• 5th Wheel Steve
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I am looking to find which contacts are our most prolific.
Is there a simple way without triggers?

I am looking for someone to convert our existing website to Siteforce.

If anyone has the skills and time I will provide the specs for a quote.

Has anyone come up with a way to automatically generate a user activity, upon having a lead assigned to them.
I can see where this could get out of control in a firm that generates large numbers of leads.
We do not.
Rather than have my inside sales people constantly monitor their leads page, I would like a new high-prioriy activity to follow-up be created.
Is it possible to only mail merge certain opportunity product line items? For instance I only want the mail merge doc to include line items from a single product family.

Has anyone done something like this?



  • December 14, 2007
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Please help anyone.
When a salerep converts a lead, he is presented with two options, Qualified or Unqualified, whereby it then either creates an opportunity or not, and moves the lead into an account/contact.
What I am trying to enforce is that when the rep converts the lead and selects "Unqualified", that it checks the field "reason_for_no" to make sure there is data in the field. 
I tried from examples so I have no idea if I even came close with the example below.  I keep getting errors.
    ISPICKVAL( IsConverted , "Unqualified"),
 ISNULL(  Reason_for_Unqualified__c, ""  ))
  • March 09, 2007
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I'm working in the professional edition and trying to develop a field on my account page, showing
the total closed won opportunities by account.  So when the account representatives access the account, they will be able to identify the total revenue generated for a particular customer?  Anyone know if it's possible to create a custom formula between objects?  Thank you,
  • October 18, 2006
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Has anyone come up with a way to automatically generate a user activity, upon having a lead assigned to them.
I can see where this could get out of control in a firm that generates large numbers of leads.
We do not.
Rather than have my inside sales people constantly monitor their leads page, I would like a new high-prioriy activity to follow-up be created.
Okay lets see if I can clearly articulate this question. It has to do with sending a return URL as part of an s-control. What I want to do is from an s-control have a button that links to the create a new contact page and then once the contact is created returns them to the s-control.
Here is my issue...
Do do this I have to build the retURL into the link to the Contact create page:
I have to pass two GET variables.
1. The account id -> accid=VALID_ACCOUNT_ID
2. The return variable -> retURL=servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=ID_OF_S_CONTROL&eid=ID_OF_OBJECT
The problem is that the retURL has to contain 2 of it's own GET variables...eid & lid. After the contact is created it does not properly read the return URL and shoots me back to the standard detail view of the contact....not the s-control.
So I tried to replace all the unsafe char in the retURL with safe char and it still does not work:
Any ideas? Is this possible? Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.