• Yuen Lye Kon
  • 10 Points
  • Member since 2019

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For Salesforce Lightning in a Case detail view, there's a lookup field called Contact Name. When I'm trying to create a new contact via the lookup field by selecting "+ New Contact" option.

User-added image

The below New Contact dialog in Lightning view is displayed.
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Is it possible to show the Classic view version of New Contact instead? The output that I'm expecting looks something like the screenshot below.

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I've created my own custom Solution object for SF Lightning use. I'm trying to migrate existing SF Classic Solution's Attachment Body blob data to ContentVersion versionData blob data. Below is the code i used to copy over Attachment to ContentVersion.
Map<String, Solution> solutions = new Map<String, Solution>();
Map<String, List<Attachment>> attachments = new Map<String, List<Attachment>>();
Set<Id> attachmentIds = new Set<Id>();

for (Solution s: [select SolutionName, (select Id, Name from Attachments) from Solution]){
    if (!s.Attachments.isEmpty()){
        Solution sol = new Solution();
        sol.SolutionName = s.SolutionName;
        attachments.put(s.SolutionName, s.Attachments);
        solutions.put(s.SolutionName, s);
        for (Attachment a : s.Attachments){

Solution__c[] sols = [select Id, Solution_Title__c from Solution__c where Solution_Title__c in :solutions.keySet()];

Map<Id, Attachment> attachmentMap = new Map<Id, Attachment>([select Body from Attachment where Id in :attachmentIds]);

ContentVersion[] contentVersions = new ContentVersion[0];

for (Solution__c s: sols){
    for (Attachment a : attachments.get(s.Solution_Title__c)){
        ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
        Blob bval = attachmentMap.get(a.Id).Body;
        cv.Title = a.Name.substringBeforeLast('.');
        cv.PathOnClient = a.Name;
        cv.VersionData = bval;
        cv.FirstPublishLocationId = s.Id;
        cv.ContentLocation = 'S';
        cv.Origin = 'C';

insert contentVersions;
in my custom Solution record page, I have a widget that accepts File upload Attachment and display all available attachments in data table rows. Since I've copy Attachment data to ContentVersion, file attachments will be present in the widget as shown in the image below (apologies on the redacted images). If i click the hyperlink of the file attachment, it will open the file's sobject record page.

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However the file that was copied over from Attachment is unable to preview. Though download works fine.

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If i manually upload the same file that I've downloaded and click on the file's hyperlink, the record page is able to show the preview of the file.

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I have an issue with lightning bottom menu item's that is within a data table whereby the menu items are not visible if the menu item appears as the last record of the data table (see the 2nd image) or if the data table consists of only 1 record (see the last image). Below is the sample code of the data table with the lightning button menu

Sample Code
<div class="slds-table--header-fixed_container" style="height: 100%">
        <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner slds-scrollable--y" style="height: 100%">
            <table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--header-fixed">
                <tr class="slds-text-title--caps">
                    <aura:iteration items="{!v.columns}" var="col">
                        <th scope="col">
                            <div onclick="{!c.updateColumnSorting}"
                                 class="slds-truncate slds-cell-fixed"
                                 title="{! col.fieldName}" data-field="{! col.fieldName}">
                                {! col.label }
                                    <aura:if isTrue="{!v.sortedBy == col.fieldName}">
                                            {! v.sortAsc ? '&#8593;' : '&#8595;'}
                    <th scope="col"></th>
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.data}"
                                var="record" indexVar="indexVar">
                        <th data-label="Title" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-title-width'}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-title-width" title="{!record.Solution_Title__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                        <th data-label="Category" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-number-width'}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-number-width" title="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}">
                                {! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}
                        <th data-label="Status" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.Status__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                        <th data-label="Author" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.CreatedBy.Name}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                            <lightning:buttonMenu aura:id="menu" onselect="{! c.handleSelect }"
                                                  alternativeText="Menu" value="{!record.Id}" menuAlignment="right">
                                <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'E,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Edit"/>
                                <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'A,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Approve"/>

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User-added imageUser-added image
Is there a way to manually fire lightning inputfield (which is a picklist) onChange event via Lightning JS controller?
I have an issue with lightning bottom menu item's that is within a data table whereby the menu items are not visible if the menu item appears as the last record of the data table (see the 2nd image) or if the data table consists of only 1 record (see the last image). Below is the sample code of the data table with the lightning button menu

Sample Code
<div class="slds-table--header-fixed_container" style="height: 100%">
        <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner slds-scrollable--y" style="height: 100%">
            <table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--header-fixed">
                <tr class="slds-text-title--caps">
                    <aura:iteration items="{!v.columns}" var="col">
                        <th scope="col">
                            <div onclick="{!c.updateColumnSorting}"
                                 class="slds-truncate slds-cell-fixed"
                                 title="{! col.fieldName}" data-field="{! col.fieldName}">
                                {! col.label }
                                    <aura:if isTrue="{!v.sortedBy == col.fieldName}">
                                            {! v.sortAsc ? '&#8593;' : '&#8595;'}
                    <th scope="col"></th>
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.data}"
                                var="record" indexVar="indexVar">
                        <th data-label="Title" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-title-width'}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-title-width" title="{!record.Solution_Title__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                        <th data-label="Category" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-number-width'}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-number-width" title="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}">
                                {! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}
                        <th data-label="Status" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.Status__c}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                        <th data-label="Author" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.CreatedBy.Name}"
                                 data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}">
                            <lightning:buttonMenu aura:id="menu" onselect="{! c.handleSelect }"
                                                  alternativeText="Menu" value="{!record.Id}" menuAlignment="right">
                                <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'E,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Edit"/>
                                <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'A,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Approve"/>

User-added image
User-added imageUser-added image
Is there a way to manually fire lightning inputfield (which is a picklist) onChange event via Lightning JS controller?