• DHYoung
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My s-control using an on-demand java pattern (thanks Dave!) is working nicely.  But because the sforce ajax api requires
the use of the partner wsdl, I believe I'm up a creek because it eventually dawned on me that I can't switch to the
enterprise wsdl (using the on-demand pattern) to pass off salesforce update chores to our java environment (without
having to start a separate session in the java space).

From what I can tell, I have to offload all of the sobject manipulations to the sforce ajax area because I keep getting
"invalid type" errors in the java environment which appears to be due to the fact that the session that the java
environment inherits from the s-control is the partner wsdl flavor.

So if this is the case, I guess my strategy would be to relieve the java app of salesforce responsibility and
let the s-control deal with those items (convert lead, update custom objects, etc.).  Or am I missing something
obviously do'able?

thanks, David
Inside my single s-control, I'm using beta3.3 sforceclient.js and prototype.js to allow users to create new (proprietary) customer accounts in our web-hosted application environment.  So picture the s-control linked from a Lead or Contact page, walking the user through a list of questions and verifying that key information is correct.

Having done that, my goal was to use prototype's wrapper around Ajax to invoke an application on our server (obviously in our domain) to take the parameters gathered in the s-control, and create a new (proprietary) account, using Ajax updates to show the progress back at the s-control. 

I wanted to avoid handing over the MVC responsibility to the app on our server, which made the ajax route perfect for letting the s-control handle the whole thing.

As expected, I'm getting the refused "httpXmlRequest.open" error because of the 2nd domain (ours).  I've got to support IE and FireFox users internally.  Am I hosed (since I can't think of a proxy route to take using the s-control paradigm)?  Dave mentioned in another email that (to paraphrase), "if you're in an s-control, you should be alright" but I don't see how that addresses this restriction, unless I was reading too much into his statement.

Great stuff otherwise.
Thanks, David
Is it possible to execute the init() session with salesforce so that it's performed synchronously?
I'd like to post a "connecting..." div/pop-up that gets removed as soon as the connection is
established.   Or am I barking up the wrong the wrong three because there's a better way of
doing this?
thx, David
sforceClient.init(this.sessionId, this.serverUrl);
My s-control using an on-demand java pattern (thanks Dave!) is working nicely.  But because the sforce ajax api requires
the use of the partner wsdl, I believe I'm up a creek because it eventually dawned on me that I can't switch to the
enterprise wsdl (using the on-demand pattern) to pass off salesforce update chores to our java environment (without
having to start a separate session in the java space).

From what I can tell, I have to offload all of the sobject manipulations to the sforce ajax area because I keep getting
"invalid type" errors in the java environment which appears to be due to the fact that the session that the java
environment inherits from the s-control is the partner wsdl flavor.

So if this is the case, I guess my strategy would be to relieve the java app of salesforce responsibility and
let the s-control deal with those items (convert lead, update custom objects, etc.).  Or am I missing something
obviously do'able?

thanks, David
Inside my single s-control, I'm using beta3.3 sforceclient.js and prototype.js to allow users to create new (proprietary) customer accounts in our web-hosted application environment.  So picture the s-control linked from a Lead or Contact page, walking the user through a list of questions and verifying that key information is correct.

Having done that, my goal was to use prototype's wrapper around Ajax to invoke an application on our server (obviously in our domain) to take the parameters gathered in the s-control, and create a new (proprietary) account, using Ajax updates to show the progress back at the s-control. 

I wanted to avoid handing over the MVC responsibility to the app on our server, which made the ajax route perfect for letting the s-control handle the whole thing.

As expected, I'm getting the refused "httpXmlRequest.open" error because of the 2nd domain (ours).  I've got to support IE and FireFox users internally.  Am I hosed (since I can't think of a proxy route to take using the s-control paradigm)?  Dave mentioned in another email that (to paraphrase), "if you're in an s-control, you should be alright" but I don't see how that addresses this restriction, unless I was reading too much into his statement.

Great stuff otherwise.
Thanks, David
I'm trying to pass arguments from one S-control to another and finding that only some are going through.
The first S-control passes the arguments using hidden inputs, as shown in this HTML
<form action="/servlet/servlet.Integration" id="importForm" name="importForm" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="API_Session_ID" value="{!API_Session_ID}">
<input type="hidden" name="API_Server_URL" value="{!API_Partner_Server_URL_70}">
<input type="hidden" name="lid" value="01r300000000wJ8">
<input type="hidden" name="enc" value="UTF-8">
<input type="hidden" name="CampaignId" value="Unknown">
<input value="Go!" class="btn" type="submit">
The "lid" value refers to the S-control that Salesforce displays next, which it does  - no problem.
However, when that S-control gets the arguments (via location.search in Javascript ), it only has:


I thought something must be wrong in my HTML/Javascript, so I tried a simple test case outside of Salesforce and got all of the arguments in location.search as I expected.  Does anyone know how
arguments could get lost, or perhaps filtered between S-Controls?
I'm also open to any better ideas for passing arguments.

Has anyone got this to work? I finally got it installed, but all it does is throw errors.

If I try to create a new AppExchange project, after I enter my project name and login info, I get a dialog that says "Invalid Thread Access" and I can't go any farther.

If I try to open the Schema Browser view, I get an error that says:

Unable to create view: Plug-in com.appexchange.toolkit was unable to load class com.appexchange.plugin.views.SchemaView.

This is using Eclipse 3.1.2 (the only version that I could get it successfully installed on).

I'd love to hear from anyone that is using this!


Todd Breiholz
Meredith Corporation
  • March 22, 2006
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