• Manpreet Singh 207
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Hello All,

We have custom field on a visualforce page to cature date/time. It is working fine on Chrome. Here is how it looks in Chrome browser

Chrome behavior

But it doesn't work appropriately in Safari browser. Here is the screenshot from Safari.
Safari behavior

Any idea, how we can tackle this issue.
Has anybody integrated Zoom Meeting with Salesforce to capture registrant records in Salesforce (custom object)? We tried Zoom Webinar integration with Salesforce but inability to make Zoom Webinar collaborative wherein participants are participating and controlling their audio and video is not working well for us. Zoom meeting offers flexibility to our participants to control their audio and video. Hence, we are looking at integrating Zoom Meeting with Salesforce and capture registrant and registration information.

Any inputs will be appreciated.
Hello All,

I would like to track (capture name and date/time) the number of clicks on embedded link in our visualforce page. 

On a high level I think, i will need to create a custom object which will have custom fields

1) Lookup field on user object to capture user name
2) Date/Time field to capture Date/time details

Below mentioned is the embedded link in our visualforce page.

<b><p style="font-size:15px"><br>9:00-9:45 AM -- <a href="https://zoom.us/j/XXXXXXXX">Yoga with XXXX</a></br></p></b> <i><br>This class provides strength and flexibility.</br></i>
Hello All - Working on visualforce page and controller. We have parent object (Authorized Pickup) and child object (Authorized Kid). There is lookup relationship between these 2 objects.

There is custom field in Authorized Pickup object (Unique Key) when when searched should show list of chidren from the related list for the record wherein Unique Key has matched. 

Here is my Visualforce Page

<apex:page showheader="false" Controller="SearchInVFController">
<apex:relatedList list="Authorized_Kid__c" title="List of Kids"/>
    <apex:form >
    <td width="1500px" height="100px" align="center">
    <apex:image url="https://pjcc--fullsand--c.cs43.content.force.com/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/06863000000EBIv"/>
        <br><center><br><b><h1>This is PJCC Authorized Pickup Application</h1></b></br></center></br>
        <center><b><h1>Enter Unique Key: </h1></b><apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Unique Key"/></center>
       <center><apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/></center>
        <apex:pageBlock title="Search Result">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
                <apex:column value="{!a.Child_Name__c}"/>
        <center><apex:commandButton value="Submit"/></center>

Here is my class
public class SearchInVFController {
    public Authorized_Pickup__c apc;
    public list <Authorized_Kid__c> acc {get;set;}
    public String searchKey {get;set;}
    public SearchInVFController( ) {

    public void search(){
        string searchquery='select Authorized_Authorized_Pickup__r.Child_Name__c from Authorized_Pickup__c where name like \'%'+searchKey+'%\' Limit 10';
        acc= Database.query(searchquery);

    public void clear(){

Error: I am getting this error. What am i missing

Didn't understand relationship 'Authorized_Authorized_Pickup__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Error is in expression '{!search}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page atp: Class.SearchInVFController.search: line 10, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
Hello All  - We are planning to integrate PayPal with Salesforce. We basically want to integrate Salesforce NPSP solution with PayPal. This integration will enable us to capture donations made by donors in PayPal mobile/desktop application as Opportunity/Gift in Salesforce. What options do we have here?
Hello All - We have created below mentioned trigger to block emails from creating cases with specific subject lines

trigger manageEmailCases on Case (before insert) {

    List<String> oooSubjects=new List<String>{'OOO','ooo','Automatic Reply','automatic reply','Automatic reply'};
    for(Case thisCase : trigger.new) {
        if(thisCase.Origin == 'Email') {
          // String sub = thisCase.Subject;   
            String s = thisCase.Subject;
             if(oooSubjects.contains(s)) {
                thisCase.description.addError('Not saving e2c');

However, it has blocked an email from case creation with subject 'on line classes'. What could be the issue here?
Hello All - Working on visualforce page and controller. We have parent object (Authorized Pickup) and child object (Authorized Kid). There is lookup relationship between these 2 objects.

There is custom field in Authorized Pickup object (Unique Key) when when searched should show list of chidren from the related list for the record wherein Unique Key has matched. 

Here is my Visualforce Page

<apex:page showheader="false" Controller="SearchInVFController">
<apex:relatedList list="Authorized_Kid__c" title="List of Kids"/>
    <apex:form >
    <td width="1500px" height="100px" align="center">
    <apex:image url="https://pjcc--fullsand--c.cs43.content.force.com/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/06863000000EBIv"/>
        <br><center><br><b><h1>This is PJCC Authorized Pickup Application</h1></b></br></center></br>
        <center><b><h1>Enter Unique Key: </h1></b><apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Unique Key"/></center>
       <center><apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/></center>
        <apex:pageBlock title="Search Result">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
                <apex:column value="{!a.Child_Name__c}"/>
        <center><apex:commandButton value="Submit"/></center>

Here is my class
public class SearchInVFController {
    public Authorized_Pickup__c apc;
    public list <Authorized_Kid__c> acc {get;set;}
    public String searchKey {get;set;}
    public SearchInVFController( ) {

    public void search(){
        string searchquery='select Authorized_Authorized_Pickup__r.Child_Name__c from Authorized_Pickup__c where name like \'%'+searchKey+'%\' Limit 10';
        acc= Database.query(searchquery);

    public void clear(){

Error: I am getting this error. What am i missing

Didn't understand relationship 'Authorized_Authorized_Pickup__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Error is in expression '{!search}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page atp: Class.SearchInVFController.search: line 10, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
Hello All  - We are planning to integrate PayPal with Salesforce. We basically want to integrate Salesforce NPSP solution with PayPal. This integration will enable us to capture donations made by donors in PayPal mobile/desktop application as Opportunity/Gift in Salesforce. What options do we have here?
Hello All - We have created below mentioned trigger to block emails from creating cases with specific subject lines

trigger manageEmailCases on Case (before insert) {

    List<String> oooSubjects=new List<String>{'OOO','ooo','Automatic Reply','automatic reply','Automatic reply'};
    for(Case thisCase : trigger.new) {
        if(thisCase.Origin == 'Email') {
          // String sub = thisCase.Subject;   
            String s = thisCase.Subject;
             if(oooSubjects.contains(s)) {
                thisCase.description.addError('Not saving e2c');

However, it has blocked an email from case creation with subject 'on line classes'. What could be the issue here?

Hi All I have a formula field  which updates a hyperlink on the field called " JOB AIDE" on Case Object  the link is 


I want to track if the link was clicked.How many times and possibly who clicked it. So that I can report on it.


Thanks in advance