• John Lin 46
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Hello all,

I'm trying to populate owner's name to Enrollment_Rep__c field on Lead Object based on the profile name.  Everything works till I change the Owner from User to Queue.  I'm running to System.NullPointerException on the trigger.
trigger EnrollmentRep on Lead (before insert, before update) {
    Set<Id> ownerIds = new Set<Id>();

    for (Lead newLead : Trigger.new) {

    Map<Id,User> mapUsers = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Profile.Name, Name FROM User Where Id In :ownerIds]);

    for (Lead newLead : Trigger.new) {
        User oOwner = mapUsers.get(newLead.OwnerId);
        if (oOwner.Profile.Name == 'CEO'){
            newLead.Enrollment_Rep__c = oOwner.Name;

I'm new to the trigger and I'm not sure where to use IF statement Lead Owner != Queue.

Any suggestions will be helpful.

Hello all,

I'm trying to populate owner's name to Enrollment_Rep__c field on Lead Object based on the profile name.  Everything works till I change the Owner from User to Queue.  I'm running to System.NullPointerException on the trigger.
trigger EnrollmentRep on Lead (before insert, before update) {
    Set<Id> ownerIds = new Set<Id>();

    for (Lead newLead : Trigger.new) {

    Map<Id,User> mapUsers = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Profile.Name, Name FROM User Where Id In :ownerIds]);

    for (Lead newLead : Trigger.new) {
        User oOwner = mapUsers.get(newLead.OwnerId);
        if (oOwner.Profile.Name == 'CEO'){
            newLead.Enrollment_Rep__c = oOwner.Name;

I'm new to the trigger and I'm not sure where to use IF statement Lead Owner != Queue.

Any suggestions will be helpful.
