• SAroras
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  • Member since 2019

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Hi All,

This is my first time doing the API integration with Salesforce.

We need to use third party application API and call it into Salesforce. How to do I start. API's SDK are available in  Java, .NET, Node.JS languages .

Application name whose API we need to use is Whispir.

Is it possible to do this. Please advise.
Hi ,

Can anyone please help me with test class for below trigger:

trigger CaseTrigger on Case (after insert , after update){
   if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate){
    Set<Id> setIds = new Set<Id>();
    for(Case c :trigger.new){
    if(c.Delete_Case__c == true){


   List<Case> listCaseToDelete = [Select Id from case where id in:setIds];
      delete listCaseToDelete;

Is there a way in SF using which we can interact with google pods.
Basically what is required is : when a new customer comes in, and tries to sign in google using his details we want to retrieve if he already has interacted with us earlier and with whom (information to be retrieved from SF).

I want to create a new opp button under case object. Is it possible without writing an apex class.

I have tried with process builder but we want manual execution of creating an opportunity .
Hi All,

I am stuck with this code coverag issue for last 4 days. Its continuously flashing as :
User-added image
This coverage is of Sandbox org. In Production coverage is 86%.

Please help.

I want to create a new opp button under case object. Is it possible without writing an apex class.

I have tried with process builder but we want manual execution of creating an opportunity .
Hi All,

I am stuck with this code coverag issue for last 4 days. Its continuously flashing as :
User-added image
This coverage is of Sandbox org. In Production coverage is 86%.

Please help.

We are using ANT and other tools to deploy metadata between one org to another. But in one of the sandboxes we a setting called 'Allow WebLink access via the Tooling API' whch is not available in destination org. We would like to know how to set this setting in SF so that we can move meatdata easily.

I want to create a button named "New Opportunity" that can create a new opportunity when click it. But I dont know how to make it happen,
plz help. Thanks very much!!!