• newbiewithapex
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How do I solve this error? If I select other picklist values form the list it gives me asserts error and if I select the mostly used values it give me the error above. I have googled the error and lots of people says uncheck the Restricted picklist checkbox but I will need that box checked in production so I was looking for some solution where I get to keep the box checked and not have the errors. 
public with sharing class CloneListTest {

	static testmethod void testCloneListControllerOne() {
        List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>();
        //Create client Account
        Account clientAccount = new Account();
        clientAccount.Name = 'Client Account';
        //Create partner Accounts
        Account partnerAccountOne = new Account();
        partnerAccountOne.Name = 'Partner Account 1';
        Account partnerAccountTwo = new Account();
        partnerAccountTwo.Name = 'Partner Account 2';
        insert allAccounts;
        Id clientAccountId = [SELECT Id from Account WHERE Id = :clientAccount.Id].Id;
        //Create parent Client Overview record (this will be deep cloned)
        Contract testClientOverview = new Contract();
        testClientOverview.AccountId = clientAccountId;
		testClientOverview.name = 'Client Overview Record';
        testClientOverview.RecordTypeId = System.Label.Program_Agreement_Record_Type;
		insert testClientOverview;
        Id clientOverviewId = [SELECT ID FROM Contract WHERE Id = :testClientOverview.id].Id;
        List<Contract> programOverviews = new List<Contract>();
        //Insert related Program Overview Records
        Contract testProgramOverviewOne = new Contract();
		testProgramOverviewOne.name = 'Program Overview Record 1';
        testProgramOverviewOne.AccountId = clientAccountId;
        testProgramOverviewOne.Program_Name__c = 'Diabetes';
        testProgramOverviewOne.Client_Overview__c = clientOverviewId;
        testProgramOverviewOne.RecordTypeId = System.Label.Program_Schedule_Record_Type;
        Contract testProgramOverviewTwo = new Contract();
		testProgramOverviewTwo.name = 'Client Overview Record';
        testProgramOverviewTwo.AccountId = clientAccountId;
        testProgramOverviewTwo.Program_Name__c = 'Hypertension';
        testProgramOverviewTwo.Client_Overview__c = clientOverviewId;
        testProgramOverviewTwo.RecordTypeId = System.Label.Program_Schedule_Record_Type;

		insert programOverviews;
        //Create Contract-level Partnership Relationship records
        List<Relationship__c> allRelationships = new List<Relationship__c>();
        Relationship__c testRelationshipOne = new Relationship__c();
		testRelationshipOne.RelationshipType__C = 'Contract Path'; //Relationship Type should be "Contract Path"
        //testRelationshipOne.RelationshipType__C = 'Activity Tracking Devices'; //Relationship Type should be "Contract Path"
        testRelationshipOne.Partner_Contract_Partnership__c = [select Id FROM Account WHERE Id = :partnerAccountOne.Id].Id;
		testRelationshipOne.Contract_Partnership__c = clientOverviewId;
        Relationship__c testRelationshipTwo = new Relationship__c();
		testRelationshipTwo.RelationshipType__C = 'Billing Partner'; //Relationship Type should be "Billing Partner"
        //testRelationshipTwo.RelationshipType__C = 'Asthma'; //Relationship Type should be "Billing Partner"
        testRelationshipTwo.Partner_Contract_Partnership__c = [select Id FROM Account WHERE Id = :partnerAccountTwo.Id].Id;
		testRelationshipTwo.Contract_Partnership__c = clientOverviewId;
        insert allRelationships;

        List<List<String>> testSourceInformation = new List<List<String>>();
        //Source Object Name, Child Object Name, Parent Id
        List<String> allInfo = new List<String>{'Contract', 'Contract, Relationship__c', string.valueof(clientOverviewId)};
        List<String> clonedParentId = clientOverviewServices.copyChildRecords(testSourceInformation);
        Contract clonedParentRecord = [SELECT Name, Is_Cloned__c FROM Contract WHERE Id = :Id.valueOf(clonedParentId.get(0))];
        System.assertEquals(TRUE, clonedParentRecord.Is_Cloned__c);
        System.assertEquals(2, [SELECT Id FROM Contract WHERE Client_Overview__c = :Id.valueOf(clonedParentId.get(0))].size());
        System.assertEquals(2, [SELECT Id FROM Relationship__c WHERE RelationshipType__c = 'Contract Path'].size());
        System.assertEquals(2, [SELECT Id FROM Relationship__c WHERE RelationshipType__c = 'Billing Partner'].size());
        //System.assertNotEquals(null, clonedParentId);
		//System.debug(System.assertEquals(0, [select count() from Contact where AccountId =: testAccountTwo.Id]);
Can someone please help me fix the "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error for this method below. I am getting error on 3rd line"testClass.updateStatusNew(null, null);" 
static testMethod void testupdateStatusNew(){
  TaskHandler testClass = new TaskHandler();
  testClass.updateStatusNew(null, null);

  List<Account> acclstnew = new List<Account>();
  List<Opportunity> opplstnew = new List<Opportunity>();

  Set<Id> TestcbrIds = new Set<Id>();
  Map<Id,CBR__c> TestcbrMap = new Map<Id,CBR__c>();

  List<CBR__c> cbrtoConvertList = new List<CBR__c>();
  String aggignedCBRrecId = Schema.SObjectType.CBR__c.RecordTypeInfosByName.get('Assigned CBR').RecordTypeId;

  Account acc = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName', thisUser.Id);
  acc.Account_Class__c = 'Ship To';

  testCBR.Tandem_Account_Name__c= acc.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Due_Date__c = System.today();
  testCBR.CBR_Assigned_By__c = thisUser.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Assigned_Date__c = System.Today();
  testCBR.Risk_Level__c = '';
  testCBR.CBR_Owner__c = thisUser.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Status__c = 'Assigned';
  testCBR.RecordTypeId = null;



  Contact conObj = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createContact('Aron','David', true);

I have this method that send emails to event invitees on event update. I am trying to cover few missing lines but I can't seem to figure it out how. Can someone please take a look and help me out?
public static void sendEmailPostEventUpdate(Event updatedEvent){
        List<EventRelation> eveRels = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
                                       FROM EventRelation
                                       WHERE eventId = :updatedEvent.Id
                                       ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
                                       System.debug('eveRels' + eveRels);
        List<Id> leadRecptList = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> userRecptList = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> contactRecptList = new List<Id>();
        for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
            if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
            else {
        System.debug('Initiating emailSending...');

I have these main class and test class that I am working with. I have it at 76% and only missing 4 lines of coverage. Can someone please take a look and let me know what am I missing here to cover those 4 lines?
public class ARStatementValidate {
    public static String getTandemDivisionNo(String accId) {
        String tandemNo;
        String divisionNo;
        String resp;
            return 'profileCheckFailed';

            for(Account a : [SELECT Id, Tandem_Account_Number__c, Division_Number__c
                             FROM Account
                             WHERE Id = :accId]){
               tandemNo = a.Tandem_Account_Number__c; 
               divisionNo = a.Division_Number__c;  
            if(tandemNo != null && tandemNo != '' && divisionNo != null && divisionNo != ''){
                resp = 'SUCCESSSS';
                system.debug('-----------' + resp + '------------');
                return resp;
                return null; 
   public static boolean isProfileNotToBeAllowed(){        
        SalesforceIds__c profileIds = SalesforceIds__c.getOrgDefaults();
        return (UserInfo.getProfileId().contains(profileIds.Profile_USF_ChefStoreRep__c));

public class ARStatementValidateTest {
    private static User thisUser = [select Id, Profile.Name, Name from User where Id = : UserInfo.getUserId() limit 1];
    private static User testUser = new User();

	@testSetup static void createTestData() {

	    SalesforceIds__c settings = new SalesforceIds__c();
	    settings.Name = 'SF Environment Settings';
	    settings.Profile_USF_ChefStoreRep__c = UserInfo.getProfileId();
      insert settings;

  Static testMethod void verifyURL(){
          Account acc = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName1', thisUser.Id);
          String finalURL = ARStatementValidate.getTandemDivisionNo(acc.id);
          Boolean check ;
          if(finalURL != null)
          	check = true;
              check = false;  	
  Static testMethod void verifyNullURL(){
          Account acc = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName1', thisUser.Id);
          String finalURL = USFoodOnlineSetupFormCntrl.getTandemAccNo(acc.id);
          Boolean check ;

          if(finalURL == null){
          	check = true;
              check = false;
  static testMethod void testElse()
      Account acc = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName1', thisUser.Id);
      Database.insert(acc, true);

      Account acc1 = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName1', thisUser.Id);
      Database.insert(acc1, true);


      Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'USF_TerritoryManager' LIMIT 1];

      List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Tandem_Account_Number__c, Division_Number__c FROM Account];

      User testUser = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createUser('tmtst', profileId.Id);
            String results= ARStatementValidate.getTandemDivisionNo(String.valueOf(accounts[0].Id));     

I have method that used to go back by clicking cancel button. Can someone help me figure out test class for this method?
public pageReference back() {
    pageReference pf;
    if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id') != null) {
        pf = new pageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'));
    return pf;

Below method fetch recommendations and I am not sure how to write test class for this method. Can someone please help me with this? 
public static string getRecommendations(string recId) { 
	string errorMessage;
	Recommendation__c rec = new Recommendation__c();
	rec = [select Id, Name, Account__c, 
		   Account__r.Name, Account__r.RecordTypeId, 
		   Sub_Type__c, Opportunity__c, Description__c, 
		   from Recommendation__c 
		   where Id = :recId limit 1];
	if (String.IsNOTBlank(rec.Opportunity__c)) {
		AuraHandledException e = new AuraHandledException(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('OPPTY_EXISTS_RECOMMENDATIONS_INFO').Value__c);
		throw e;
	else if (rec.Record_Type_Name__c == CS_UtilConstants__c.getInstance('CONVERSION').Value__c && (rec.Description__c == Null || rec.Description__c == '') && (rec.Sub_Type__c == Null || rec.Sub_Type__c == '')) {
		AuraHandledException e = new AuraHandledException(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('CONVERSION ERROR MESSAGE').Value__c);
		e.setMessage(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('CONVERSION ERROR MESSAGE').Value__c);
		throw e;
	return null;

I have this main class which uses webservice callout that I am not familiar with and I need to write test class for that. Can someone please help me figure out this one?
public BectranWebService.bectranServiceResult createCustomer(BectranWebService.bectranServiceRequest arg0) {
    BectranWebService.createCustomer request_x = new BectranWebService.createCustomer();
    request_x.arg0 = arg0;
    BectranWebService.createCustomerResponse response_x = new BectranWebService.createCustomerResponse();
    Map<String, BectranWebService.createCustomerResponse> response_map_x = new Map<String, BectranWebService.createCustomerResponse>();
    response_map_x.put('response_x', response_x);
      new String[]{endpoint_x,
    response_x = response_map_x.get('response_x');
    return response_x.return_x;
public BectranWebService.additionalInfoBean getAdditionalAttributesForCreditApp(BectranWebService.loginInfoBean arg0,String arg1,String arg2) {
    BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditApp request_x = new BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditApp();
    request_x.arg0 = arg0;
    request_x.arg1 = arg1;
    request_x.arg2 = arg2;
    BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditAppResponse response_x = new BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditAppResponse();
    Map<String, BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditAppResponse> response_map_x = new Map<String, BectranWebService.getAdditionalAttributesForCreditAppResponse>();
    response_map_x.put('response_x', response_x);
                             new String[]{endpoint_x,
    response_x = response_map_x.get('response_x');
    return response_x.return_x;

I have a method to get events and I am trying to figure out how to write test class for that method. Please check out the method below and let me know. Thanks!
    /* Method to get events */
    public static Event mGetEvent(string recordId) {
        Event evt = [SELECT Type, Subject, IsAllDayEvent, RecurrenceActivityId, Frequency_Details__c, Location,  OwnerId,  ActivityDate, Description, DurationInMinutes, RecordTypeId, RecordType.Name,
                     EndDateTime,  EventSubtype, WhoId, isRecurrence, IsPrivate, WhatId, ShowAs, StartDateTime, SC_Responsible__c, ROC_Primary_Deployment__c,
                     RecurrenceType ,RecurrenceInterval ,Automatically_Extend_Recurring_Event__c,RecurrenceMonthOfYear,RecurrenceInstance,RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask ,RecurrenceDayOfMonth,
                     FFC_Deployment_Type__c,Inside_Support__c, ROC_Comments_for_Other_Deployment__c, Reminder_Duration_LEX__c, Additional_Attendee_Type__c, Follow_Up_Required__c, FFC_Comments_for_Other__c
                     FROM Event where id=: recordId LIMIT 1];
        if(evt.IsAllDayEvent) {            
            evt.StartDateTime = DateTime.newInstance(evt.StartDateTime.yearGMT(), evt.StartDateTime.monthGMT(), evt.StartDateTime.dayGMT(), 12, 0, 0);
            evt.EndDateTime = DateTime.newInstance(evt.EndDateTime.yearGMT(), evt.EndDateTime.monthGmt(), evt.EndDateTime.dayGMT(), 13, 0, 0);
        return evt;

Here is my method and I need someone to helo me figure out how to write test class for this method.

    public static string getProfileName(){
        Id profileId=userinfo.getProfileId();
        String profileName=[Select Id,Name from Profile where Id=:profileId].Name;
        return profileName;
public without sharing class EventInviteesCntrl {

public List<EventRelation> invitees = new List<EventRelation>();
public List<String> accountCompanyDtls = new List<String>(); 
public List<boolean> redLeadsWithoutEmail = new List<boolean>();
public static List<EventRelation> getEventInvitees(String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Id recordId = (Id)eventId;
String sObjectUsed = recordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();            
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :eventId
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC
Event cbrEvent = [SELECT Id, CBR__c
FROM Event
WHERE CBR__c = :eventId
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :cbrEvent.Id
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC
LIMIT 5]; 
return inviteesList;
public static List<EventRelation> getAllEventInvitees(String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Id recordId = (Id)eventId;
String sObjectUsed = recordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();        
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :eventId
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
else { 
Event cbrEvent = [SELECT Id, CBR__c
FROM Event
WHERE CBR__c = :eventId
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :cbrEvent.Id
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
return inviteesList;

public static Integer getTotalEventInvitees (String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
inviteesList = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
return inviteesList.size();
public static String getApproxEventInvitees (String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Integer size = getTotalEventInvitees(eventId);
if(size > 3){
return ('3+');
public static EventInviteesCntrl getInviteesDtls (String eventId) {
System.debug('get invitees dtls -->'+eventId);
EventInviteesCntrl obj = new EventInviteesCntrl();
obj.invitees = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail = initListBool(obj.invitees.size());
Integer counter = 0;    
for(EventRelation eveRel : obj.invitees){   
if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'Contact'){
Contact con = [select id, Account.Name, email from Contact where id = :eveRel.RelationId];
if(con.email == null || con.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);

else if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'Lead'){
Lead lead = [select id, email, Company from Lead where id = :eveRel.RelationId];
if(lead.email == null || lead.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);
else if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'User'){
User user = [select id, CompanyName, email from User where id = :eveRel.RelationId];

if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);

if(user.CompanyName!=null && user.CompanyName!=''){
obj.accountCompanyDtls.add('US Foods');
return obj;

public static void mRemoveInvitee(String removedEveRelID) {
EventRelation deletingEveRel = [Select id, RelationId from EventRelation where id= :removedEveRelID];

public static UnsavedSelectedInvitee[] mPostAdditionOfInvitees(List<String> selectedInviteesIDs) {
List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee> unsavedSelectedInvitees = new List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>();
for(String sObjID : selectedInviteesIDs){
String sObjAPIName = (Id.valueOf(sObjID)).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();               
Contact con = [SELECT id,name,Account.Name, email from Contact where id= :sObjID];
if(con.email == null || con.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), con.Name, con.Account.Name, 'Contact',true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), con.Name, con.Account.Name, 'Contact'));   
else if(sObjAPIName.equalsIgnoreCase('User')){
User user = [SELECT id,Name,CompanyName, email from User where id= :sObjID];

if(user.CompanyName!=null && user.CompanyName!=''){
if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, user.CompanyName, 'User', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, user.CompanyName, 'User'));
if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, 'US Foods', 'User', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, 'US Foods', 'User'));

else if(sObjAPIName.equalsIgnoreCase('Lead')){
Lead lead = [SELECT id,name,Company,email from Lead where id= :sObjID];

if(lead.email == null || lead.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), lead.Name, lead.Company, 'Lead', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), lead.Name, lead.Company, 'Lead'));

return unsavedSelectedInvitees;


public static List<EventTracker> checkUserAvailability (DateTime currEventStart, List<String> inviteeIDs) {
System.debug('Event start -->'+currEventStart);

List<EventTracker> eventsTrack = new List<EventTracker>();
List<boolean> slotsBooked;
if(currEventStart == null){
currEventStart = System.now();
DateTime conditional_start = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(06,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_end = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(23,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_starts = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(00,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_ends = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(23,00,00,000));

for(String invitee : inviteeIDs){
System.debug('Invitees -->'+invitee);
slotsBooked = initListBool(72);

List<Id> todayEvents = new List<Id>();
for (Event tdEvt : [Select Id FROM Event Where StartDateTime >= :conditional_start AND EndDateTime <= :conditional_end ORDER BY StartDateTime LIMIT 10000]) {

List<Id> userInvites = new List<Id>();
for (EventRelation evtInv : [SELECT EventId FROM EventRelation WHERE RelationId = :invitee AND EventId IN :todayEvents]){
system.debug('todays events where they are an invitee-->' + userInvites);
System.debug('Event ');
List<Event> userEvents = [SELECT Id, OwnerID, Owner.Name, Subject, ActivityDateTime, ActivityDate, DurationInMinutes, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, Description, WhatID, What.Name, WhoID, Who.Name, isAllDayEvent 
      FROM Event 
      where (CreatedById = :invitee
      and StartDateTime >= :conditional_start 
      and EndDateTime <= :conditional_end)
      OR ID IN :userInvites OR (CreatedById = :invitee
      and StartDateTime >= :conditional_starts 
      and EndDateTime <= :conditional_ends)];
System.debug('User Events-->'+userEvents);

for(Event usrEve : userEvents){

Integer index = (usrEve.StartDateTime.hour() - 6) *4;
DateTime counterDt = usrEve.StartDateTime;
boolean isLastQuarter = false;

if(usrEve.DurationInMinutes >= 1440) {
for(Integer i=0; i<slotsBooked.size();i++){
else {
for(Integer i=0; i<usrEve.DurationInMinutes; ){
if(index >= 0){

if(counterDt.minute()>=0 && counterDt.minute()<15){
    slotsBooked.set(index+0, true);
else if(isLastQuarter && index > 0){
    slotsBooked.set(index-1, true);                                    
if(counterDt.minute()>= 15 && counterDt.minute()<30){

slotsBooked.set(index+1, true);
    slotsBooked.set(index, true);                                    
if(counterDt.minute()>= 30 && counterDt.minute()<45){

slotsBooked.set(index+2, true);
if(counterDt.minute()>= 45){

slotsBooked.set(index+3, true);
System.debug('Counter Date : '+counterDt+' ,Index Position : '+index+' ,i : '+i);
counterDt = counterDt.addMinutes(15);

isLastQuarter = true;

index = (counterDt.hour() - 6) *4; 


eventsTrack.add(new EventTracker(Id.valueOf(invitee), slotsBooked));

return eventsTrack;

public static void saveInvitees (boolean saveAllEvents, String eventId, String inviteesJson) {
String eventIdToMap = eventId;//added by Nimitha for defect 583.
List<Id> userInvitees = new List<Id>();

if(eventId!=null && inviteesJson!=null && eventId!='' && inviteesJson!=''){

Event eve = [SELECT id, subject, isRecurrence, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, location, RecurrenceActivityId, isAllDayEvent, Frequency_Details__c FROM Event WHERE id= :eventId LIMIT 1];

List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee> inviteesList = (List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>)JSON.deserialize(inviteesJson, List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>.class);                
List<EventRelation> eventRelations = new List<EventRelation>();
if(saveAllEvents!=null && saveAllEvents==true){                   
eventId = eve.RecurrenceActivityId;

for(UnsavedSelectedInvitee invitee : inviteesList){                  
EventRelation eveRel = new EventRelation();
eveRel.RelationId = invitee.sObjID;
eveRel.eventId = eventIdToMap; 
eveRel.eventId = eventId; 

if(invitee.sObjID.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'User'){

Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = false;
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerOtherEmail = true;
Database.insert(eventRelations, dlo);
System.debug('Sending email...');
sendEmail(userInvitees, eve);
throw new AuraHandledException('Looks like some Exception has occured, kindly try again');
public static void saveInviteesDirectly (string eventId, List<String> addedInviteesId) {

List<Id> userInvitees = new List<Id>();

if(eventId!=null && eventId!='' && !addedInviteesId.isEmpty()){
Event eve = [SELECT id, subject, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, location, isAllDayEvent, IsRecurrence, Frequency_Details__c FROM Event WHERE id= :eventId LIMIT 1];

List<EventRelation> eventRelations = new List<EventRelation>();

for(String invitee : addedInviteesId){
if(invitee != null && invitee!=''){
EventRelation eveRel = new EventRelation();
eveRel.RelationId = invitee;
eveRel.eventId = eventId;                        

if((Id.valueOf(invitee)).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'User'){

Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = false;dlo.EmailHeader.triggerOtherEmail = true;
Database.insert(eventRelations, dlo);

sendEmail(userInvitees, eve);
throw new AuraHandledException('Looks like some Exception has occured, kindly try again');


public static List<String> getTimes (DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime) {

List<String> times = new List<String>();
String str0;
String str1;
String str2;

startDateTime = System.now();
endDateTime = System.now();

String startDt = startDateTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a');
String endDt = endDateTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a');

str0 = String.valueOf(startDateTime.format('MMM dd, yyyy'));
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : startDateTime.hour()) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + ' AM';
if(startDateTime.minute() < 10){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : startDateTime.hour()) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + '0 AM';
else if(startDt.contains('PM')){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==12 ? startDateTime.hour() : (startDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + ' PM';
if(startDateTime.minute() < 10){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==12 ? startDateTime.hour() : (startDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + '0 PM';

if(startDateTime.day() == endDateTime.day()){

str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : endDateTime.hour()) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + ' AM';
if(endDateTime.minute() < 10){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : endDateTime.hour()) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + '0 AM';
else if(endDt.contains('PM')){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==12 ? endDateTime.hour() : (endDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + ' PM';
if(endDateTime.minute() < 10){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==12 ? endDateTime.hour() : (endDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + '0 PM';
str2 = '11:59 PM';}


return times;
public static boolean validateInternalUserIfInvited(String eventId) {

List<EventRelation> eveRelList = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRelList){
if(eveRel.RelationId == UserInfo.getUserId()){//checking if LoggedIn User is invited
return true;
return false;


public static void processUserInviteeResponse(String eventId, boolean isAccepted){

EventRelation eveRel = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
  FROM EventRelation
  WHERE eventId = :eventId
  AND RelationId = :UserInfo.getUserId()
  limit 1];
eveRel.Status = 'Accepted';
eveRel.RespondedDate = System.now();
else if(!isAccepted){
eveRel.Status = 'Declined';
eveRel.RespondedDate = System.now();

public static void sendEmail(List<Id> userInvitees, Event currEvent) {

List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emailList = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
String eventRedirectURL = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + currEvent.Id;

for(Id inviteeId : userInvitees){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();    
User user = [SELECT Id, TimeZoneSidKey FROM User WHERE Id=:inviteeId];

String eventRedirectURL_accept = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/c/ResponseMgmt.app?eventId='+currEvent.Id+'&userId='+inviteeId+'&response=Accepted';
String eventRedirectURL_decline = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/c/ResponseMgmt.app?eventId='+currEvent.Id+'&userId='+inviteeId+'&response=Declined';

List<String> displayUserTime = getTimes(currEvent.StartDateTime, currEvent.EndDateTime, user.TimeZoneSidKey, currEvent.IsAllDayEvent);
email.setSubject('Recurring Event Invitation : '+currEvent.Subject);
email.setSubject('Meeting Request : '+currEvent.Subject);
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Recurring Event Invitation</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Frequency_Details__c+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
  '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
  '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
  '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Meeting Request</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+displayUserTime.get(0)+' '+displayUserTime.get(1)+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
  '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
  '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
  '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');

email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Recurring Event Invitation</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Frequency_Details__c+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
      '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
      '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
      '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>'); 
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Meeting Request</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+displayUserTime.get(0)+' '+displayUserTime.get(1)+' - '+displayUserTime.get(2)+' '+getTimeZoneValue(user.TimeZoneSidKey)+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
      '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
      '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
      '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');

public static List<String> getTimes (DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, String timeZone, boolean isAllDayEvent) {
System.debug('####StartDate before Formatting - '+startDateTime);
List<String> times = new List<String>();
String str0;
String str1;
String str2;

startDateTime = System.now();
endDateTime = System.now();
timeZone = 'GMT';

String startDt = startDateTime.format('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a', timeZone);
String endDt = endDateTime.format('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a', timeZone);

List<String> startDtItems = startDt.split(' ');
List<String> endDtItems = endDt.split(' ');

str0 = startDtItems.get(0);
System.debug('####StartDate after Formatting - '+str0);
str1 = startDtItems.get(1) + ' ' + startDtItems.get(2);
str2 = endDtItems.get(1) + ' ' + endDtItems.get(2);
else if(isAllDayEvent){

DateTime startDt_mod = startDateTime.addHours(12);
str0 = startDt_mod.format('MM/dd/yyyy', timeZone);  
str1 = 'All-Day Event';

return times;
public static String getTimeZoneValue(String timeZone) {
List<String> tzLabel;
String returnStr='';
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = User.TimeZoneSidKey.getdescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry p : ple)
tzLabel = p.getlabel().split(' ');
for(Integer i=0; i<tzLabel.size(); i++)
if(i==0 || i==tzLabel.size()-1){
returnStr += tzLabel.get(i)+' ';

return returnStr;

return 'GMT';

public static List<boolean> initListBool(Integer size){

List<boolean> boolList = new List<boolean>();
for(Integer i=0; i<size; i++){
return boolList;

public class UnsavedSelectedInvitee{

@AuraEnabled public Id sObjID {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String inviteeName {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String accountCompany {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String inviteeType {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public boolean isLeadWithoutEmail {get; set;}

public UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id sObjID, String inviteeName, String accountCompany, String inviteeType){

this.sObjID = sObjID;
this.inviteeName = inviteeName;
this.accountCompany = accountCompany;
this.inviteeType = inviteeType;
this.isLeadWithoutEmail = false;
public UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id sObjID, String inviteeName, String accountCompany, String inviteeType, boolean isLeadWithoutEmail){

this.sObjID = sObjID;
this.inviteeName = inviteeName;
this.accountCompany = accountCompany;
this.inviteeType = inviteeType;
this.isLeadWithoutEmail = isLeadWithoutEmail;

class EventTracker{

@AuraEnabled public Id inviteeID {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public List<boolean> isCurrentSlotBooked {get; set;}

public EventTracker(Id inviteeID, List<boolean> isCurrentSlotBooked){

this.inviteeID = inviteeID;
this.isCurrentSlotBooked = isCurrentSlotBooked;

I am trying cover if loop from EventHandler class but I can't figurer out why this part of the code is not covered. Test class is way too long to post it here so can someone please help me with this?
if(eveRels !=null && eveRels.size()>0){
                  for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
                    if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
                    else {

I have this EventHandler class that I am trying to increse code coverage. I need help figuring out how to handle this if loop. 
if(eveRels !=null && eveRels.size()>0){
            for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
                if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
                else {
I have the test class that is covering most of the EventHandler class but just missing this if loop coverage. Unfortunatly both classes are too big to post here. Can someone help me with this please? 
if (Limits.getQueries() < Limits.getLimitQueries() && !eventOwnerIdSet.isEmpty()) {
            if (userMap == null) {
                userMap = new Map<Id, User> ([select Id, Sales_Coordinator__c, ProfileId from User]);
            for (Event e: scEventList) {
                if (string.isNOTblank(userMap.get(e.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c)) { // current event owner must have an SC
                    if (e.IsRecurrence ) { // if recurring event series
                        e.ownerId = userMap.get(e.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c;
                        System.debug('EventId1' +e.Id);
                        processedRecEventIds.add(e.Id); // add series parent id to avoid processing the child records
                    else if (e.RecurrenceActivityId != null && !e.IsRecurrence) { // if recurring event child
                          System.debug('EventId' +e.Id);
                        Event parentEvt = [Select id, ownerId, whoId, isRecurrence from Event where id= :e.RecurrenceActivityId and isRecurrence=true];
                        //parentEvt.ownerId = userMap.get(parentEvt.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c; 
                        //update parentEvt;
                        system.debug('####New Owner - '+parentEvt.ownerId);
                else if ((e.IsRecurrence || !processedRecEventIds.contains(e.RecurrenceActivityId) || String.isBlank(e.RecurrenceActivityId)) &&
                            userMap.get(memberIdSCIdMap.get(e.Bulk_Item_Indicator__c)).ProfileId != SalesforceIds__c.getOrgDefaults().Profile_USF_SalesCoordinator__c){

I need to write test class for the below class. How do I do that?
public class DataUtil{

private static final String am_time = 'AM';
private static final String empty_Space = ' ';
private static final String split_Time = '\\:';
private static final string number_Twelve = '12';
    public  static Map<Id, Account> populateAccountData(Set<Id> idsSet) {    
        Map<Id,Account> accountDataMap = new Map<Id,Account>();
        Map<String, String> sObjAndAccFld = new Map<String, String>();
        Map<String, Set<Id>> sObjAndIdsMap = new Map<String, Set<Id>>();
        Map<id,Set<id>> ridAndAccIDMap = new Map<id,Set<id>>();
        Set<Id> accountIdsSet = new Set<Id>();
        for(Id recId: idsSet) {//Iteraing the all Related Ids
            system.debug('SSSSSSS : '+String.valueOf(recId.getSobjectType()));
            String sObjName = String.valueOf(recId.getSobjectType());
            if(sObjAndIdsMap.containsKey(sObjName)) { // checking and adding the related id to the appropriate sObject
            else {
                Set<Id> idst = new Set<Id> {recId};
            if(sObjName == 'Account') { //If related Id is ACCOUNT Id then add it to the accountIdsSet
                Set<Id> ridSet = new Set<Id> {recId};
            else {//If related Id is NOT ACCOUNT Id then finding the Id related to which object 
                List<Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> describeObj = Schema.describeSObjects(new String[]{sObjName});
                Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> FsMap = describeObj[0].fields.getMap();
                for (Schema.SObjectField objField: FsMap.values()) {
                    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDesc = objField.getDescribe();
                    List<Schema.sObjectType> referenceObj = fieldDesc.getReferenceTo();
                    if(!referenceObj.isEmpty()){ // determine if field is a lookup field
                        if(referenceObj[0].getDescribe() == Schema.SObjectType.Account){ // determine if field is a lookup to Account object
                            String acctFieldName = fieldDesc.getName(); // get field API name of the account lookup field
                            sObjAndAccFld.put(sObjName, acctFieldName);
        for(String objName : sObjAndAccFld.keySet()) {// Building Dynamic quesy and Ferching the Account Id based on the relaed object
            Set<Id> recIds = sObjAndIdsMap.get(objName);
            String fieldAPIName = sObjAndAccFld.get(objName);
            string soql = 'select id, '+fieldAPIName+' from '+objName+' where id IN: recIds';
            system.debug('QQQQQuery : '+soql);
            for(sObject sObj: database.query(soql)) {                
               //added new condition on 5/3 to check if account is null refer D 1159
              if(sObj.get(fieldAPIName) != null){
                accountIdsSet.add((id)sObj.get(fieldAPIName));// to query the account data adding the account id to accountIdsSet
                if(ridAndAccIDMap.containsKey((Id)sObj.get(fieldAPIName))) {//to map related Id and account Id (One account may have multiple related Ids)
                else {
                    Set<Id> ridSet = new Set<Id> {(Id)sObj.get('id')};
        if(!accountIdsSet.isEmpty()) {
            Map<Id,Account> accountsMap = new Map<Id,Account>([select id, name, Service_Model_Indicator__c, Account_Status__c from Account where Id IN: accountIdsSet]);
            for(Id aid: ridAndAccIDMap.keySet()) { // to get account data in task or event handler based on the related Id we are adding them to map,
                for(Id rid : ridAndAccIDMap.get(aid)) {
                    accountDataMap.put(rid, accountsMap.get(aid));
        return accountDataMap;
     /* Method Name: FindAreaRole
      * Return Type: String
      * Parameters : String divisionNumber
      * Description: This method is used retur
    public static String findArea(String divisonNumber){
        String areaRoleId = ''; 
        UserRole userRole=[Select Id,ParentRoleId,Name from UserRole where Name = : divisonNumber];
        areaRoleId = String.valueOf(userRole.ParentRoleId);
        return areaRoleId;
    /* Method Name: getChildRoles
      * Return Type: Set<Id>
      * Parameters : String parentRoleId
      * Description: getChildRoles takes in the parentRoleId and returns set of childRoleIds. parentRoleId is not included in the set. 
    public static Set<Id> getChildRoles (string  parentRoleId)
        Map <String,Set<Id>> roleMap = new Map <string,Set<Id>>();
        // Build Map of Parent Role Id as the key with a set of it's immidiate child records as the value of the map
        for (UserRole roles  : [Select ParentRoleId, Id  From UserRole where ParentRoleId != null])
            if(roleMap.containsKey(roles.ParentRoleId)  ) {
            else {
              roleMap.put(roles.ParentRoleId,  new Set<ID>{roles.Id});
            //system.debug('Parent: ' + roles.ParentRoleId);
            //system.debug('Set of child: ' + roleMap.get(roles.ParentRoleId));
        Set<Id> childRoles = getRoleSubordinateSet (roleMap,parentRoleId);
        //system.debug('Set of all childRoles: '+ childRoles);
        return childRoles;
    /* Method Name: getRoleSubordinateSet
      * Return Type: Set<Id>
      * Parameters : Map of <ParentRoleId, Set of immidiate child records>, string of roleId
      * Description: Internal recursive method that will return a set of subordinate childRoleIds 
    private static Set<Id> getRoleSubordinateSet (Map <String,Set<Id>> mapRoles, string roleId)
       Set<Id> childRoles = new Set<id>();
        //RK : the below line of code RoleId is added to check if the assigned to role and logged in user role division number
             for(Id id : mapRoles.get(roleId))
                //recursive call 
        return childRoles;  
    /* Method Name: getUserRoleNames
      * Return Type: Map<Id, String>
      * Parameters : Set<Id> UserId
      * Description: getUserRoleNames takes in a set of user Ids and returns a Map with <Id:User Id, String:User Role Name>
    public static Map<Id, String> getUserRoleNames(Set<Id> UserIds) {
          Map<Id, String> UserRoleNames = new Map<Id, String>();
          for(User usr: [SELECT UserRole.Name FROM User WHERE Id = :UserIds]){
             UserRoleNames.put(usr.id, usr.UserRole.Name);
           return UserRoleNames;
        catch(Exception e) 
            return null;
     * Method Name : buildTime
     * arguments : String 
     * returnType : Datetime
  public static Datetime buildTime(String rawTime){
        Integer hrs;
        Integer mns;
            String tme = rawTime.split(empty_Space)[0];
            List<String> tmestring = tme.split(split_Time);
            if(tmestring[0] == number_Twelve){
                hrs = 0;
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
            else {
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0]);
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
        else {   
             String tme = rawTime.split(empty_Space)[0];
             List<String> tmestring = tme.split(split_Time);
            if(tmestring[0] == number_Twelve){
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0]);
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
            else {                
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0])+12;
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
        date dt = date.today();
        Datetime finalDT = Datetime.newInstance(dt.year(), dt.month(), dt.day(), hrs, mns, 0);
      //  system.debug('FFInal time'+finalDT);
        return finalDT;
    /* Method Name: getRoleSubordinateUsers
      * Return Type: Map<Id, String>
      * Parameters : Set<Id> UserId
      * Description: getUserRoleNames takes in a Role Ids and returns a set of user Ids 
    public static Set<ID> getRoleSubordinateUsers(Id roleId) {

    // get all of the roles underneath the user
    Set<Id> allSubRoleIds = getAllSubRoleIds(new Set<ID>{roleId});
    // get all of the ids for the users in those roles
    Map<Id,User> users = new Map<Id, User>([Select Id, Name From User where
      UserRoleId IN :allSubRoleIds]);
    // return the ids as a set so you can do what you want with them
    return users.keySet();

	/* Method Name: getAllSubRoleIds
      * Return Type: Set<Id> currentRoleIds
      * Parameters : Set<Id> currentRoleIds
      * Description: getAllSubRoleIds takes in a set of role Ids and returns set of all Subordinate Role Ids
  private static Set<ID> getAllSubRoleIds(Set<ID> roleIds) {

    Set<ID> currentRoleIds = new Set<ID>();

    // get all of the roles underneath the passed roles
    for(UserRole userRole :[select Id from UserRole where ParentRoleId
      IN :roleIds AND ParentRoleID != null])

    // go fetch some more rolls!
    if(currentRoleIds.size() > 0)

    return currentRoleIds;



I have here the helper class to create task based on custom setting. How do I write test class for this methods in main class. Here is my main
public  class PMO_Task_Assignment {
    public static void PMO_Task_Assignment(List<IDC_Task__c> lstTask){
        // Map to get task order vs. custom setting value               
        Map<String, PMO_TaskAssignment__c> alltasks = PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getAll();  
        // Map to get values to create defect               
        Map<String, PMO_CreateDefect__c> alldefects = PMO_CreateDefect__c.getAll();
        // Map to get task type vs completed IDC Task
        Map<String, IDC_Task__c> tasks = new Map<String, IDC_Task__c>();
        // List of new Task Types
        List<string> lstnewtasktype = new List<string>();
        // List of completed IDC Tasks
        List<IDC_Task__c> lstexistingTask = new List<IDC_Task__c>();
        // List of new IDC Tasks
        List<IDC_Task__c> lstnewTask = new List<IDC_Task__c>();
        // Creating a Map of Task type and completed IDC Task
        for(IDC_Task__c t: lstTask) {           
        // Looping through all values in custom setting and creating list of new task types as well as completed tasks in same order
        for(PMO_TaskAssignment__c task : alltasks.values()) {
        List<Defect__c> lstdefect = new List<Defect__c>(); 
        // Creating new tasks and adding them in the list
        for(integer counter=0;counter<lstnewtasktype.size();counter++){
            if(lstnewtasktype[counter] != system.label.PMO_Task_CodeReview || (lstnewtasktype[counter] == system.label.PMO_Task_CodeReview && lstexistingTask[counter].Build_Task_Type__c == system.label.PMO_TaskType_Customization)){
                IDC_Task__c IDCTask = new IDC_Task__c();
                if(PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getInstance(lstnewtasktype[counter]).Owner_Queue__c != null){
                    IDCTask.OwnerId = PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getInstance(lstnewtasktype[counter]).Owner_Queue__c;
                IDCTask.Assigned_Date__c = system.today();
                IDCTask.Task_Type__c = lstnewtasktype[counter];                      
                IDCTask.IDC_Task__c = lstexistingTask[counter].id;
                IDCTask.Track__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Track__c;
                IDCTask.Request__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c;
                if((lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Found__c == true && (lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Review) || lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Execution))) || (!lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Review) && !lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Execution)))
                if( lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Found__c == true && lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Description__c != null
                           && PMO_CreateDefect__c.getInstance(lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c).Create_Defect__c == true){
                   Defect__c dfct = new Defect__c();
                   Dfct.subject__c = system.label.PMO_Defect_Subject + lstexistingTask[counter].Request_Name__c;
                   Dfct.status__c = system.label.PMO_Defect_Open;
                   Dfct.Defect_Detected__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c;
                   Dfct.Detailed_Description__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Description__c;
                   if(lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c != null)
                        Dfct.Related_Request__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c;
           catch(exception ex){
        // insert the list 
        if(!lstnewtask.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                insert lstnewtask;
                insert lstdefect;
            catch(DMLException ex){

I have a class which has different sort methods and I need help writing test class for those methods. Here is my main class. 
public class TrialCustomerPortalHomePageController {
   User loggedInUser = [Select id,contactId,Contact.AccountId from User where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
   public List<Asset> MyRegisteredProducts {get; set;}
   public List<Case> MyRecentCases {get; set;}
   public List<Solution> TopSolutions {get; set;}
   public List<Idea> PopularIdeas {get; set;}
   public String sortField1 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField1 {get; set;}
   public String sortField2 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField2 {get; set;}
   public String sortField3 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField3 {get; set;}
   public String sortField4 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField4 {get; set;}
   public TrialCustomerPortalHomePageController() {
        MyRegisteredProducts = [select id,Name,SerialNumber,InstallDate,UsageEndDate,Status 
                                from Asset 
                                where ContactId = :loggedInUser.ContactId 
                                order by SerialNumber desc limit 3];
        MyRecentCases = [select id,CaseNumber,Subject,Status,LastModifiedDate 
                         from Case 
                         where ContactId = :loggedInUser.ContactId 
                         order by LastModifiedDate desc limit 3];
        TopSolutions = [select id,SolutionName,TimesUsed,LastModifiedDate 
                        from Solution 
                        order by TimesUsed desc limit 3];
        PopularIdeas = [select id,Title,Categories,VoteTotal 
                        from Idea 
                        order by VoteTotal desc limit 3];
   public void SortProducts(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField1 == sortField1){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField1 = null;
            previousSortField1 = sortField1;
    public void SortCases(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField2 == sortField2){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField2 = null;
            previousSortField2 = sortField2;
    public void SortSolutions(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField3 == sortField3){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField3 = null;
            previousSortField3 = sortField3;
    public void SortIdeas(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField4 == sortField4){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField4 = null;
            previousSortField4 = sortField4;
I have a main class that search contact records and I am looking for any help on how to write test class for this method. Here is my main class look like. I am not fimiliar with @RestResource and @HttpGet.
global without sharing class REST_GetContactsSearch  {

    global static ContactList doGet() {
		RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
        String term = RestContext.request.params.get('term');  
       	String contactQueryStr = 'SELECT Name,Id,Title,Email,Phone,MobilePhone,Account.Name,PhotoUrl FROM Contact WHERE Email != null AND OwnerId = \'' + UserInfo.getUserId() + '\' AND IsDeleted = false';
        if(!String.isEmpty(term) && term.length() >= 2){
            term = '%' + term + '%';
            contactQueryStr += ' AND Name LIKE \'' + term + '\'';
        System.debug('@@@@ contactQueryStr: ' + contactQueryStr);
        List<Contact> contacts = Database.query(contactQueryStr);
		ContactList contactsList = new ContactList();
        contactsList.contacts = contacts;
        return contactsList;
    global class ContactList {
        public List<Contact> contacts;
        public ContactList () {
            contacts = null;

I have this class as a controller for the customer order validate component . I need help writing test class for this one. Any kind of help would be much appreciate.
public class CustomerOrderValidateCntrl {
    public static UserNAccountDetails getParamDetails(String accId) {
        Account acc = getAccountDetails(accId);
        boolean profilecheckfailed = false;
        profilecheckfailed = isProfileNotToBeAllowed();
        system.debug('Tandem: '+acc.Tandem_Account_Number__c);
        return new UserNAccountDetails(profilecheckfailed,acc.Tandem_Account_Number__c,acc.Division_Number__c,getUserDetails());
    public static Account getAccountDetails(String accId) {
        return [SELECT Id, Tandem_Account_Number__c, Division_Number__c
                       FROM Account
                       WHERE Id = :accId
                       LIMIT 1];        
    public static String getUserDetails() {
        User usr = [SELECT Id, Network_Id__c
                    FROM User
                    WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()
                    LIMIT 1];
        return usr.Network_Id__c;        
    public static boolean isProfileNotToBeAllowed(){        
        SalesforceIds__c profileIds = SalesforceIds__c.getOrgDefaults();
        return (UserInfo.getProfileId().contains(profileIds.Profile_USF_ChefStoreRep__c));
    public class UserNAccountDetails{
        @AuraEnabled public Boolean profileCheckFailed {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String tandemNumber {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String divisionNumber {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String networkId {set;get;}
        public UserNAccountDetails(Boolean profileCheckFailed, String tandemNumber, String divisionNumber, String networkId){
I have the Lead converter class and I am stuck on the part where the loop checks the LeadRecordType. Any help is much appreciated

This is the main class code

if (oppID != null) {
            Opportunity opp = [select id, RecordTypeId, StageName from opportunity where id = :oppID];
            system.debug('Initial StageName = ' + opp.StageName);
            //get the oppty "Prospect - Locally Manager" Record type id from custom settings
            if (recordTypeId != null) {

                //Updated by ADUA to have different record types for Opportunity from Converted leads as per Lead Record Type
                String oppRecordTypeId;

                if (leadRecordType.Name == 'ChefStore') {
                    oppRecordTypeId = recordTypeId.RecordType_Prospect_Locally_Managed__c;

                    opp.Type = 'Prospect Locally Managed';
                    //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1547  
                    // SSDR23-321 Prospect Locally Managed Opptys Probability is displaying wrong(%) if there is no stage selected.            
                    opp.StageName = STREET_STAGENAME;
                    //setting shiping date/close date
                    //opp.CloseDate = system.today() + 70;
                else if (leadRecordType.Name == 'street') {
                    oppRecordTypeId = recordTypeId.RecordType_Prospect_Locally_Managed__c;

                    //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1114             
                    opp.Type = 'Prospect Locally Managed';
                    //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1547              
                    // SSDR23-321 Prospect Locally Managed Opptys Probability is displaying wrong(%) if there is no stage selected.
                    opp.StageName = STREET_STAGENAME;
                    opp.CloseDate = system.today() + 70;
                else if (leadRecordType.Name == 'National') {
                    oppRecordTypeId = recordTypeId.RecordType_Prospect_Nationally_Managed__c;

                    //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1114             
                    opp.Type = 'Prospect Nationally Managed';
                    //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1547              
                    // SSDR23-321 Prospect Locally Managed Opptys Probability is displaying wrong(%) if there is no stage selected.
                    opp.StageName = NATIONAL_STAGENAME;
                opp.RecordTypeId = oppRecordTypeId;
            //opp.Type = CS_UtilConstants__c.getInstance(OPPTY_TYPE_CONVERTEDLEAD).Value__c;
            opp.Amount = myLead.Total_Weekly_Potential__c;
            //opp.Probability = Decimal.valueOf(1);

            //Updated by ADUA for SFS-1547 as 'Working' as stageName was not part of National Prospect - Sales Prcoess        
            //opp.StageName = CS_UtilConstants__c.getInstance(WORKING).Value__c;

            opp.Source__c = myLead.LeadSource;
            system.debug('Final StageName = ' + opp.StageName);

I need to cover the LeadRecordType.Name == 'ChefStore' and LeadRecordType.Name == 'National' part
Hi I am trying to run the test and getting " Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void sortList(List<Opportunity>, String, String) from the type superSortTest (Line: 12, Column: 9)" error. Can someone please help me fix the error? 

//Main Class
public class superSort {

    public static void sortList(List<sObject> items, String sortField, String order){
        Boolean isSortFieldReference = false;
        Map<Id,String> referenceName;
        if(items[0].getSObjectType().getDescribe().fields.getMap().get(sortField).getDescribe().getType().Name() == 'REFERENCE'){
            isSortFieldReference = true;
            referenceName = new Map<Id,String>();
            Set<Id> referenceIds = new Set<Id>();
            for(sObject s : items){
            String objectID = (String)items[0].get(sortField);
            String prefix = objectID.substring(0,3);
            String objectType;
            Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
            for(Schema.SObjectType s : gd.values()){
                if(prefix == s.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix()){
                    objectType = s.getDescribe().Name;
            String queryString = 'select Id, Name from ' + objectType + ' where ID IN :referenceIDs';
            for(sObject s : Database.query(queryString )){
        List<cObject> resultList = new List<cObject>();
        Map<object, List<cObject>> objectMap = new Map<object, List<cObject>>();
        for(sObject ob : items){
            if(isSortFieldReference == false){
                if(objectMap.get(ob.get(sortField)) == null){ 
                    objectMap.put(ob.get(sortField), new List<cObject>()); 
                cObject o = new cObject(ob);
                if(objectMap.get(referenceName.get((Id)ob.get(sortField))) == null){ 
                    objectMap.put(referenceName.get((Id)ob.get(sortField)), new List<cObject>()); 
                cObject o = new cObject(ob);
        List<object> keys = new List<object>(objectMap.keySet());
        for(object key : keys){ 
        if(order.toLowerCase() == 'asc'){
            for(cObject ob : resultList){
        }else if(order.toLowerCase() == 'desc'){
            for(integer i = resultList.size()-1; i >= 0; i--){
    public class cObject{
        sObject obj {get; set;}
        public cObject(sObject obj){
            this.obj = obj; 
//Test Class

public class superSortTest {
    public static testMethod void sortAscendingTest(){
        List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
        for(integer i = 0; i<1000; i++){
            opps.add(new Opportunity(Name = 'test' + i, Amount = 1000 * Math.random()));
        Long start = system.currentTimeMillis();
        system.debug(system.currentTimeMillis() - start);
        //Assert the list was sorted correctly
        Decimal assertValue = -1;
        for(Opportunity o : opps) {
            System.debug('Opp value: ' + o.amount);
            System.assert(assertValue <= o.amount);
            assertValue = o.amount;
    public static testMethod void sortDescendingTest(){
        List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
        for(integer i = 0; i<1000; i++){
            opps.add(new Opportunity(Name = 'test' + i, Amount = 1000 * Math.random()));
        //Assert the list was sorted correctly
        Decimal assertValue = 1001;
        for(Opportunity o : opps) {
            System.debug('Opp value: ' + o.amount);
            System.assert(assertValue >= o.amount);
            assertValue = o.amount;
Can someone please help me fix the "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error for this method below. I am getting error on 3rd line"testClass.updateStatusNew(null, null);" 
static testMethod void testupdateStatusNew(){
  TaskHandler testClass = new TaskHandler();
  testClass.updateStatusNew(null, null);

  List<Account> acclstnew = new List<Account>();
  List<Opportunity> opplstnew = new List<Opportunity>();

  Set<Id> TestcbrIds = new Set<Id>();
  Map<Id,CBR__c> TestcbrMap = new Map<Id,CBR__c>();

  List<CBR__c> cbrtoConvertList = new List<CBR__c>();
  String aggignedCBRrecId = Schema.SObjectType.CBR__c.RecordTypeInfosByName.get('Assigned CBR').RecordTypeId;

  Account acc = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createSingleAccount('TestAccountName', thisUser.Id);
  acc.Account_Class__c = 'Ship To';

  testCBR.Tandem_Account_Name__c= acc.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Due_Date__c = System.today();
  testCBR.CBR_Assigned_By__c = thisUser.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Assigned_Date__c = System.Today();
  testCBR.Risk_Level__c = '';
  testCBR.CBR_Owner__c = thisUser.Id;
  testCBR.CBR_Status__c = 'Assigned';
  testCBR.RecordTypeId = null;



  Contact conObj = UTIL_TestDataCreation.createContact('Aron','David', true);

I have this method that send emails to event invitees on event update. I am trying to cover few missing lines but I can't seem to figure it out how. Can someone please take a look and help me out?
public static void sendEmailPostEventUpdate(Event updatedEvent){
        List<EventRelation> eveRels = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
                                       FROM EventRelation
                                       WHERE eventId = :updatedEvent.Id
                                       ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
                                       System.debug('eveRels' + eveRels);
        List<Id> leadRecptList = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> userRecptList = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> contactRecptList = new List<Id>();
        for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
            if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
            else {
        System.debug('Initiating emailSending...');

I have method that used to go back by clicking cancel button. Can someone help me figure out test class for this method?
public pageReference back() {
    pageReference pf;
    if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id') != null) {
        pf = new pageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'));
    return pf;

Below method fetch recommendations and I am not sure how to write test class for this method. Can someone please help me with this? 
public static string getRecommendations(string recId) { 
	string errorMessage;
	Recommendation__c rec = new Recommendation__c();
	rec = [select Id, Name, Account__c, 
		   Account__r.Name, Account__r.RecordTypeId, 
		   Sub_Type__c, Opportunity__c, Description__c, 
		   from Recommendation__c 
		   where Id = :recId limit 1];
	if (String.IsNOTBlank(rec.Opportunity__c)) {
		AuraHandledException e = new AuraHandledException(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('OPPTY_EXISTS_RECOMMENDATIONS_INFO').Value__c);
		throw e;
	else if (rec.Record_Type_Name__c == CS_UtilConstants__c.getInstance('CONVERSION').Value__c && (rec.Description__c == Null || rec.Description__c == '') && (rec.Sub_Type__c == Null || rec.Sub_Type__c == '')) {
		AuraHandledException e = new AuraHandledException(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('CONVERSION ERROR MESSAGE').Value__c);
		e.setMessage(CS_UtilConstants__c.getValues('CONVERSION ERROR MESSAGE').Value__c);
		throw e;
	return null;

public without sharing class EventInviteesCntrl {

public List<EventRelation> invitees = new List<EventRelation>();
public List<String> accountCompanyDtls = new List<String>(); 
public List<boolean> redLeadsWithoutEmail = new List<boolean>();
public static List<EventRelation> getEventInvitees(String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Id recordId = (Id)eventId;
String sObjectUsed = recordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();            
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :eventId
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC
Event cbrEvent = [SELECT Id, CBR__c
FROM Event
WHERE CBR__c = :eventId
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :cbrEvent.Id
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC
LIMIT 5]; 
return inviteesList;
public static List<EventRelation> getAllEventInvitees(String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Id recordId = (Id)eventId;
String sObjectUsed = recordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();        
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :eventId
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
else { 
Event cbrEvent = [SELECT Id, CBR__c
FROM Event
WHERE CBR__c = :eventId
inviteesList = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
FROM EventRelation
WHERE eventId = :cbrEvent.Id
ORDER BY Relation.Name ASC];
return inviteesList;

public static Integer getTotalEventInvitees (String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
inviteesList = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
return inviteesList.size();
public static String getApproxEventInvitees (String eventId) {
List<EventRelation> inviteesList = new List<EventRelation>();
Integer size = getTotalEventInvitees(eventId);
if(size > 3){
return ('3+');
public static EventInviteesCntrl getInviteesDtls (String eventId) {
System.debug('get invitees dtls -->'+eventId);
EventInviteesCntrl obj = new EventInviteesCntrl();
obj.invitees = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail = initListBool(obj.invitees.size());
Integer counter = 0;    
for(EventRelation eveRel : obj.invitees){   
if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'Contact'){
Contact con = [select id, Account.Name, email from Contact where id = :eveRel.RelationId];
if(con.email == null || con.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);

else if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'Lead'){
Lead lead = [select id, email, Company from Lead where id = :eveRel.RelationId];
if(lead.email == null || lead.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);
else if(eveRel.Relation.Type == 'User'){
User user = [select id, CompanyName, email from User where id = :eveRel.RelationId];

if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
obj.redLeadsWithoutEmail.set(counter, true);

if(user.CompanyName!=null && user.CompanyName!=''){
obj.accountCompanyDtls.add('US Foods');
return obj;

public static void mRemoveInvitee(String removedEveRelID) {
EventRelation deletingEveRel = [Select id, RelationId from EventRelation where id= :removedEveRelID];

public static UnsavedSelectedInvitee[] mPostAdditionOfInvitees(List<String> selectedInviteesIDs) {
List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee> unsavedSelectedInvitees = new List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>();
for(String sObjID : selectedInviteesIDs){
String sObjAPIName = (Id.valueOf(sObjID)).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();               
Contact con = [SELECT id,name,Account.Name, email from Contact where id= :sObjID];
if(con.email == null || con.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), con.Name, con.Account.Name, 'Contact',true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), con.Name, con.Account.Name, 'Contact'));   
else if(sObjAPIName.equalsIgnoreCase('User')){
User user = [SELECT id,Name,CompanyName, email from User where id= :sObjID];

if(user.CompanyName!=null && user.CompanyName!=''){
if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, user.CompanyName, 'User', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, user.CompanyName, 'User'));
if(user.email == null || user.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, 'US Foods', 'User', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), user.Name, 'US Foods', 'User'));

else if(sObjAPIName.equalsIgnoreCase('Lead')){
Lead lead = [SELECT id,name,Company,email from Lead where id= :sObjID];

if(lead.email == null || lead.email == ''){
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), lead.Name, lead.Company, 'Lead', true));
unsavedSelectedInvitees.add(new UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id.valueOf(sObjID), lead.Name, lead.Company, 'Lead'));

return unsavedSelectedInvitees;


public static List<EventTracker> checkUserAvailability (DateTime currEventStart, List<String> inviteeIDs) {
System.debug('Event start -->'+currEventStart);

List<EventTracker> eventsTrack = new List<EventTracker>();
List<boolean> slotsBooked;
if(currEventStart == null){
currEventStart = System.now();
DateTime conditional_start = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(06,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_end = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(23,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_starts = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(00,00,00,000));
DateTime conditional_ends = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(currEventStart.date(), Time.newInstance(23,00,00,000));

for(String invitee : inviteeIDs){
System.debug('Invitees -->'+invitee);
slotsBooked = initListBool(72);

List<Id> todayEvents = new List<Id>();
for (Event tdEvt : [Select Id FROM Event Where StartDateTime >= :conditional_start AND EndDateTime <= :conditional_end ORDER BY StartDateTime LIMIT 10000]) {

List<Id> userInvites = new List<Id>();
for (EventRelation evtInv : [SELECT EventId FROM EventRelation WHERE RelationId = :invitee AND EventId IN :todayEvents]){
system.debug('todays events where they are an invitee-->' + userInvites);
System.debug('Event ');
List<Event> userEvents = [SELECT Id, OwnerID, Owner.Name, Subject, ActivityDateTime, ActivityDate, DurationInMinutes, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, Description, WhatID, What.Name, WhoID, Who.Name, isAllDayEvent 
      FROM Event 
      where (CreatedById = :invitee
      and StartDateTime >= :conditional_start 
      and EndDateTime <= :conditional_end)
      OR ID IN :userInvites OR (CreatedById = :invitee
      and StartDateTime >= :conditional_starts 
      and EndDateTime <= :conditional_ends)];
System.debug('User Events-->'+userEvents);

for(Event usrEve : userEvents){

Integer index = (usrEve.StartDateTime.hour() - 6) *4;
DateTime counterDt = usrEve.StartDateTime;
boolean isLastQuarter = false;

if(usrEve.DurationInMinutes >= 1440) {
for(Integer i=0; i<slotsBooked.size();i++){
else {
for(Integer i=0; i<usrEve.DurationInMinutes; ){
if(index >= 0){

if(counterDt.minute()>=0 && counterDt.minute()<15){
    slotsBooked.set(index+0, true);
else if(isLastQuarter && index > 0){
    slotsBooked.set(index-1, true);                                    
if(counterDt.minute()>= 15 && counterDt.minute()<30){

slotsBooked.set(index+1, true);
    slotsBooked.set(index, true);                                    
if(counterDt.minute()>= 30 && counterDt.minute()<45){

slotsBooked.set(index+2, true);
if(counterDt.minute()>= 45){

slotsBooked.set(index+3, true);
System.debug('Counter Date : '+counterDt+' ,Index Position : '+index+' ,i : '+i);
counterDt = counterDt.addMinutes(15);

isLastQuarter = true;

index = (counterDt.hour() - 6) *4; 


eventsTrack.add(new EventTracker(Id.valueOf(invitee), slotsBooked));

return eventsTrack;

public static void saveInvitees (boolean saveAllEvents, String eventId, String inviteesJson) {
String eventIdToMap = eventId;//added by Nimitha for defect 583.
List<Id> userInvitees = new List<Id>();

if(eventId!=null && inviteesJson!=null && eventId!='' && inviteesJson!=''){

Event eve = [SELECT id, subject, isRecurrence, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, location, RecurrenceActivityId, isAllDayEvent, Frequency_Details__c FROM Event WHERE id= :eventId LIMIT 1];

List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee> inviteesList = (List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>)JSON.deserialize(inviteesJson, List<UnsavedSelectedInvitee>.class);                
List<EventRelation> eventRelations = new List<EventRelation>();
if(saveAllEvents!=null && saveAllEvents==true){                   
eventId = eve.RecurrenceActivityId;

for(UnsavedSelectedInvitee invitee : inviteesList){                  
EventRelation eveRel = new EventRelation();
eveRel.RelationId = invitee.sObjID;
eveRel.eventId = eventIdToMap; 
eveRel.eventId = eventId; 

if(invitee.sObjID.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'User'){

Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = false;
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerOtherEmail = true;
Database.insert(eventRelations, dlo);
System.debug('Sending email...');
sendEmail(userInvitees, eve);
throw new AuraHandledException('Looks like some Exception has occured, kindly try again');
public static void saveInviteesDirectly (string eventId, List<String> addedInviteesId) {

List<Id> userInvitees = new List<Id>();

if(eventId!=null && eventId!='' && !addedInviteesId.isEmpty()){
Event eve = [SELECT id, subject, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, location, isAllDayEvent, IsRecurrence, Frequency_Details__c FROM Event WHERE id= :eventId LIMIT 1];

List<EventRelation> eventRelations = new List<EventRelation>();

for(String invitee : addedInviteesId){
if(invitee != null && invitee!=''){
EventRelation eveRel = new EventRelation();
eveRel.RelationId = invitee;
eveRel.eventId = eventId;                        

if((Id.valueOf(invitee)).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'User'){

Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = false;dlo.EmailHeader.triggerOtherEmail = true;
Database.insert(eventRelations, dlo);

sendEmail(userInvitees, eve);
throw new AuraHandledException('Looks like some Exception has occured, kindly try again');


public static List<String> getTimes (DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime) {

List<String> times = new List<String>();
String str0;
String str1;
String str2;

startDateTime = System.now();
endDateTime = System.now();

String startDt = startDateTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a');
String endDt = endDateTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a');

str0 = String.valueOf(startDateTime.format('MMM dd, yyyy'));
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : startDateTime.hour()) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + ' AM';
if(startDateTime.minute() < 10){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : startDateTime.hour()) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + '0 AM';
else if(startDt.contains('PM')){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==12 ? startDateTime.hour() : (startDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + ' PM';
if(startDateTime.minute() < 10){
str1 = (startDateTime.hour()==12 ? startDateTime.hour() : (startDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+startDateTime.minute() + '0 PM';

if(startDateTime.day() == endDateTime.day()){

str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : endDateTime.hour()) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + ' AM';
if(endDateTime.minute() < 10){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==0 ? 12 : endDateTime.hour()) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + '0 AM';
else if(endDt.contains('PM')){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==12 ? endDateTime.hour() : (endDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + ' PM';
if(endDateTime.minute() < 10){
str2 = (endDateTime.hour()==12 ? endDateTime.hour() : (endDateTime.hour()-12)) + ':'+endDateTime.minute() + '0 PM';
str2 = '11:59 PM';}


return times;
public static boolean validateInternalUserIfInvited(String eventId) {

List<EventRelation> eveRelList = getAllEventInvitees(eventId);
for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRelList){
if(eveRel.RelationId == UserInfo.getUserId()){//checking if LoggedIn User is invited
return true;
return false;


public static void processUserInviteeResponse(String eventId, boolean isAccepted){

EventRelation eveRel = [SELECT Id, RelationId, Relation.Name, Relation.type, Response, Status, RespondedDate
  FROM EventRelation
  WHERE eventId = :eventId
  AND RelationId = :UserInfo.getUserId()
  limit 1];
eveRel.Status = 'Accepted';
eveRel.RespondedDate = System.now();
else if(!isAccepted){
eveRel.Status = 'Declined';
eveRel.RespondedDate = System.now();

public static void sendEmail(List<Id> userInvitees, Event currEvent) {

List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emailList = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
String eventRedirectURL = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + currEvent.Id;

for(Id inviteeId : userInvitees){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();    
User user = [SELECT Id, TimeZoneSidKey FROM User WHERE Id=:inviteeId];

String eventRedirectURL_accept = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/c/ResponseMgmt.app?eventId='+currEvent.Id+'&userId='+inviteeId+'&response=Accepted';
String eventRedirectURL_decline = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/c/ResponseMgmt.app?eventId='+currEvent.Id+'&userId='+inviteeId+'&response=Declined';

List<String> displayUserTime = getTimes(currEvent.StartDateTime, currEvent.EndDateTime, user.TimeZoneSidKey, currEvent.IsAllDayEvent);
email.setSubject('Recurring Event Invitation : '+currEvent.Subject);
email.setSubject('Meeting Request : '+currEvent.Subject);
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Recurring Event Invitation</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Frequency_Details__c+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
  '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
  '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
  '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Meeting Request</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+displayUserTime.get(0)+' '+displayUserTime.get(1)+'<br/>'+
  '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
  '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
  '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
  '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');

email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Recurring Event Invitation</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Frequency_Details__c+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
      '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
      '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
      '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>'); 
email.setHTMLBody('&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Meeting Request</b><br/><hr/><br/><br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Subject</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+currEvent.Subject+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>When</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+displayUserTime.get(0)+' '+displayUserTime.get(1)+' - '+displayUserTime.get(2)+' '+getTimeZoneValue(user.TimeZoneSidKey)+'<br/>'+
      '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Where</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; '+(currEvent.Location==null? '': currEvent.Location)+'<br/><br/>'+
      '<center><a href="'+eventRedirectURL_accept+'"><button type="button" value=" Accept " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Accept</button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
      '<a href="'+eventRedirectURL_decline+'"><button type="button" value=" Decline " style="background-color:#0087b5;border:2px solid white;color:white;font-size:12px;padding:5px 15px">Decline</button></a>'+
      '<center>or click <a href="'+eventRedirectURL+'">'+eventRedirectURL+'</a></center>');

public static List<String> getTimes (DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, String timeZone, boolean isAllDayEvent) {
System.debug('####StartDate before Formatting - '+startDateTime);
List<String> times = new List<String>();
String str0;
String str1;
String str2;

startDateTime = System.now();
endDateTime = System.now();
timeZone = 'GMT';

String startDt = startDateTime.format('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a', timeZone);
String endDt = endDateTime.format('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a', timeZone);

List<String> startDtItems = startDt.split(' ');
List<String> endDtItems = endDt.split(' ');

str0 = startDtItems.get(0);
System.debug('####StartDate after Formatting - '+str0);
str1 = startDtItems.get(1) + ' ' + startDtItems.get(2);
str2 = endDtItems.get(1) + ' ' + endDtItems.get(2);
else if(isAllDayEvent){

DateTime startDt_mod = startDateTime.addHours(12);
str0 = startDt_mod.format('MM/dd/yyyy', timeZone);  
str1 = 'All-Day Event';

return times;
public static String getTimeZoneValue(String timeZone) {
List<String> tzLabel;
String returnStr='';
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = User.TimeZoneSidKey.getdescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry p : ple)
tzLabel = p.getlabel().split(' ');
for(Integer i=0; i<tzLabel.size(); i++)
if(i==0 || i==tzLabel.size()-1){
returnStr += tzLabel.get(i)+' ';

return returnStr;

return 'GMT';

public static List<boolean> initListBool(Integer size){

List<boolean> boolList = new List<boolean>();
for(Integer i=0; i<size; i++){
return boolList;

public class UnsavedSelectedInvitee{

@AuraEnabled public Id sObjID {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String inviteeName {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String accountCompany {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public String inviteeType {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public boolean isLeadWithoutEmail {get; set;}

public UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id sObjID, String inviteeName, String accountCompany, String inviteeType){

this.sObjID = sObjID;
this.inviteeName = inviteeName;
this.accountCompany = accountCompany;
this.inviteeType = inviteeType;
this.isLeadWithoutEmail = false;
public UnsavedSelectedInvitee(Id sObjID, String inviteeName, String accountCompany, String inviteeType, boolean isLeadWithoutEmail){

this.sObjID = sObjID;
this.inviteeName = inviteeName;
this.accountCompany = accountCompany;
this.inviteeType = inviteeType;
this.isLeadWithoutEmail = isLeadWithoutEmail;

class EventTracker{

@AuraEnabled public Id inviteeID {get; set;}
@AuraEnabled public List<boolean> isCurrentSlotBooked {get; set;}

public EventTracker(Id inviteeID, List<boolean> isCurrentSlotBooked){

this.inviteeID = inviteeID;
this.isCurrentSlotBooked = isCurrentSlotBooked;

I am trying cover if loop from EventHandler class but I can't figurer out why this part of the code is not covered. Test class is way too long to post it here so can someone please help me with this?
if(eveRels !=null && eveRels.size()>0){
                  for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
                    if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
                    else {

I have this EventHandler class that I am trying to increse code coverage. I need help figuring out how to handle this if loop. 
if(eveRels !=null && eveRels.size()>0){
            for(EventRelation eveRel : eveRels){
                if(!test.isRunningTest()) {
                else {
I have the test class that is covering most of the EventHandler class but just missing this if loop coverage. Unfortunatly both classes are too big to post here. Can someone help me with this please? 
if (Limits.getQueries() < Limits.getLimitQueries() && !eventOwnerIdSet.isEmpty()) {
            if (userMap == null) {
                userMap = new Map<Id, User> ([select Id, Sales_Coordinator__c, ProfileId from User]);
            for (Event e: scEventList) {
                if (string.isNOTblank(userMap.get(e.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c)) { // current event owner must have an SC
                    if (e.IsRecurrence ) { // if recurring event series
                        e.ownerId = userMap.get(e.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c;
                        System.debug('EventId1' +e.Id);
                        processedRecEventIds.add(e.Id); // add series parent id to avoid processing the child records
                    else if (e.RecurrenceActivityId != null && !e.IsRecurrence) { // if recurring event child
                          System.debug('EventId' +e.Id);
                        Event parentEvt = [Select id, ownerId, whoId, isRecurrence from Event where id= :e.RecurrenceActivityId and isRecurrence=true];
                        //parentEvt.ownerId = userMap.get(parentEvt.ownerId).Sales_Coordinator__c; 
                        //update parentEvt;
                        system.debug('####New Owner - '+parentEvt.ownerId);
                else if ((e.IsRecurrence || !processedRecEventIds.contains(e.RecurrenceActivityId) || String.isBlank(e.RecurrenceActivityId)) &&
                            userMap.get(memberIdSCIdMap.get(e.Bulk_Item_Indicator__c)).ProfileId != SalesforceIds__c.getOrgDefaults().Profile_USF_SalesCoordinator__c){

I need to write test class for the below class. How do I do that?
public class DataUtil{

private static final String am_time = 'AM';
private static final String empty_Space = ' ';
private static final String split_Time = '\\:';
private static final string number_Twelve = '12';
    public  static Map<Id, Account> populateAccountData(Set<Id> idsSet) {    
        Map<Id,Account> accountDataMap = new Map<Id,Account>();
        Map<String, String> sObjAndAccFld = new Map<String, String>();
        Map<String, Set<Id>> sObjAndIdsMap = new Map<String, Set<Id>>();
        Map<id,Set<id>> ridAndAccIDMap = new Map<id,Set<id>>();
        Set<Id> accountIdsSet = new Set<Id>();
        for(Id recId: idsSet) {//Iteraing the all Related Ids
            system.debug('SSSSSSS : '+String.valueOf(recId.getSobjectType()));
            String sObjName = String.valueOf(recId.getSobjectType());
            if(sObjAndIdsMap.containsKey(sObjName)) { // checking and adding the related id to the appropriate sObject
            else {
                Set<Id> idst = new Set<Id> {recId};
            if(sObjName == 'Account') { //If related Id is ACCOUNT Id then add it to the accountIdsSet
                Set<Id> ridSet = new Set<Id> {recId};
            else {//If related Id is NOT ACCOUNT Id then finding the Id related to which object 
                List<Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> describeObj = Schema.describeSObjects(new String[]{sObjName});
                Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> FsMap = describeObj[0].fields.getMap();
                for (Schema.SObjectField objField: FsMap.values()) {
                    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDesc = objField.getDescribe();
                    List<Schema.sObjectType> referenceObj = fieldDesc.getReferenceTo();
                    if(!referenceObj.isEmpty()){ // determine if field is a lookup field
                        if(referenceObj[0].getDescribe() == Schema.SObjectType.Account){ // determine if field is a lookup to Account object
                            String acctFieldName = fieldDesc.getName(); // get field API name of the account lookup field
                            sObjAndAccFld.put(sObjName, acctFieldName);
        for(String objName : sObjAndAccFld.keySet()) {// Building Dynamic quesy and Ferching the Account Id based on the relaed object
            Set<Id> recIds = sObjAndIdsMap.get(objName);
            String fieldAPIName = sObjAndAccFld.get(objName);
            string soql = 'select id, '+fieldAPIName+' from '+objName+' where id IN: recIds';
            system.debug('QQQQQuery : '+soql);
            for(sObject sObj: database.query(soql)) {                
               //added new condition on 5/3 to check if account is null refer D 1159
              if(sObj.get(fieldAPIName) != null){
                accountIdsSet.add((id)sObj.get(fieldAPIName));// to query the account data adding the account id to accountIdsSet
                if(ridAndAccIDMap.containsKey((Id)sObj.get(fieldAPIName))) {//to map related Id and account Id (One account may have multiple related Ids)
                else {
                    Set<Id> ridSet = new Set<Id> {(Id)sObj.get('id')};
        if(!accountIdsSet.isEmpty()) {
            Map<Id,Account> accountsMap = new Map<Id,Account>([select id, name, Service_Model_Indicator__c, Account_Status__c from Account where Id IN: accountIdsSet]);
            for(Id aid: ridAndAccIDMap.keySet()) { // to get account data in task or event handler based on the related Id we are adding them to map,
                for(Id rid : ridAndAccIDMap.get(aid)) {
                    accountDataMap.put(rid, accountsMap.get(aid));
        return accountDataMap;
     /* Method Name: FindAreaRole
      * Return Type: String
      * Parameters : String divisionNumber
      * Description: This method is used retur
    public static String findArea(String divisonNumber){
        String areaRoleId = ''; 
        UserRole userRole=[Select Id,ParentRoleId,Name from UserRole where Name = : divisonNumber];
        areaRoleId = String.valueOf(userRole.ParentRoleId);
        return areaRoleId;
    /* Method Name: getChildRoles
      * Return Type: Set<Id>
      * Parameters : String parentRoleId
      * Description: getChildRoles takes in the parentRoleId and returns set of childRoleIds. parentRoleId is not included in the set. 
    public static Set<Id> getChildRoles (string  parentRoleId)
        Map <String,Set<Id>> roleMap = new Map <string,Set<Id>>();
        // Build Map of Parent Role Id as the key with a set of it's immidiate child records as the value of the map
        for (UserRole roles  : [Select ParentRoleId, Id  From UserRole where ParentRoleId != null])
            if(roleMap.containsKey(roles.ParentRoleId)  ) {
            else {
              roleMap.put(roles.ParentRoleId,  new Set<ID>{roles.Id});
            //system.debug('Parent: ' + roles.ParentRoleId);
            //system.debug('Set of child: ' + roleMap.get(roles.ParentRoleId));
        Set<Id> childRoles = getRoleSubordinateSet (roleMap,parentRoleId);
        //system.debug('Set of all childRoles: '+ childRoles);
        return childRoles;
    /* Method Name: getRoleSubordinateSet
      * Return Type: Set<Id>
      * Parameters : Map of <ParentRoleId, Set of immidiate child records>, string of roleId
      * Description: Internal recursive method that will return a set of subordinate childRoleIds 
    private static Set<Id> getRoleSubordinateSet (Map <String,Set<Id>> mapRoles, string roleId)
       Set<Id> childRoles = new Set<id>();
        //RK : the below line of code RoleId is added to check if the assigned to role and logged in user role division number
             for(Id id : mapRoles.get(roleId))
                //recursive call 
        return childRoles;  
    /* Method Name: getUserRoleNames
      * Return Type: Map<Id, String>
      * Parameters : Set<Id> UserId
      * Description: getUserRoleNames takes in a set of user Ids and returns a Map with <Id:User Id, String:User Role Name>
    public static Map<Id, String> getUserRoleNames(Set<Id> UserIds) {
          Map<Id, String> UserRoleNames = new Map<Id, String>();
          for(User usr: [SELECT UserRole.Name FROM User WHERE Id = :UserIds]){
             UserRoleNames.put(usr.id, usr.UserRole.Name);
           return UserRoleNames;
        catch(Exception e) 
            return null;
     * Method Name : buildTime
     * arguments : String 
     * returnType : Datetime
  public static Datetime buildTime(String rawTime){
        Integer hrs;
        Integer mns;
            String tme = rawTime.split(empty_Space)[0];
            List<String> tmestring = tme.split(split_Time);
            if(tmestring[0] == number_Twelve){
                hrs = 0;
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
            else {
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0]);
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
        else {   
             String tme = rawTime.split(empty_Space)[0];
             List<String> tmestring = tme.split(split_Time);
            if(tmestring[0] == number_Twelve){
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0]);
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
            else {                
                hrs = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[0])+12;
                mns = Integer.valueOf(tmestring[1]);
        date dt = date.today();
        Datetime finalDT = Datetime.newInstance(dt.year(), dt.month(), dt.day(), hrs, mns, 0);
      //  system.debug('FFInal time'+finalDT);
        return finalDT;
    /* Method Name: getRoleSubordinateUsers
      * Return Type: Map<Id, String>
      * Parameters : Set<Id> UserId
      * Description: getUserRoleNames takes in a Role Ids and returns a set of user Ids 
    public static Set<ID> getRoleSubordinateUsers(Id roleId) {

    // get all of the roles underneath the user
    Set<Id> allSubRoleIds = getAllSubRoleIds(new Set<ID>{roleId});
    // get all of the ids for the users in those roles
    Map<Id,User> users = new Map<Id, User>([Select Id, Name From User where
      UserRoleId IN :allSubRoleIds]);
    // return the ids as a set so you can do what you want with them
    return users.keySet();

	/* Method Name: getAllSubRoleIds
      * Return Type: Set<Id> currentRoleIds
      * Parameters : Set<Id> currentRoleIds
      * Description: getAllSubRoleIds takes in a set of role Ids and returns set of all Subordinate Role Ids
  private static Set<ID> getAllSubRoleIds(Set<ID> roleIds) {

    Set<ID> currentRoleIds = new Set<ID>();

    // get all of the roles underneath the passed roles
    for(UserRole userRole :[select Id from UserRole where ParentRoleId
      IN :roleIds AND ParentRoleID != null])

    // go fetch some more rolls!
    if(currentRoleIds.size() > 0)

    return currentRoleIds;



I have here the helper class to create task based on custom setting. How do I write test class for this methods in main class. Here is my main
public  class PMO_Task_Assignment {
    public static void PMO_Task_Assignment(List<IDC_Task__c> lstTask){
        // Map to get task order vs. custom setting value               
        Map<String, PMO_TaskAssignment__c> alltasks = PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getAll();  
        // Map to get values to create defect               
        Map<String, PMO_CreateDefect__c> alldefects = PMO_CreateDefect__c.getAll();
        // Map to get task type vs completed IDC Task
        Map<String, IDC_Task__c> tasks = new Map<String, IDC_Task__c>();
        // List of new Task Types
        List<string> lstnewtasktype = new List<string>();
        // List of completed IDC Tasks
        List<IDC_Task__c> lstexistingTask = new List<IDC_Task__c>();
        // List of new IDC Tasks
        List<IDC_Task__c> lstnewTask = new List<IDC_Task__c>();
        // Creating a Map of Task type and completed IDC Task
        for(IDC_Task__c t: lstTask) {           
        // Looping through all values in custom setting and creating list of new task types as well as completed tasks in same order
        for(PMO_TaskAssignment__c task : alltasks.values()) {
        List<Defect__c> lstdefect = new List<Defect__c>(); 
        // Creating new tasks and adding them in the list
        for(integer counter=0;counter<lstnewtasktype.size();counter++){
            if(lstnewtasktype[counter] != system.label.PMO_Task_CodeReview || (lstnewtasktype[counter] == system.label.PMO_Task_CodeReview && lstexistingTask[counter].Build_Task_Type__c == system.label.PMO_TaskType_Customization)){
                IDC_Task__c IDCTask = new IDC_Task__c();
                if(PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getInstance(lstnewtasktype[counter]).Owner_Queue__c != null){
                    IDCTask.OwnerId = PMO_TaskAssignment__c.getInstance(lstnewtasktype[counter]).Owner_Queue__c;
                IDCTask.Assigned_Date__c = system.today();
                IDCTask.Task_Type__c = lstnewtasktype[counter];                      
                IDCTask.IDC_Task__c = lstexistingTask[counter].id;
                IDCTask.Track__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Track__c;
                IDCTask.Request__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c;
                if((lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Found__c == true && (lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Review) || lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Execution))) || (!lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Review) && !lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c.contains(system.label.PMO_Task_Execution)))
                if( lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Found__c == true && lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Description__c != null
                           && PMO_CreateDefect__c.getInstance(lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c).Create_Defect__c == true){
                   Defect__c dfct = new Defect__c();
                   Dfct.subject__c = system.label.PMO_Defect_Subject + lstexistingTask[counter].Request_Name__c;
                   Dfct.status__c = system.label.PMO_Defect_Open;
                   Dfct.Defect_Detected__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Task_Type__c;
                   Dfct.Detailed_Description__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Defect_Description__c;
                   if(lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c != null)
                        Dfct.Related_Request__c = lstexistingTask[counter].Request__c;
           catch(exception ex){
        // insert the list 
        if(!lstnewtask.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                insert lstnewtask;
                insert lstdefect;
            catch(DMLException ex){

I have a class which has different sort methods and I need help writing test class for those methods. Here is my main class. 
public class TrialCustomerPortalHomePageController {
   User loggedInUser = [Select id,contactId,Contact.AccountId from User where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
   public List<Asset> MyRegisteredProducts {get; set;}
   public List<Case> MyRecentCases {get; set;}
   public List<Solution> TopSolutions {get; set;}
   public List<Idea> PopularIdeas {get; set;}
   public String sortField1 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField1 {get; set;}
   public String sortField2 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField2 {get; set;}
   public String sortField3 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField3 {get; set;}
   public String sortField4 {get; set;}
   public String previousSortField4 {get; set;}
   public TrialCustomerPortalHomePageController() {
        MyRegisteredProducts = [select id,Name,SerialNumber,InstallDate,UsageEndDate,Status 
                                from Asset 
                                where ContactId = :loggedInUser.ContactId 
                                order by SerialNumber desc limit 3];
        MyRecentCases = [select id,CaseNumber,Subject,Status,LastModifiedDate 
                         from Case 
                         where ContactId = :loggedInUser.ContactId 
                         order by LastModifiedDate desc limit 3];
        TopSolutions = [select id,SolutionName,TimesUsed,LastModifiedDate 
                        from Solution 
                        order by TimesUsed desc limit 3];
        PopularIdeas = [select id,Title,Categories,VoteTotal 
                        from Idea 
                        order by VoteTotal desc limit 3];
   public void SortProducts(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField1 == sortField1){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField1 = null;
            previousSortField1 = sortField1;
    public void SortCases(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField2 == sortField2){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField2 = null;
            previousSortField2 = sortField2;
    public void SortSolutions(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField3 == sortField3){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField3 = null;
            previousSortField3 = sortField3;
    public void SortIdeas(){
        String order = 'asc';
        if(previousSortField4 == sortField4){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField4 = null;
            previousSortField4 = sortField4;
I have a main class that search contact records and I am looking for any help on how to write test class for this method. Here is my main class look like. I am not fimiliar with @RestResource and @HttpGet.
global without sharing class REST_GetContactsSearch  {

    global static ContactList doGet() {
		RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
        String term = RestContext.request.params.get('term');  
       	String contactQueryStr = 'SELECT Name,Id,Title,Email,Phone,MobilePhone,Account.Name,PhotoUrl FROM Contact WHERE Email != null AND OwnerId = \'' + UserInfo.getUserId() + '\' AND IsDeleted = false';
        if(!String.isEmpty(term) && term.length() >= 2){
            term = '%' + term + '%';
            contactQueryStr += ' AND Name LIKE \'' + term + '\'';
        System.debug('@@@@ contactQueryStr: ' + contactQueryStr);
        List<Contact> contacts = Database.query(contactQueryStr);
		ContactList contactsList = new ContactList();
        contactsList.contacts = contacts;
        return contactsList;
    global class ContactList {
        public List<Contact> contacts;
        public ContactList () {
            contacts = null;

I have this class as a controller for the customer order validate component . I need help writing test class for this one. Any kind of help would be much appreciate.
public class CustomerOrderValidateCntrl {
    public static UserNAccountDetails getParamDetails(String accId) {
        Account acc = getAccountDetails(accId);
        boolean profilecheckfailed = false;
        profilecheckfailed = isProfileNotToBeAllowed();
        system.debug('Tandem: '+acc.Tandem_Account_Number__c);
        return new UserNAccountDetails(profilecheckfailed,acc.Tandem_Account_Number__c,acc.Division_Number__c,getUserDetails());
    public static Account getAccountDetails(String accId) {
        return [SELECT Id, Tandem_Account_Number__c, Division_Number__c
                       FROM Account
                       WHERE Id = :accId
                       LIMIT 1];        
    public static String getUserDetails() {
        User usr = [SELECT Id, Network_Id__c
                    FROM User
                    WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()
                    LIMIT 1];
        return usr.Network_Id__c;        
    public static boolean isProfileNotToBeAllowed(){        
        SalesforceIds__c profileIds = SalesforceIds__c.getOrgDefaults();
        return (UserInfo.getProfileId().contains(profileIds.Profile_USF_ChefStoreRep__c));
    public class UserNAccountDetails{
        @AuraEnabled public Boolean profileCheckFailed {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String tandemNumber {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String divisionNumber {set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String networkId {set;get;}
        public UserNAccountDetails(Boolean profileCheckFailed, String tandemNumber, String divisionNumber, String networkId){