• Sachin Kumar 255
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Hi All,

We are migrating articles from external application into lightning knowledge.

All of those articles are already in published status and accessible to end customer through external website. Now i would like to move these into ligjtning knowledge through bulk api and inserting into knowledge__kav object. Challenge is Salesforce doesnt allow me to imsert articles with status as "published" but allows me to insert as "Draft". It throws some permission related error.

Any solution to overcome this problem so that i can insert articles direcly with "Publish" status.

Hi All,

We are migrating articles from external application into lightning knowledge.

All of those articles are already in published status and accessible to end customer through external website. Now i would like to move these into ligjtning knowledge through bulk api and inserting into knowledge__kav object. Challenge is Salesforce doesnt allow me to imsert articles with status as "published" but allows me to insert as "Draft". It throws some permission related error.

Any solution to overcome this problem so that i can insert articles direcly with "Publish" status.


Hi, I can query on ContentDistribution the url of a file that I manually shared with external.

Is it possible to generate that url from Apex?


I have a requirement where the Knowledge article created user should not be able to 'publish' the article, so I have created a validation rule: 
ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) &&  ($User.Id  =  CreatedById)
I am not worried about the createdByID for now, but ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) doesnt work in validation rule. Even if I just give ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) in validation rule, Salesforce allows me to publish the article. Clearly the PublishStatus value is changed from 'Draft' to 'Online' , but validation rule doesnt fire. I did try process builder as well, but with no luck.As there are no triggers for Knowledge articles at the moment, validation rule / process builder seem to be the only way 

Please could you help me if you have come across this situation ? 

Thank you.

Can we create Knowledge articles programatically using Apex code in salesforce?