• Viranga
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Does anyone have any idea why getDelete always fails even when a records have been deleted from a relerven t Sforce object (I tried this on Contact and Account)

It always failed returning a null value....the block of code I used was a further development to the sample c# code provided in Help documentation.

sforce.GetDeletedResult gdr = binding.getDeleted("Contact", startTimeU, endTimeU);

if (gdr.deletedRecords != null) //always returns null even when records have been deleted in relarvant time block


if (gdr.deletedRecords.Length > 0){

//if (gdr.deletedRecords != null && gdr.deletedRecords.Length > 0){ //this combination did not work either

for (int i=0;i<gdr.deletedRecords.Length;i++)


//Console.WriteLine(gdr.deletedRecords[i].id + " was deleted on " + gdr.deletedRecords[i].deletedDate.ToString());

// Invoke retrieve call and save results in an array of SObjects

sforce.sObject[] records = binding.retrieve("Id", "Contact", new String[] {gdr.deletedRecords[i].id});

sforce.Contact contact = (sforce.Contact)records[0];

// Get the contact properties

//System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("ID is: "+ contact.Id);

//Delete Contact query here

Delete_ContactRecord(contact.Id);//remove records from local DB




Has any one come across any similar problems with Getdeleted in C# .The GetUpdate works fine. Any work around methods or code sample to solve this problem is much appreciate as it is kind of important to a protoype we are developing currently.

Thanks in advance
