• Rich
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API code that has been running unchanged and without incident suddently started producing errors today.  Can I assume that the problem is not on my end, and any ideas how long a resolution might take?


  • August 06, 2003
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API code that has been running unchanged and without incident suddently started producing errors today.  Can I assume that the problem is not on my end, and any ideas how long a resolution might take?


  • August 06, 2003
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Perhaps I'm just dull, but I can't get a propper login working to save my life.  My server is Win2K SP3/IIS/ASP/VBScript.   I'm using the code below to make my SOAP query:

sforceSoapServer = "https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Api"

 sforceSoapHeader = "<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""" _
 & " xmlns:tns=""salesforce"" xmlns:types=""salesforce/encodedTypes"" "_
 & " xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" "_
 & " xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""> " _
 & " soap-env:encodingStyle=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/""> " _
 & " <soap-env:Header> " _
 & " <headerStruct>" _
 & " <version xsi:type=""xsd:string"">2.0</version>" _
 & " <headerStruct>" _
 & " </soap-env:Header>"

 sforceSoapFooter = "</soap-env:Envelope>"

 strSoapBody = "<soap-env:Body> "
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<tns:login xmlns:tns=""sfconnector:SalesforceConnector"" type=""methodCall"">"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<username type=""string"">" & strUsername & "</username>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<password type=""string"">" & strPassword & "</password>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "</tns:login>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "</soap-env:Body>"

 strSoapRequest = sforceSoapHeader & strSoapBody & sforceSoapFooter

 'Build the SOAP header
 Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
 xmlhttp.Open "POST", sforceSoapServer , False  'False = do not respond immediately
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Man", POST & " " & sforceSoapServer & " HTTP/1.1"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "PrettyPrint", "Yes"
 'Send the SOAP request

The response that I get back from the server is always the same: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><methodResponse><fault><value><struct><member><name>faultString</name><value>unknown method name null</value></member><member><name>faultCode</name><value><int>1113</int></value></member></struct></value></fault></methodResponse>

Any ideas?