• Shubham Sinha 56
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I have one scenarion where I am getting output in JSON format . 
JSON - {"SystemModstamp":{"oldValue":"2021-06-10T08:32:25.000Z","value":"2021-06-10T09:03:24.000Z"},"Status":{"oldValue":"New","value":"Accept"}}

I want to use this output in IF condition in my JS of lightning component. Like if Status Value is' Accept' then do my logic.
P.S.  SystemModstamp, Status both are fields of Lead.

Please help me on this. Thanks in advance
I have developed a Vf page in which I am showing an alert when a lead status is changed to 'Working'. It is working fine but everytime I open that record I see the alert but my requirement is to show only for once when a status is changed to working. How to do that.
<apex:page standardController="Lead" lightningStylesheets="true" rendered="{!Lead.Status ='Working'}">
<script type ="text/javascript">
window.alert("Your lead is now in ‘Working’ status. You have 5 business days to progress");

Hello ,

I have a requirement where i need to show a modal/popup/ toast message whenever a lead status is changed to working. When a status is changed to working at that time only that popup or modal or message should be displayed.
Title - Your lead is in working status now.
Plese help me in order to cater this requirement.Thanks in advance
Hello Everyone,

I have a requirement where I need to send an email alert to the owner of the lead if a Lead has been in 'New' Status for 48 hours i.e. after 48 hours owner should get an email if the status remains 'New' for 48 hours  and also if the same lead has been in "Working" status for 5 days ,after 5 days also i need to send an email alert to the owner of the lead.
Can i perform both the action from a single batch. If yes then how can I query for both the condition.Please help me on this.

I am getting an error(attaching the error) when i am adding a condition like ISChanged( custom boolean field) as True wih the advanced option is checked in a process builder.
I need to add schedule action so i have to check the 'Advanced option' but this advanced option is not working if ISCHANGED is used in process builderr.
Is there any way to do this with ISCHANGED function.
User-added image
I have a requirement where i need to show the no. of hours (Now - Created Date) in the email template but I donot want to create a formula field rather want to create the same formula in HTML template itself. 
Could anyone please help me on this.

I have a requirement to create a lightning path and if I hover on the different status of Lead it should give the no. of days a particular status has been in similiar like we have a standard functionality for Opportunity Path.
Could anyone please help me on this. Thanks in advance
Hello ,

I have a requirement where i need to show a modal/popup/ toast message whenever a lead status is changed to working. When a status is changed to working at that time only that popup or modal or message should be displayed.
Title - Your lead is in working status now.
Plese help me in order to cater this requirement.Thanks in advance
Hello ,

I have a requirement where i need to show a modal/popup/ toast message whenever a lead status is changed to working. When a status is changed to working at that time only that popup or modal or message should be displayed.
Title - Your lead is in working status now.
Plese help me in order to cater this requirement.Thanks in advance
I have a requirement where i need to show the no. of hours (Now - Created Date) in the email template but I donot want to create a formula field rather want to create the same formula in HTML template itself. 
Could anyone please help me on this.