• Arnas Baronas
  • 40 Points
  • Member since 2019

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What I'm trying to do is to recreate the "New" button in custom object's list views. The only difference between the existing standard "New" and the one I'm trying to create is that so I could control which recordtypes to show and which to hide. I have tried creating it myself and searching for similar codes but no luck... I currently am a beginner to salesforce lightning components and would appreciate some help from more experienced developers.
    "data": {
        "xmlns": {
            "cpcdef": "ABCD",
        "search": {
            "total-result-count": "1",
            "ops:query": {
                "syntax": "CQL",
                "$": "123456"
            "range": {
                "begin": "1",
                "end": "1"
            "documents": [
                "produced-by": "RO",
Hello, Everybody !
I am new to development and I need help. Maybe someone could give me apex code example and explain me how to access
Data ---> Search ---> documents ---> produced-by = "RO"

Hello Developers,
I'm new at apex development, maybe someone could explain me how write a test for this type of apex class or give me some kind of example ?

public class emailSending {
public string toMail { get; set;}
public string ccMail { get; set;}
public string repMail { get; set;}
    public void sendMail(){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
string[] to = new string[] {toMail};
string[] cc = new string[] {ccMail};
if(ccMail!=null && ccMail != '')
if(repmail!=null && repmail!= '')
email.setSubject('Test Mail');
email.setHtmlBody('Hello, <br/><br/>This is the test mail that you generated. <br/>The Email Id for which this mail was generated by '+toMail+'<br/><br/>Regards<br/> Developer');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email });
}catch(exception e){
apexpages.addmessage(new apexpages.message(apexpages.severity.error,e.getMessage()));
toMail = '';
ccMail = '';
repMail = '';
I am new to salesforce and I would like to know how to create custom button to update record's field value on click.
Should I use lightning component + apex code or is it possible achieve it without code?
Example - what I am trying to achieve:
FieldName:  Times clicked
FieldValue = 0 + 1 time clicked // sObject_c.TimesClicked++

I am new to salesforce and I would like to know how to create custom button to update record's field value on click.

Should I use lightning component + apex code or is it possible achieve it without code?

Example - what I am trying to achieve:
FieldName:  Times clicked
FieldValue = 0 + 1 time clicked // sObject_c.TimesClicked++

What I'm trying to do is to recreate the "New" button in custom object's list views. The only difference between the existing standard "New" and the one I'm trying to create is that so I could control which recordtypes to show and which to hide. I have tried creating it myself and searching for similar codes but no luck... I currently am a beginner to salesforce lightning components and would appreciate some help from more experienced developers.
I am new to salesforce and I would like to know how to create custom button to update record's field value on click.
Should I use lightning component + apex code or is it possible achieve it without code?
Example - what I am trying to achieve:
FieldName:  Times clicked
FieldValue = 0 + 1 time clicked // sObject_c.TimesClicked++