• Gabriel Patrick Salas
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  • Member since 2019

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i am getting this error:

"We couldn't find a field with the label 'Start Location Latitude' and name 'Start_Location_Lat__c'. Double check the instructions and try again."

i do not seem to find anything on this issue. 

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?  please help!
i am getting this error:

"We couldn't find a field with the label 'Start Location Latitude' and name 'Start_Location_Lat__c'. Double check the instructions and try again."

i do not seem to find anything on this issue. 

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?  please help!
Hello all,

I followed the directions in the Trailhead module and clicked https://localhost:8443. I received the below error.

This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

I have internet connection, there is no proxy, and I turned off the firewall. I saw documentation that suggested checking for missing "listen:443". I found it in the nginx.conf file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I'm new to developing in Salesforce and am working on the Define Custom Big Objects unit in Trailhead.  I understand that I'm supposed to make Rider_History__b.object file as well as a rider_history.permissionset and package.xml file.  However, I don't know how to actually begin the process on how to get these files created.

I understand that once it's created I can then use the Workbench to upload the zip file into my trailhead environment, but I can't do that until after the files have actually been created.  How do I do that????  Is it done in an Apex class? Or is it done as a different type of item in the Developer Console? Or is it done a completely different way.

Remember, I'm a newb when it comes to this stuff, so you may need to be a bit more specific than with a more experienced developer.
I am trying to deploy, big objects from workbench. 
By Using Examples mentioned in trail head, I cannot do the same in my org. 
I have followed all the proccess, Can Some help me here.. 
I am trying to deploy the xml package for Customer_Interaction__b.object using the workbench for this unit. However I deploy and get success message in workbench but cannot see any big object.
  • I did see on the unit page it says that the examples are written for api unit 41.0 but my workbench doesnt allow me to go beyond 40. Does this matter?
  • My trailhead playground is on winter 18.
  • Does it matter what the file name for the object and permission set? (I do have the package.xml)
  • I have tried with and without having 'Single package' selected in workbench deploy
  • I have double checked the workbench is logged into the correct org
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Struck on the new trail for the BigObject. Created those Bigobject using workbench. Can see the object on the Org. However, on validating throws up error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Couldn’t find the correct information. Please double check the instructions." bit difficult judge on the problem. I can send the .xml files for verification.