• Dominik Picker 14
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I have questions about the Describe Global REST endpoint (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_describeGlobal.htm) to retrieve meta-data regarding all sObjects for a particular Salesforce organization:
  1. The response is pretty large, I am however just interested in a few fields per sObject (createable, retrievable, updateable). Is it possible to limit the response to selected fields? Using the "fields" query parameter which can be used when retrieving a specific sObject does not seem to work here.
  2. The response contains the field "maxBatchSize" with the default value 200. I am afraid that I miss some objects like this, however it seems like there is no way to increase this limit per request? The header "Sforce-Query-Options" seems not to work for this endpoint. There is also no link in the response header to potentially retrieve the next page of results.
Thanks a lot for your help!

I have questions about the Describe Global REST endpoint (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_describeGlobal.htm) to retrieve meta-data regarding all sObjects for a particular Salesforce organization:
  1. The response is pretty large, I am however just interested in a few fields per sObject (createable, retrievable, updateable). Is it possible to limit the response to selected fields? Using the "fields" query parameter which can be used when retrieving a specific sObject does not seem to work here.
  2. The response contains the field "maxBatchSize" with the default value 200. I am afraid that I miss some objects like this, however it seems like there is no way to increase this limit per request? The header "Sforce-Query-Options" seems not to work for this endpoint. There is also no link in the response header to potentially retrieve the next page of results.
Thanks a lot for your help!