• rishabh rathor 28
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While uploading two small contentassets with sfdx I get a "storage limit exceeded". But the storage usage looks good
User-added image
How can this happen? How can I upload my files?
I want to create an zip file with APEX, my requirement is to extract all the documents related to an object and archive it as a zip file.
Files could be images, text, word or CSV etc.

I have tried this Link - https://github.com/pdalcol/Zippex, but it gives me a APEX CPU Limit exceeded error when I try to compress multiple files at once.

Please provide information or tell another way to solve this error using APEX?
Do you know of any good tool to compare Profiles and Permission sets amongst themselves so as to clean and optimise an org with far too many Profiles & Permission sets?

Ideally, I am thinking of a tool that would flesh out the permissions of each Profile & Perm set and facilitate comparison.

Thank you.
  • April 01, 2020
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I am working on cleaning up our Org and we have a ton of inactive workflow rules that need deleting. 
Hello all , 
I want to insert bulk records in custom metadata type , but except using custom metadataloader because i dont want any related contains like apex class , triggers etc after uninstalling or deleting custom metadata loader .... Help me on this ...
Thanks in advanced ... 
I have a requirement where i need to delete few Account records from my Production and do backup for them in seperate sandbox.Backup of Accounts should also include all its related lists data including ATTACHMENTS.Am unable to export& backup attachments on those specific records that are to be deleted.

I did "Data Export" and also i exported through Data Loader using "Attachments" Object but i couldn't get any files except their Id's.

Can Someone help with your valuable suggestions?
Hello All, 

Have anybody worked on how to merge two PDF's into a single PDF in Vf page? 

Adv Thanks, 
  • March 03, 2018
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I tried to user appexchange for this like EasyDescribe/Schema surfer but it doesn't include description... Any ideas?


Hi !
I need to merge multiple PDF files.
Is there any way to do that within Salesforce ?  I found some post on that but they are pretty old : 2011, 2009...

Thank you for your help !
I have two separate orgs.  They're sort of the same, but not really.  

Is there a tool or tools out there to not only compare Metadta, but also to compare Data?  

Any thoughts or suggestions?  

As always, thank you for your feedback!

How to use one workflow for multiple field update.
For eg.
i have one picklist having value 1,2,3,4.and also having some field (tax,excise duty,income tax etc.)
i am selecting 1 value in picklist all field are automatically updated as 0
if 2 then income tax 12%,tax=5%,excise duty=7%
how it is possible

Hi all,

I know that we can deploy all our data from SandBox to production account,But my requirment to deploy all my salesforce development  application like object, records, fields to another salesforce account. Suppose I have two different sales force account  of different orginization (I am not talking about production and sandbox) and I developed all my application to one account and want to deploy all the stuff to another one. Is it possible means any way so that we can do it ??

Thanks in advance !!


Hi we have requirement where we have to generate COF using visual force page  and attach/merge  documents attached under Notes/Attachment (Solution  Defenition document) section of opportunity . Here i want to know do we have any functionality in VF where we can attach PDFs to  COF PDF generated using visual force page

Does anyone know how i can compare the difference  between profiles, besides using eclipse. I am trying to use permission sets and eliminate some profiles. I find eclipse a little hard to depict, any other ideas?

  • August 31, 2012
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Does anyone know how to export Custom Setting meta data out of Salesforce so that I can commit that into our SVN repoditory with the rest of the SF code?



I want to automatically convert new leads into contacts. I have a trigger on Lead after update that will bulk convert 100 leads at a time. The problem I have  is that my marketing automation tool pushes new leads into Salesforce in batches of 200 at a time. When I try to import 200 leads, the bulk convert fails due to a too many DML 151 error.


I read that the convertlead function can only handle 100 records at a time. How can I edit the code to handle 200 imports at a time? Is it possible?


Thanks in advance.


trigger AutoConvert on Lead (after update) {

for(Lead myLead: Trigger.new){ if(Trigger.new[0].isConverted == false) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(myLead.Id); lc.convertedStatus = 'Qualified'; //Database.ConvertLead(lc,true); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(true); Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc); System.assert(lcr.isSuccess()); }}}




Can anybody suggest some way of comparing profiles aprat from Enhanced Profile management, which has its limits.




There is a requirement that instead of generating more pdf files for all customer, can we combine all the files into a single PDF files or a zip file using Apex code

Hi there. I'm wondering if anybody in the past has merged 2 or more pdf files using the getContent()

method or something similar? Is this possible?


  • February 24, 2009
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