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Hi Guys,
I have a requirement to pass string "year" value dynamically to batch apex class from custom metadatatype. How can I achieve this to pass string value from custom metadatatype to batchclass and filter the records based on year value in SOQL query
Hi Guys

How to check whether the user have edit access on opportunity before editing the opportunity using apex code. How can this be implemented using CRUD operation.
How to write apex trigger to update userrole on Opportunity split object when Opportunity object stage value is set to closed won or closed lost.How can I achieve this
Hi Guys,

I have trigger on Opportunity object  with events insert,update and delete and batch class which updates the same Opportunity object, how can I write test class only for  batch class.

When I am writing test class coverage only for batch class and inserting test Opportunity data, the test code covering trigger also and throw error System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. How can I skip executing trigger code from test class execution which should only cover batch class. How can I achieve this

Hi Guys,
Here is the batch class, how to write test coverage for batch class

public class ServiceBatchable implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful {
    private Id lastJobId = null;
    private Id serRecTypeId = null;
    public ServiceBatchable () {
  public Database.QueryLoSeror start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        Integer limitInt = 10000;
        List<AsyncApexJob> aajList = new List<AsyncApexJob>();
                                if(lastJobId!=null && lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
             aajList.addAll([SELECT Id, Status, CompletedDate FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ID =: lastJobId and JobType!='BatchApexWorker' and Status not in ('Aborted','Completed','Failed')]);
                                if(lastJobId==null || aajList.isEmpty()) {
            lastJobId = BC.getJobId();
            if(serRecTypeId ==null) {
                RecordType rt = opportunityRTMap.get('Service Record');
                if(rt!=null) {
                   serRecTypeId = rt.Id;
        if(lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
            limitInt = 0;
            System.debug('ServiceBatchable: Previous Job alive still - aborting '+BC.getJobId());
return Database.getQueryLocator([
            select id,CurrencyIsoCode,StageName,Ser_Currency_Code__c,Ser_Line_Item_ID__c,Ser_Duration__c,Ser_Start_Date__c,Ser_Monthly_Amount__c,SER_Updated__c
            from Opportunity where
             ((StageName='1 - Lead' and Ser_Line_Item_ID__c != null) or (StageName!='1 - Lead')) and
             SER_Updated__c = true and
             External_Id__c != null and
             RecordTypeId=: serRecTypeId and
             limit :limitInt
 public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> scope){
        Map<Id,OpportunityLineItem> opportunityLineItemMap = new Map<Id,OpportunityLineItem>();
        for(OpportunityLineItem oli : [select id,OpportunityId,X2022_Revenue__c,X2023_Revenue__c,Wave__c,UnitPrice,ServiceDate,Seats__c,Quantity,PricebookEntryId,Language__c,FTE__c,Delivery_LoSerion__c from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in :scope]) {
        List<OpportunityLineItem> removeOpportunityLineItemList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
        List<Opportunity> newScope = new List<Opportunity>();
        List<Opportunity> alteredScope = new List<Opportunity>();
        for(Opportunity o: scope) {
            if(o.StageName=='1 - Lead' && opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = null;
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && o.CurrencyIsoCode!=o.Ser_Currency_Code__c) {
                if(opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = null;
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)){
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && !opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)){
        // Delete those marked as invalid
        delete removeOpportunityLineItemList;
        // Remove old reference after we delete
        update alteredScope;
        // Opportunity map.
                                Map<Id,Opportunity> ServiceOpportunityMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>(newScope);
        List<OpportunityLineItem> upsertOpportunityLineItemID = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

        // Populate ServicePriceBookEntryMap with map of ISO code to ID
                                Map<String,PricebookEntry> ServicePriceBookEntryMap = new Map<String,PricebookEntry>();
        for(PricebookEntry pbe : [select id, CurrencyisoCode from PricebookEntry where ProductCode = 'Ser']) {
            if(!ServicePriceBookEntryMap.containsKey(pbe.CurrencyIsoCode)) {
for(Opportunity o: newScope) {
            Id pricebookEntryId = null;
            if(ServicePriceBookEntryMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Currency_Code__c)) {
                pricebookEntryId = ServicePriceBookEntryMap.get(o.Ser_Currency_Code__c).Id;
            OpportunityLineItem oli;
            // get old lineitem
            if(opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                oli = opportunityLineItemMap.get(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c);
            // if none found create new one and setup defaults
            if(oli==null) {
                oli = new OpportunityLineItem();
                oli.OpportunityId = o.Id;
                oli.PricebookEntryId = pricebookEntryId;
                oli.Seats__c = 0;
                oli.Wave__c = '1';
                oli.X2023_Revenue__c = 0;
                oli.X2022_Revenue__c = 0;
                oli.Delivery_LoSerion__c = 'Other';
                oli.FTE__c = 0;
                oli.Language__c = 'English';
            // New or Update copy these fields
            oli.Quantity = Math.max(1,o.Ser_Duration__c);
            oli.ServiceDate = o.Ser_Start_Date__c;
            oli.UnitPrice = o.Ser_Monthly_Amount__c;
       if(!upsertOpportunityLineItemID.isEmpty()) {
            upsert upsertOpportunityLineItemID;
            for(OpportunityLineItem oli : upsertOpportunityLineItemID) {
                Opportunity o = ServiceOpportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId);
                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = oli.Id;
                o.SER_Updated__c = false;
            update newScope;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){       
        if(BC.getJobId()==lastJobId) {
private Map<String,RecordType> opportunityRTMap = getRecordTypeMap('Opportunity');
private List<RecordType> getRecordTypes(String[] objects) {
        return [SELECT Id, name, SObjectType FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType in :objects order by SobjectType, Name];
private Map<String,RecordType> getRecordTypeMap(String objectName) {
        Map<String,RecordType> target = new Map<String,RecordType>();
        for(RecordType r : getRecordTypes(new String[] {objectName})) {
        return target;
   private Map<String,RecordType> getRecordTypeMap(String[] objects) {
        Map<String,RecordType> target = new Map<String,RecordType>();
        for(RecordType r : getRecordTypes(objects)) {
        return target;
     public static ID execute() {
        try {
            return System.scheduleBatch(new ServiceBatchable(),'ServiceBatchable',1,200);
        } Catch (Exception ex) {
            // We don't care that another is setup
        return null;

Hi Guys,

I am writing test class and my test code fails to cover below highlighted code and which inturn does not include execute method in the coverage. Let me know how to include code to fulfill below condition

public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        Integer limitInt = 10000;
        List<AsyncApexJob> aajList = new List<AsyncApexJob>();
                                if(lastJobId!=null && lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
             aajList.addAll([SELECT Id, Status, CompletedDate FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ID =: lastJobId and JobType!='BatchApexWorker' and Status not in ('Aborted','Completed','Failed')]);
if(lastJobId==null || aajList.isEmpty()) {
            lastJobId = BC.getJobId();

User-added image

the if condition in the above code is failing.

Hi Guys,
I have a requirement to pass string "year" value dynamically to batch apex class from custom metadatatype. How can I achieve this to pass string value from custom metadatatype to batchclass and filter the records based on year value in SOQL query
How to write apex trigger to update userrole on Opportunity split object when Opportunity object stage value is set to closed won or closed lost.How can I achieve this
Hi Guys,
Here is the batch class, how to write test coverage for batch class

public class ServiceBatchable implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful {
    private Id lastJobId = null;
    private Id serRecTypeId = null;
    public ServiceBatchable () {
  public Database.QueryLoSeror start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        Integer limitInt = 10000;
        List<AsyncApexJob> aajList = new List<AsyncApexJob>();
                                if(lastJobId!=null && lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
             aajList.addAll([SELECT Id, Status, CompletedDate FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ID =: lastJobId and JobType!='BatchApexWorker' and Status not in ('Aborted','Completed','Failed')]);
                                if(lastJobId==null || aajList.isEmpty()) {
            lastJobId = BC.getJobId();
            if(serRecTypeId ==null) {
                RecordType rt = opportunityRTMap.get('Service Record');
                if(rt!=null) {
                   serRecTypeId = rt.Id;
        if(lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
            limitInt = 0;
            System.debug('ServiceBatchable: Previous Job alive still - aborting '+BC.getJobId());
return Database.getQueryLocator([
            select id,CurrencyIsoCode,StageName,Ser_Currency_Code__c,Ser_Line_Item_ID__c,Ser_Duration__c,Ser_Start_Date__c,Ser_Monthly_Amount__c,SER_Updated__c
            from Opportunity where
             ((StageName='1 - Lead' and Ser_Line_Item_ID__c != null) or (StageName!='1 - Lead')) and
             SER_Updated__c = true and
             External_Id__c != null and
             RecordTypeId=: serRecTypeId and
             limit :limitInt
 public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> scope){
        Map<Id,OpportunityLineItem> opportunityLineItemMap = new Map<Id,OpportunityLineItem>();
        for(OpportunityLineItem oli : [select id,OpportunityId,X2022_Revenue__c,X2023_Revenue__c,Wave__c,UnitPrice,ServiceDate,Seats__c,Quantity,PricebookEntryId,Language__c,FTE__c,Delivery_LoSerion__c from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in :scope]) {
        List<OpportunityLineItem> removeOpportunityLineItemList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
        List<Opportunity> newScope = new List<Opportunity>();
        List<Opportunity> alteredScope = new List<Opportunity>();
        for(Opportunity o: scope) {
            if(o.StageName=='1 - Lead' && opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = null;
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && o.CurrencyIsoCode!=o.Ser_Currency_Code__c) {
                if(opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = null;
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)){
            } else if(o.StageName!='1 - Lead' && !opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)){
        // Delete those marked as invalid
        delete removeOpportunityLineItemList;
        // Remove old reference after we delete
        update alteredScope;
        // Opportunity map.
                                Map<Id,Opportunity> ServiceOpportunityMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>(newScope);
        List<OpportunityLineItem> upsertOpportunityLineItemID = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

        // Populate ServicePriceBookEntryMap with map of ISO code to ID
                                Map<String,PricebookEntry> ServicePriceBookEntryMap = new Map<String,PricebookEntry>();
        for(PricebookEntry pbe : [select id, CurrencyisoCode from PricebookEntry where ProductCode = 'Ser']) {
            if(!ServicePriceBookEntryMap.containsKey(pbe.CurrencyIsoCode)) {
for(Opportunity o: newScope) {
            Id pricebookEntryId = null;
            if(ServicePriceBookEntryMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Currency_Code__c)) {
                pricebookEntryId = ServicePriceBookEntryMap.get(o.Ser_Currency_Code__c).Id;
            OpportunityLineItem oli;
            // get old lineitem
            if(opportunityLineItemMap.containsKey(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c)) {
                oli = opportunityLineItemMap.get(o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c);
            // if none found create new one and setup defaults
            if(oli==null) {
                oli = new OpportunityLineItem();
                oli.OpportunityId = o.Id;
                oli.PricebookEntryId = pricebookEntryId;
                oli.Seats__c = 0;
                oli.Wave__c = '1';
                oli.X2023_Revenue__c = 0;
                oli.X2022_Revenue__c = 0;
                oli.Delivery_LoSerion__c = 'Other';
                oli.FTE__c = 0;
                oli.Language__c = 'English';
            // New or Update copy these fields
            oli.Quantity = Math.max(1,o.Ser_Duration__c);
            oli.ServiceDate = o.Ser_Start_Date__c;
            oli.UnitPrice = o.Ser_Monthly_Amount__c;
       if(!upsertOpportunityLineItemID.isEmpty()) {
            upsert upsertOpportunityLineItemID;
            for(OpportunityLineItem oli : upsertOpportunityLineItemID) {
                Opportunity o = ServiceOpportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId);
                o.Ser_Line_Item_ID__c = oli.Id;
                o.SER_Updated__c = false;
            update newScope;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){       
        if(BC.getJobId()==lastJobId) {
private Map<String,RecordType> opportunityRTMap = getRecordTypeMap('Opportunity');
private List<RecordType> getRecordTypes(String[] objects) {
        return [SELECT Id, name, SObjectType FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType in :objects order by SobjectType, Name];
private Map<String,RecordType> getRecordTypeMap(String objectName) {
        Map<String,RecordType> target = new Map<String,RecordType>();
        for(RecordType r : getRecordTypes(new String[] {objectName})) {
        return target;
   private Map<String,RecordType> getRecordTypeMap(String[] objects) {
        Map<String,RecordType> target = new Map<String,RecordType>();
        for(RecordType r : getRecordTypes(objects)) {
        return target;
     public static ID execute() {
        try {
            return System.scheduleBatch(new ServiceBatchable(),'ServiceBatchable',1,200);
        } Catch (Exception ex) {
            // We don't care that another is setup
        return null;

Hi Guys,

I am writing test class and my test code fails to cover below highlighted code and which inturn does not include execute method in the coverage. Let me know how to include code to fulfill below condition

public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        Integer limitInt = 10000;
        List<AsyncApexJob> aajList = new List<AsyncApexJob>();
                                if(lastJobId!=null && lastJobId!=BC.getJobId()) {
             aajList.addAll([SELECT Id, Status, CompletedDate FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ID =: lastJobId and JobType!='BatchApexWorker' and Status not in ('Aborted','Completed','Failed')]);
if(lastJobId==null || aajList.isEmpty()) {
            lastJobId = BC.getJobId();

User-added image

the if condition in the above code is failing.