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Is there a way to add a series of links to a specific opportunity as opposed to all opportunities?
  • May 31, 2005
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I am trying to diagnose a problem with a login call from an ASP.NET application.  When I call login I get a connection is teminate "Could not establish secure channel for SSL" error.

The code works from several different networks, but not the one in question, where we want to run the code from.

The IT group says they've removed all proxies and firewalls.  Any ideas on how to get more detailed information, or suggestions on what might be causing this?

  • January 19, 2005
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We want to log in our user from our corporate website and then launch sforce.com so they only have to login once.


Unforutunatley it worked the first few times and now it is rarely ever working.

It errors out with:

"There is a problem with your session.

Your session with Salesforce.com is invalid. It may have timed out or become corrupted in some other way. You may also receive this error if Salesforce.com has recently updated its security architecture.

Please try to login again."

public static LoginResult LoginUser(string userName, string password)
 LoginResult loginResult = null;

  SforceService binding = new SalesForceCalculator.Md7SalesForceWebService.SforceService();

  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Attempting to connect to {0} to login {1} : ", binding.Url, userName));
  loginResult = binding.login(userName, password); 
 catch(System.Exception ex)
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("LoginUser failed {0}, {1} ", userName, ex.Message));
  return null;

 System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("LoginUser worked {0} ", userName));
 return loginResult;

public static string GetServerUrl( string url)
 string [] parts = url.Split('/');
 return parts[2];

We call these like so:
string server = SalesForceCalculator.BindingManager.GetServerUrl(loginResult.serverUrl);



  • January 17, 2005
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Is there any way to post an HTML snippet into a dashboard page?


  • January 11, 2005
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We want to log in our user from our corporate website and then launch sforce.com so they only have to login once.


Unforutunatley it worked the first few times and now it is rarely ever working.

It errors out with:

"There is a problem with your session.

Your session with Salesforce.com is invalid. It may have timed out or become corrupted in some other way. You may also receive this error if Salesforce.com has recently updated its security architecture.

Please try to login again."

public static LoginResult LoginUser(string userName, string password)
 LoginResult loginResult = null;

  SforceService binding = new SalesForceCalculator.Md7SalesForceWebService.SforceService();

  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Attempting to connect to {0} to login {1} : ", binding.Url, userName));
  loginResult = binding.login(userName, password); 
 catch(System.Exception ex)
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("LoginUser failed {0}, {1} ", userName, ex.Message));
  return null;

 System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("LoginUser worked {0} ", userName));
 return loginResult;

public static string GetServerUrl( string url)
 string [] parts = url.Split('/');
 return parts[2];

We call these like so:
string server = SalesForceCalculator.BindingManager.GetServerUrl(loginResult.serverUrl);



  • January 17, 2005
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