• Himanshu Puranik
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Hello everyone,

I have a checkbox which is tied with a workflow rule to change the record type of an object from one to another. The requirement now is to trigger a duplicate check when this checkbox is ticked. Is it possible to trigger a standard duplicate check salesforce has to notify the user of a potential existing dupllicate which can be overridden and the checkbox is saved as true?

I have a validation rule setup to check if a given picklist value is empty. I have tried following ways but the rule does not trigger:

#Type 1:
ISBLANK(TEXT(picklist ))
(RecordType.Name = "name1" 
RecordType.Name = "name2" 
RecordType.Name = "name3" 

#Type 2:

AND(ISPICKVAL(Picklist , ""), NOT(ISBLANK(TEXT(Text_Field))),OR(RecordType.Name = "name1", RecordType.Name = "name2", RecordType.Name = "name3" ))

Please let me know why this doesn't work. Thanks a lot
Hello everyone,

I have a checkbox which is tied with a workflow rule to change the record type of an object from one to another. The requirement now is to trigger a duplicate check when this checkbox is ticked. Is it possible to trigger a standard duplicate check salesforce has to notify the user of a potential existing dupllicate which can be overridden and the checkbox is saved as true?