do this. please advise. 

Thank You, 
I have a CCS code that removed the system information fields from the community page, but I need to add to it so that I can split the display into sections, as shown below. 
User-added imageUser-added image

I have never worked with CCS bofore so reall not sure how to do this. please advise. 

Thank You, 
flow not working
I have posted this a few times but as yet have not had an answer. 
I have a Process builder that starts when a Network Member is created.
the flow should send 3 emails as follows:
1) 5 days after a user is created if they have only 1 reputation point send email ( this works fine)
2) 10 after a user is created if they asked a question in the community and it has an answer but Best Answer was not selected send email ( this part dose NOT work) 
3) 15 days after a user is created and has over 10 reputation points send email (this works fine) 

The first decision
User-added image
The get records
User-added image
Second decision
User-added image
Loops Through
User-added image
Final Decision

User-added image
I am rally lost with this and really need some help here. 

Thank you,
I have a lfow that should send an email to a user if there question was answered but they not selected best answer, but it is just not working. 
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Really dont know what to do with this. 

Please help!

I have been asked to rename multiple profiles, however first I need to know which, processes, flows and workflows they are used in. 

I have been trying this via the developer console however my SOQL quer is wrong. 
SELECT Columns FROM Profile WHERE Profile.Name = 'Community Default User
I am really not sure if this is even the best way to do it but after searching this seems to be the only option. 

I have seen referencs to Eclipse  but I cant seem to find it on the app exchange, any advice welcome. 

Thank you, 

please see below we have a community page that was visible but now is not, I am really new to communities so not sure how I access the field. 

Please advise how I acces the Your Company Name field. 
User-added image
Thank You, 

I am completely new to Apex Classes and have been trying the following with little joy. 
I have a flow that should create a user however due to mixed DML error I have found that I need to create a future method class. 
My flow should fire when picklist value changes to Approved. 
Do I need to reference the flow below as I am not getting any errors when I save the class.

public class Util {


    public static void insertUserWithRole(

        String uname, String al, String em, String lname) {


        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Profile_ID__c'];

        UserRole r = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name='Role_Id__c'];
        // Create new user with a non-null user role ID

        User u = new User(alias = 'New_Acquisition_Alias', email='New_Acquisition_User_Email__c',

            emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='New_Acquisition_User_Last_Name__c',


            localesidkey='en_US', profileid = p.Id, userroleid = r.Id,



        insert u;


I have a process and flow should create a user record when a status is changed to Approved. 
I have created all the mandatrory fields on the custom object such as profile Id, email, user name etc. but when I debug it keeps saying these fields are missing. 
Also is it possible to assign permission sets with this. 

User-added image
User-added image

I am really stuck now, 

Thank You, 
I have found this code on line which should do exactly what I need however I am getting this Error: Compile Error: Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest at line 321 column 24.

I am assuming from the origional poster who created this 

I need to create 2 Apex Clases 
one with this code and then linked to a  new email service 
global class CaseEmailInBoundHandler implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler { global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail( Messaging.InboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope) { CaseEmailInBoundUtilities handler = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = handler.processInboundEmail(email); return result; } }

and a second with this code just left active.

public with sharing class CaseEmailInBoundUtilities { private Static Boolean TRACE = true; protected Case theCase = null; protected Messaging.InboundEmail inboundEmail; protected String defaultCaseOwnerId; public CaseEmailInBoundUtilities() { Group[] queues = [select Id, Name from Group where Name = 'Triage']; this.defaultCaseOwnerId = queues[0].Id; } public Messaging.InboundEmailResult processInboundEmail(Messaging.InboundEmail email) { Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailresult(); result.success = true; this.inboundEmail = email; String caseNumber = extractRef(email.subject); if(caseNumber != null) { if(TRACE)system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'CaseEmailInBoundUtilities. extracted case number: "' + caseNumber + '"'); this.theCase = locateByCaseNumberAsString(caseNumber); if(this.theCase == null) { // TODO email error message to SysAdmin system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'CaseEmailInBoundUtilities. Create a new case. Could not find case number: "' + caseNumber + '"'); } } else { // try to match subject String mainSubject = extractMainSubject(email.subject); Case[] matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where Subject = :mainSubject and CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5]; if(matchingCases.size() == 1) { this.theCase = matchingCases[0]; } else { system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'CaseEmailInBoundUtilities. Create a new case because we found '+matchingCases.size() + ' cases with the subject: "' + mainSubject + '"'); } } if(this.theCase == null) { // else create a new Case this.theCase = new Case(); theCase.SuppliedEmail = email.fromAddress; theCase.SuppliedName = email.fromName; theCase.Status = 'New'; theCase.Priority = 'Low'; theCase.OwnerId = this.defaultCaseOwnerId; theCase.Origin = 'Email'; theCase.Subject = email.Subject; theCase.Description = email.plainTextBody; Contact[] contacts = [SELECT Id, Name, AccountId, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email = :email.fromAddress]; if(contacts.size() >0) { Contact theContact = contacts[0]; theCase.ContactId = theContact.Id; theCase.AccountId = theContact.AccountId; if(contacts.size() > 1) { // Could-Should create a new Case here to get CS to resolve this.... theCase.Description = 'Note: there is more than on Contact with this email address. Fix this. ' + theCase.Description; } } insertSObject(this.theCase); } createEmailMessage(theCase,email); handleAttachments(theCase, email); // send success notification. This can be disabled once we know the code is stable. // if(result.success) // { // String successMessage = 'Successful processing of inbound email \n'+ noteBody; // TriggerErrorNotification.reportInfo(messagePrefix+ ' success ',successMessage); // } return result; } // Save attachments, if any private void handleAttachments(Case theCase, Messaging.InboundEmail email) { if(email.textAttachments!=null && email.textAttachments.size() >0) { for (Messaging.Inboundemail.TextAttachment tAttachment : email.textAttachments) { Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Name = tAttachment.fileName; attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(tAttachment.body); attachment.ParentId = theCase.Id; insertSObject(attachment); } } if(email.binaryAttachments!=null && email.binaryAttachments.size() >0) { for (Messaging.Inboundemail.BinaryAttachment bAttachment : email.binaryAttachments) { Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Name = bAttachment.fileName; attachment.Body = bAttachment.body; attachment.ParentId = theCase.Id; insertSObject(attachment); } } } private void insertSObject(sObject obj) { try {insert obj;} catch (System.DmlException e) {handleError(e, 'Could not insert obj '+ obj);} } private String limitLength(String input, Integer maxLength) { String results; if(input != null && input.length() > maxLength) results = input.substring(0,maxLength); else results = input; return results; } private void createEmailMessage(Case theCase, Messaging.InboundEmail email) { String value; Integer maxlength; EmailMessage theEmail = new EmailMessage(); theEmail.ParentId = theCase.Id; theEmail.Incoming = true; Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = EmailMessage.HtmlBody.getDescribe(); //.HtmlBody.getDescribe(); maxlength = F.getLength(); theEmail.Subject = limitLength(email.Subject, EmailMessage.Subject.getDescribe().getLength()); theEmail.MessageDate = datetime.now(); theEmail.HtmlBody = limitLength(email.htmlBody,EmailMessage.HtmlBody.getDescribe().getLength()); theEmail.TextBody = limitLength(email.plainTextBody,EmailMessage.TextBody.getDescribe().getLength()); /* **** To */ value = ''; if(email.toAddresses != null) { Boolean seenOne= false; for(String to : email.toAddresses) { if(seenOne) { value += ';\n'; } to = extractAddress(to); system.debug('ToAddress: ' + to); value += to; seenOne = true; } } theEmail.ToAddress = limitLength(value,EmailMessage.ToAddress.getDescribe().getLength()); /* **** From */ theEmail.FromName = email.fromName; theEmail.FromAddress = email.fromAddress; /* **** CC */ value = ''; if(email.ccAddresses != null) { Boolean seenOne= false; for(String cc : email.ccAddresses) { if(seenOne) { value += ';\n'; } cc = extractAddress(cc); system.debug('CcAddress: ' + cc); value += cc; seenOne = true; } } theEmail.CcAddress = limitLength(value,EmailMessage.CcAddress.getDescribe().getLength()); insertSObject(theEmail); } private void handleError(System.DmlException e, String message){ String baseURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/'; if(TRACE)system.debug(baseURL); String caseURL; String msg = message + '\n'; if(this.theCase != null) { caseURL = baseURL + theCase.Id; msg += '\n'; msg += 'Originating Case Number: ' + theCase.CaseNumber + ' '+ caseURL+'\n'; } if(this.inboundEmail != null) { msg += '\nEmail:'; msg += ' subject: ' + inboundEmail.Subject + '\n'; msg += ' from: ' + inboundEmail.FromName + '\n'; msg += ' address: ' + inboundEmail.FromAddress + '\n'; } if(e != null) { // compose the DmlException message on one line to minimize the number of untested lines. AFAIK easy to instantiate a DmlException in a unit test. msg += '\n'; msg += 'EXCEPTION:\n Error: ' + e.getMessage() + '\n Type: ' + e.getTypeName() + '\n Line Number: ' + e.getLineNumber() + '\n Trace:\n' + e.getStackTraceString() + '\n(end stack trace)\n'; } Case errCase = new Case(); errCase.OwnerId = this.defaultCaseOwnerId; errCase.Status = 'New'; errCase.Priority = 'Low'; errCase.Origin = 'Email'; errCase.Subject = 'Error processing incoming email'; errCase.Description = limitLength(msg,Case.Description.getDescribe().getLength()); insert errCase; errCase = [Select Id, CaseNumber from Case where Id = :errCase.Id limit 1]; caseURL = baseURL + errCase.Id; msg += '\n\n'; msg += 'Created new Case number ' + errCase.CaseNumber + ' for this error. See: ' + caseURL +'\n'; TriggerErrorNotification.reportError('CaseEmailInBoundUtilities', msg); } /* Given a case number such as 8144 find the exact case that use this number. Note that CaseNumber is a string field that may have any number of leading zeros. */ private Case locateByCaseNumberAsString(String caseNumberStr){ Integer target = Integer.valueOf(caseNumberStr); Case theResult = null; String caseNumber = '%' + String.valueOf(target); Case[] matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where CaseNumber like :caseNumber]; for(Case aCase: matchingCases) { Integer cnum = Integer.valueOf(aCase.CaseNumber); if(cnum == target) { theResult = aCase; break; } } return theResult; } /* Look for the case reference in the email subject line. First search for a case reference using the standard Salesforce method of creating that complicated and non-user-friendly reference. Do this first so it takes precedence. But, also search for the case number itself. This is user-friendly! */ private String extractRef(String emailSubject) { String itemRef = null; String target = emailSubject.toLowerCase(); String patternString; Pattern thePattern; Matcher matcher; /* Take the text between the period and ":ref" For example in the ref [ ref:00D7JFzw.5007H3Rh8:ref ] extract 5007H3Rh8 Take that text and remove the 5007. For example H3Rh8 Append H3Rh8 to https://na5.salesforce.com/5007000000 to produce https://na5.salesforce.com/5007000000H3Rh8. This is your link to get to the case. */ patternString = '.*ref:(.{8}).(.{4})(.+):ref.*'; thePattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); matcher = thePattern.matcher(emailSubject); // do not change to lower case for this test because Id's are case sensitive if (matcher.matches()) { String caseId = matcher.group(2) + '000000' + matcher.group(3); if(TRACE) system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'extractRef "' + caseId + '"'); Case[] matchingCases = [Select CaseNumber from Case where Id = :caseId]; if(matchingCases.size() == 1) { Case theCase = matchingCases[0]; itemRef = theCase.CaseNumber; } } if(itemRef == null) { // extract the Case Number from the email Subject // Re: Test two numbers Case: 30088 and Case: 30089' // returns 30089, the last pattern matched patternString = '.*case[;:=]?\\s*([0-9]+).*'; thePattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); matcher = thePattern.matcher(target); if (matcher.matches()) { itemRef = matcher.group(1); if(TRACE) system.debug('Extracted case number ' + itemRef); } } return itemRef; } private String extractMainSubject(String emailSubject) { if(emailSubject == null || emailSubject.length() < 3) return emailSubject; String[] prefixes = new String[] {'fw:','re:', 'automatic reply:', 'out of office autoreply:', 'out of office'}; String target = emailSubject.toLowerCase(); for(String prefix: prefixes) { Integer index = target.indexOf(prefix); if(index == 0 ){ String mainSubject = emailSubject.substring(prefix.length(),emailSubject.length()); return mainSubject.trim(); } } return emailSubject; } private String extractAddress(String inAddress) { String address; String patternString; Pattern thePattern; Matcher matcher; patternString = '.*<(.*)>.*'; thePattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); matcher = thePattern.matcher(inAddress); if (matcher.matches()) { address = matcher.group(1); system.debug('Extracted address ' + address); } else { address = inAddress; system.debug('Did not match angle-address ' + address); } return address; } /* ***************************************************************** TEST METHODS */ static testmethod void testExtractAddress() { system.debug('testExtractAddress '); String expected = 'b.g@g.com'; String target = 'Bryan <'+expected+'>'; CaseEmailInBoundUtilities prutil = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); String results = prutil.extractAddress(target); System.assertEquals(expected,results); target = 'Helen W '; expected = 'Helen.W@on.com'; results = prutil.extractAddress(target); System.assertEquals(expected,results); } static testmethod void testExtractRef() { Test.startTest(); String emailSubject = 'Subject Case: 987 asdas asdasd '; CaseEmailInBoundUtilities prutil = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); String caseNumber = prutil.extractRef(emailSubject); system.assertEquals('987',caseNumber); emailSubject = 'Subject cAse=987 asdas asdasd '; caseNumber = prutil.extractRef(emailSubject); system.assertEquals('987',caseNumber); Case aCase = new Case(); insert aCase; Case bCase = [Select Id, CaseNumber from Case where Id = :aCase.Id limit 1]; String caseId = bCase.Id; String left = caseId.substring(0, 4); String right = caseId.substring(caseId.length()-8, caseId.length()); right = right.substring(0,5); system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'testExtractRef case id: "' + caseId + '"'); system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'testExtractRef case n: "' + bCase.CaseNumber + '"'); emailSubject = 'For example in the ref [ ref:00D7JFzw.5007H3Rh8:ref ] '; emailSubject = 'For example in the ref [ ref:00D7JFzw.'+left+right+':ref ] '; system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'testExtractRef email subject: "' + emailSubject + '"'); caseNumber = prutil.extractRef(emailSubject); system.assertEquals(bCase.CaseNumber,caseNumber); Test.stopTest(); //TRIM(" [ ref:" + LEFT( $Organization.Id, 4) + RIGHT($Organization.Id, 4) +"."+ LEFT( Id, 4) // + SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(Id, RIGHT( Id, 4), ""), LEFT( Id, 4), ""), "0", "") // + RIGHT( Id, 4) + ":ref ] ") // LEFT( Id, 4) //SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(Id, R4, ""), L4, ""), "0", "") + R4 } static testmethod void testExtractMain() { CaseEmailInBoundUtilities prutil = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); String emailSubject = 'Some Subject Case'; String fwSubject = 'FW: ' + emailSubject; String mainSubject; mainSubject = prutil.extractMainSubject(fwSubject); system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'testExtractMain "' + mainSubject + '"'); system.assertEquals(emailSubject,mainSubject); String reSubject = 'Re: ' + emailSubject; mainSubject = prutil.extractMainSubject(reSubject); system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'testExtractMain "' + mainSubject + '"'); system.assertEquals(emailSubject,mainSubject); } static testMethod void testHandleError() { CaseEmailInBoundUtilities emailProcess = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); // create a new email Messaging.InboundEmail email; email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = 'Test subject'; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {'someaddress@email.com'}; emailProcess.inboundEmail = email; emailProcess.handleError(null,'unit testing handle error'); } static testMethod void testProcessInboundEmailGoodWithAttachment() { Test.startTest(); // create a new email Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = 'Subject asdas asdasd '; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {'someaddress@email.com'}; email.ccAddresses = new String[] {'one@email.com','two@email.com'}; String csv = 'this is just a test'; // add an attachment Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment attachment = new Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment(); attachment.body = blob.valueOf(csv); attachment.fileName = 'data.csv'; attachment.mimeTypeSubType = 'text/plain'; email.binaryAttachments = new Messaging.inboundEmail.BinaryAttachment[] { attachment }; Messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment tattachment = new Messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment(); tattachment.body = csv; tattachment.fileName = 'data.csv'; tattachment.mimeTypeSubType = 'text/plain'; email.textAttachments = new Messaging.inboundEmail.TextAttachment[] { tattachment }; // call the email service class and test it with the data in the testMethod CaseEmailInBoundUtilities emailProcess = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = emailProcess.processInboundEmail(email); System.assert(result.success == true); Test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void testProcessInboundEmailWithMatchingSubject() { Test.startTest(); CaseEmailInBoundUtilities emailProcess = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); Messaging.InboundEmail email; Messaging.InboundEmailResult result; Case[] matchingCases; EmailMessage[] matchingEmailMessages; Case theCase; String mainSubject = 'Subject asdas asdasd'; // Test Part 1 // create a new email email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = mainSubject; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {'someaddress@email.com'}; // call the email service class and test it with the data in the testMethod result = emailProcess.processInboundEmail(email); System.assert(result.success == true); matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where Subject = :mainSubject]; System.assertEquals(1,matchingCases.size()); theCase = matchingCases[0]; matchingEmailMessages = [Select Id from EmailMessage where ParentId = :theCase.Id]; System.assertEquals(1,matchingEmailMessages.size()); // TEST Part 2 // create a new email email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = mainSubject; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {'someaddress@email.com'}; // call the email service class and test it with the data in the testMethod result = emailProcess.processInboundEmail(email); System.assert(result.success == true); matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where Subject = :mainSubject]; // still only one Case because the system will append the second email to the case Case System.assertEquals(1,matchingCases.size()); System.assertEquals(theCase.Id,matchingCases[0].Id); // Should be two emails on the case matchingEmailMessages = [Select Id from EmailMessage where ParentId = :theCase.Id]; System.assertEquals(2,matchingEmailMessages.size()); // TEST Part 3 // create a new email email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = 'Different subject line but include Case: ' + theCase.CaseNumber; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {'someaddress@email.com'}; // call the email service class and test it with the data in the testMethod result = emailProcess.processInboundEmail(email); System.assert(result.success == true); matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where Subject = :email.subject]; // Should be no cases created with that subject System.assertEquals(0,matchingCases.size()); // Should be three emails on the case matchingEmailMessages = [Select Id from EmailMessage where ParentId = :theCase.Id]; System.assertEquals(3,matchingEmailMessages.size()); Test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void testProcessInboundEmailWithContacts() { Test.startTest(); CaseEmailInBoundUtilities emailProcess = new CaseEmailInBoundUtilities(); Messaging.InboundEmail email; Messaging.InboundEmailResult result; Case[] matchingCases; EmailMessage[] matchingEmailMessages; Case theCase; Contact theContact = new Contact(); theContact.FirstName = 'FirstName'; theContact.LastName = 'LastName'; theContact.Email = 'someaddress@email.com'; String mainSubject = 'Subject asdas asdasd'; // Test Part 1 // create a new email email = new Messaging.InboundEmail() ; email.subject = mainSubject; email.plainTextBody = 'Test email'; email.fromname = 'FirstName LastName'; email.toAddresses = new String[] {theContact.Email}; // call the email service class and test it with the data in the testMethod result = emailProcess.processInboundEmail(email); System.assert(result.success == true); matchingCases = [Select Id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description from Case where Subject = :mainSubject]; System.assertEquals(1,matchingCases.size()); theCase = matchingCases[0]; matchingEmailMessages = [Select Id from EmailMessage where ParentId = :theCase.Id]; System.assertEquals(1,matchingEmailMessages.size()); } }

But this is new to me and I am not sure how to implement this. 
Please Help!


I need a pop up box to display instructions when when a picklist value is selected. 
On the case object I have a picklist called "Requst Type" which has multiple values however if they select the value "Error Message" I need a pop up that says please ensure you add a screen shot of the error message and provide details of steps to recreate and so on. 
I have created a visualforce page (my first) but that is as far as I got, I dont know if this is even the correct route to take or how to get it to pop up if even possible.
Any advice welcom as this is tottaly new to me. 

Thanks You,


I need to create a tab the will only show one case record type. 
we are just introducing cases to part of the business I dont want them to have to scroll down through a list of record types when they need to create a case, so I hoping I could have tab that they can view and also when they click new it will open the page for that record type. 

I have been looking for ages and I just cant do it, is there a code I can use or edit? 

Please help!
I am quite new to lightning and tottaly new to Service Console. 
I need to create a tab the will only show one case record type. 
we are just introducing cases to part of the business I dont want them to have to scroll down through a list of record types when they need to create a case, so I hoping I could have tab that they can view and also when they click new it will open the page for that record type. 

I have been look for ages and I just cant do it, is there a code I can use or edit? 

Please help!

I have a large list of values in multi picklis that I want to replace to reduce the amount we have. 

The field is on the knowledge article and is multipicklist
User-added image
After replace a few in our sandbox I have noticed that if I open an article that now contains the new values I receive the following error. 
User-added imagethis is linked to a Global Value Set and I have not worked with these before so I am wondering if there is anything else I need to do here. 

Please help!

Thank you,

I have been asked to rename multiple profiles, however first I need to know which, processes, flows and workflows they are used in. 

I have been trying this via the developer console however my SOQL quer is wrong. 
SELECT Columns FROM Profile WHERE Profile.Name = 'Community Default User
I am really not sure if this is even the best way to do it but after searching this seems to be the only option. 

I have seen referencs to Eclipse  but I cant seem to find it on the app exchange, any advice welcome. 

Thank you, 
I have a process and flow should create a user record when a status is changed to Approved. 
I have created all the mandatrory fields on the custom object such as profile Id, email, user name etc. but when I debug it keeps saying these fields are missing. 
Also is it possible to assign permission sets with this. 

User-added image
User-added image

I am really stuck now, 

Thank You, 
I am quite new to lightning and tottaly new to Service Console. 
I need to create a tab the will only show one case record type. 
we are just introducing cases to part of the business I dont want them to have to scroll down through a list of record types when they need to create a case, so I hoping I could have tab that they can view and also when they click new it will open the page for that record type. 

I have been look for ages and I just cant do it, is there a code I can use or edit? 

Please help!