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My requirement is, Need to make one Custom field "Field__c" from Custom Object as a Read-Only field for One of the Profile(So that all users under profile cannot edit that field). Due to some restrictions, I can't use different page layouts. So how can i achieve this?.

I tried by doing Field Access permission but it is working for visibility and when i given a read-only option I can able to edit that field also.
Please help me.
trigger c1 on contact (Before Insert){

            Set<id> AccountIds = new Set<id>();
            map<id,Integer> mapAccountPhone=new map<id,Integer>();
            for(contact c : trigger.new){
         for(Account AccC:[select Id,phone from Account where id in : AccountIds])

        for(contact c1 : trigger.new){
                c1.phone = mapAccountPhone.get(c1.AccountId); 
    Catch(Exception Err)
          System.debug('Exception Occured:'+Err);


Hi Team,

Kindly help me with the test class for this code.

Thank you
Hi  All,
When we are executing batch apex, few records are not inserted to the database due to some invalid data (let say 10 out of 100000 records are failed) how to process those 10 records. 

Thank you,
Hi  All,
When we are executing batch apex, few records are not inserted to the database due to some invalid data (let say 10 out of 100000 records are failed) how to process those 10 records. 

Thank you,
Getting the below error message on the "Advanced Apex Specialist" on the last step. Had made sure all test classes are covered and OrderExtension works as expected and there are more than 12 products created. I tried to delete the existing data on the system and recreated it, Very likely that causes the below error message. Have anyone got the similar error message? Would appreciate any suggestions to solve it.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Ensure that you have at least 12 products created and that OrderExtension is still working as specified in the earlier challenge.