• Baljeet Lalotra
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AS per the documentation of the Batch Apex Governing Limit at location
"https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_gov_limits.htm" , the Per-Transaction Apex Limits for the Total number of DML statements issued is 150.

Does this also means that in one go the maximum number of high volume platform events messages  which can be published in a batch in  "publish after commit" mode is 150?

As per the Salesforce documentation for Batch Apex governing limit is  (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_gov_limits.htm), the maximum  number of push notifications that can be sent in each push notification method call is 2000 and the maximum message size is 1MB. So in this case do we need to allocate a buffer size of 2GB (2000*1000=2GB) for running our integration on CometD client side?
Is there a way in which we can control a Platform Event messages flow from the cometD Server to cometD Client by requesting from the cometD Client i.e can a cometD client can ask the cometD server  for stopping the sending of further messages till the messages lying with cometD client are processed.

Hi All,
The platform Events documentation at below link:-
which talks about "Subscription to Platform Event Notifications with CometD" says that " a CometD client can receive a batch of events at once. The number of event messages in a batch can vary. If the client uses a buffer for the received events, ensure that the buffer size is large enough to hold all event messages in the batch. The buffer size needed depends on the publishing rate and the event message size."

Question/Query:- Is there a way in which we can control the the publishing rate by Salesforce when we are publishing using the Apex Trigger on Salesforce side.

Hi Team,

I'm currently using the Simple Email API (/services/data/v58.0/actions/standard/emailSimple) for sending emails. I'm passing "emailTemplateId" (Template Id), "recipientId" (ID of a Contact), and setting "logEmailOnSend" to true. However, every time I try to test, I receive the following exception:

"errors": [
        "statusCode": "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION",
        "message": "An error occurred. Try again, or contact Salesforce Customer Support and provide this error ID: 1057582836-221577 (1125190724)",
        "fields": []
Even when I test with only "emailTemplateId" and "recipientId," the same exception occurs.

I've attempted this with multiple accounts, but the result is the same. When I try with version 57 and lower, I get the following error:

        "statusCode": "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION",
        "message": null,
        "fields": []
I'm not sure what's causing this issue. Could someone please help? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.