• Frontlinemike
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We're looking for a top flight developer with experience in salesforce.com  to develop and publish an AppExchange module on a project basis.
We are a sales training and outsourcing company and have developed a business-to-business prospecting methodology and want to reflect that methodology within an AppExchange App.
Please respond to Mike Scher at mscher@frontlineselling.com with details about your previous experience with AppExchange. 
Thanks for your consideration

Message Edited by Frontlinemike on 08-09-2006 06:45 AM

We're looking for a top flight developer with experience in salesforce.com  to develop and publish an AppExchange module on a project basis.
We are a sales training and outsourcing company and have developed a business-to-business prospecting methodology and want to reflect that methodology within an AppExchange App.
Please respond to Mike Scher at mscher@frontlineselling.com with details about your previous experience with AppExchange. 
Thanks for your consideration

Message Edited by Frontlinemike on 08-09-2006 06:45 AM