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Is there any way to access the Contact Id of a Person Account for a formula field as I need to build a URL that contains the Contact ID and not the Account ID for the Person Account?
After the sandbox was updated to Winter '09 on September 19, the Summer '08 Force.com IDE has been unusable for me for Apex code development on both a Linux with Eclipse 3.2 and MacOS X with Eclipse 3.3.

Effectively, any change to a source file, including trivial changes, say to a comment, results in "Save error: invalid server id"

Tests do not run at all - no output in the Errors or Apex Test Code Runner tabs of the IDE.

Code may be edited in the Salesforce web app, and tests run there, but not being able to use the IDE makes deployment considerably less convenient.

I realise that there are some known issues surrounding this, but how widespread is the problem? I haven't found mention of it here on the boards, so I'm wondering if the bug is specific to only some orgs (which raises the question of why). Also, with the IDE going GA in a week, is there a release candidate of the IDE that addresses these issues?

Just hoping to learn more about the nature of this problem...


It is possible to query for contacts who are CSS enabled? I don't see this as a field on the Contact entity, nor can I determine which related record this information may be on. Is it named something strange that I'm just missing?

I'm using the 2.0 API via XML-RPC right now.



After the sandbox was updated to Winter '09 on September 19, the Summer '08 Force.com IDE has been unusable for me for Apex code development on both a Linux with Eclipse 3.2 and MacOS X with Eclipse 3.3.

Effectively, any change to a source file, including trivial changes, say to a comment, results in "Save error: invalid server id"

Tests do not run at all - no output in the Errors or Apex Test Code Runner tabs of the IDE.

Code may be edited in the Salesforce web app, and tests run there, but not being able to use the IDE makes deployment considerably less convenient.

I realise that there are some known issues surrounding this, but how widespread is the problem? I haven't found mention of it here on the boards, so I'm wondering if the bug is specific to only some orgs (which raises the question of why). Also, with the IDE going GA in a week, is there a release candidate of the IDE that addresses these issues?

Just hoping to learn more about the nature of this problem...


We just published a list of changes in the 7.0 API.


Let us know if you have questions!
I'm new to using the Sforce API and I was wondering if someone knows of an example of implementing single sign-on for the self service portal. For my scenario, a user logs into our software, navigates to the portal page on our site which automatically logs them in to the self-service portal, and then the portal is displayed in an Iframe on our site.

I suppose I can do a HTTP form post to "https://ssl.salesforce.com/sserv/login.jsp" to login the self-service user but can this be done through the API instead?

I use C#

I am new to salesforce.com and python. Is anyone able to do integration with slasesforce.com using Python? I am mainly interested in nightly batch job process but any examples or general advice is highly appreciated. One big issue is that we are in a very old version of Python, v2.1.3. I'd like to hear from you and your sucess stories or nightmares if you have done any integration with salesforce.com using python. Thank you very much.

Best Regards

  • June 08, 2005
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2004 eBridge Software Inc. All rights reserved

from SOAPpy import WSDL
from SOAPpy import structType
from SOAPpy import headerType

# SOAPpy Configuration

WSDL.Config.namespaceStyle = '2001'

# For some reason SOAPpy treats SOAP Header as a data on dumping
# and uses "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema" namespace
# for validation instead of "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope" namespace
# as you would expect that causes an exception in Types.anyType._validNamespaceURI
WSDL.Config.strictNamespaces = 0

email = "yourname@yourcompany.com"
psw = "yourpassword"
# URL to Partner.wsdl.xml
wsdl = "partner.wsdl"
# Create SOAP Proxy from WSDL
server = WSDL.Proxy(wsdl)

# Assigning sforce namespace to each sfroce method
# For some reason WSDLTools does not assign "urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"
# namespace to operations when it parses binding
for method in server.methods.itervalues():
method.namespace = "urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"

# Loggin in sforce using username and password
# Parameter names have to be explicitly specified, otherwise
# SOAPBuilder uses fake auto-incremented names
loginResult = server.login(username=email, password=psw)
print "The session id is:", loginResult.sessionId
print "The new server URL is:", loginResult.serverUrl
print "The user id is:", loginResult.userId

# Change the binding to a new endpoint
# For some reason SOAPpy replaces static soapproxy.proxy endpoint
# with service location for each operation
for method in server.methods.itervalues():
method.location = loginResult.serverUrl

# Assigning returned sessionId to SOAP header
ct = structType(data = {"sessionId" : loginResult.sessionId})
# SOAP Header support in SOAPpy does not allow us to access types declared
# in WSDL, so it has to be done manually
# The idea is from http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=4990257&forum_id=1729
#(06/27/05) seems to work fine with SF API 6 and SOAPpy 0.12.0
# Uncomment the double quotted block if you have SOAPpy > 0.12.0

#Ditch the standard namespaces
ct._validURIs = []
#Set the one we want to use
ct._ns = ("ns1", "urn:partner.soap.sforce.com")
hd = headerType(data = {"SessionHeader" : ct})
server.soapproxy.header = hd

# Requesting sforce Server Timestamp
gstr = server.getServerTimestamp()
print "Server's timestamp is:", gstr.timestamp

# Requesting sforce user info for the user logged in
ui = server.getUserInfo()
print "User Name:", ui.userFullName
print "User Email:", ui.userEmail
print "User Language:", ui.userLanguage
print "User Locale:", ui.userLocale
print "User Time Zone:", ui.userTimeZone
print "User Default Currency ISO Code:", ui.userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode
print "User Id:", ui.userId
print "Orginization:", ui.organizationName
print "Orginization Id:", ui.organizationId
print "Multi-currency:", ui.organizationMultiCurrency
print "Currency Symbol:", ui.currencySymbol

# Listing sforce objects available for the user logged in
dgr = server.describeGlobal()
print "sforce objects available:"
for type in dgr.types:
print type

Message Edited by Max B on 06-27-2005 11:38 AM

  • October 15, 2004
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