• Akshay choudalwar 3
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I created custom lightning web component and want to show this in my salesforce community.
i added lightning Community__Page in targets but still component is not visible.
Any help will appreciated !
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hey! i am completing 
'Customize the User Interface for a Recruiting App ' challenge but i am not able to find Core Competencies and Core Competencies Comments fields in review page layout. 
this error is showing -'could not find the 'core competencies' section on the page layout or the section is empty'

please have look on it..User-added image
I created custom lightning web component and want to show this in my salesforce community.
i added lightning Community__Page in targets but still component is not visible.
Any help will appreciated !
User-added image
I keep getting the following error message, even after trying in 3 new playgrounds: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.

I followed all of the instructions:
1. Installed unmanaged package in the new playground
2. Added Residential picklist type to Accounts
3. Cleaned up Account list:
a. Removed "Household" from Account name (this wasn't specified, but it didn't seem necessary)
b. Removed duplicate records
c. Changed accounts in ALL CAPS to only cap first letter of first and last name
d. Changed state name to 3 letter State code
e. Saved as .CSV file
4. Imported list using Import Wizard

I received an email confirming the import was successful with 11 rows processed and I see the accounts when I search up accounts in the playground. 

Thanks in advance for any help!