• satya man 4
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CPQ applications, when I log in , unable to see CPQ modules to continue my learning,
Hi Everyone,

Can anyone let me know i have query i.e. i have send a email from end user through trigger for some approval and getting response from thier end getting response in inside salesforce(is there any possibility)

Here the trigger code.

trigger proposal on contact(before insert){
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    for(contact objc:trigger.new){
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();
            mail.setSenderDisplayName('Required recommendation letter');
            List<String> ccTo = new List<String>();
            mail.setSubject('please reply for recomendation letter');
            String body = 'Dear ' + objc.FirstName + ', ';
            body += 'we are sending email please acknowledge for recomendation letter.';

Thanks for advanced 
Ans:  Text, Text Area, Text Area Long, Rich Text Area, URL. Is this is the right answer or is there something else????

13. Can we change the data type from Text to Auto Number for the Name when we already have?

Ans: I feel the answer is yes. If yes, please do let me know the explanation . If no, let me know the reason as well. Thanks guys. 

Dear all,

We're looking at the various options of using Salesforce mobile (Salesforce1 application, SF1 Browser, Salesforce Classic in the browser) and are finding limitations with each:

Salesforce 1
  • Overriding the "View" action on an SObject appears to have no effect at all in SF1 and the standard page is displayed
  • The lack of ability to override the Edit action and then return to the normal edit page if the override logic requires it
What have people done to fix their existing overrides when they move to SF1?
Salesforce Classic in Mobile
  • If you direct to the full Salesforce classic site in mobile (i.e. switching off the "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" setting), the UIThemeDisplayed variable still seems to think that the user is in SF1
Lightning Experience
  • With Lightning Experience switched on and "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" switched off, the user cannot log-in on mobile
  • With Lightning Experience switched on and "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" switched on, the user is directed to SF1, despite Lightning Experience being responsive to different screen sizes, etc.
Does anybody have any advice, answers or workarounds to these questions? It makes mobile development very difficult when the navigation behaviours/capabilities in the desktop and mobile version differ so wildly.

With thanks,
I found good presentation on Aura framework (http://jessealtman.com/2013/12/introduction-to-aura/ (http://jessealtman.com/2013/12/introduction-to-aura/" target="_blank)), installed it the Aura Note sample app but still struggle how to connect the app to Salesfoce as it is done in demo. Could you provide a sample how I can use the note application with Salesforce?
- Salesforce apex class does not understand the annotation @AuraEnabled  (sample from tutorial). How to enable it for coding on SF side or to apdate SF records from note application?
public with sharing class AuraConnect {
                        public static void updateAnnualRevenue(String accountId, Decimal annualRevenue) {
                                   Account acct = [SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account];
                                   acct.AnnualRevenue = annualRevenue;
                                   update acct;

- Should I use web services for this (get session, token and login in SF from Note app) in order to connect Aura app with SF dev organization (if yes, could you provide a sample as well)?


We are looking for a programmer who can help us come up with a custom solution to automatic invoicing and payment tracking. This project will take some creativity. If all goes well, we will continue to use your services to improve and make changes to other aspects of our CRM.


Email Steven Caiazza at scaiazza@andersonadvisors.com with your fee and contact info if you are interested.