• Ranjith YM
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I can get the count of leads which has an account based on ConvertedAccountId/ConvertedContactId but I totally stuck to get the count of an Account which has no corresponding lead.

Can someone please help me with this... thanks ini advance

  List<Lead> numberOfLeads = [select Id from Lead];

I need number of Leads but above my code is returning 0 always, please help me. thanks in advance

I am trying to get count of lead assigned to User in APEX, there are 300+ leads assigned to each users, i can able to see when i query but same if i add in APEX code, its returning zero,

 for(User activeLO : activeLOs){
           Integer numberOfLeads = [select count() from Lead where OwnerId =:activeLO.Id];
            System.debug('Lead Count ::' +numberOfLeads );