• hashir kp
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<lightning-button onclick={getDateHijiri}  label="Hijiri Calendar" variant="destructive" ></lightning-button>
                <lightning-helptext class="slds-p-left_small" content="Click Here to see the Islamic/Hijiri Calendar"></lightning-helptext>
                <div  class="mydiv1" >{hijiriValue}</div>
 <input id="hijrDate" type="text" placeholder="Click to pick a date...">
       var hval = $(this.template.querySelector('.mydiv1')).calendarsPicker({calendar: $.calendars.instance('islamic')});
       hijiriValue = hval;
here iam using some Scripts in my LWC where i added in my Static resources.here iam able to show the calendar in div section but i need to show when input field is clicked and need to return the selected date in my input field.

so how can i achieve this requirement?
any help would be useful for me
Hi, i would like to see opportunities if any for conatcs added as campaign memeber in campaign object. how can we achieve this? if we are using trigger how to achieve this requirement
Hi, i would like to see opportunities if any for conatcs added as campaign memeber in campaign object. how can we achieve this? if we are using trigger how to achieve this requirement
I'm stuck on the SOSL query challenge in trailhead. can't write the method.
