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I have a picklist of data. I need to use that picklist to populate a non-text field. Wondering if S-Control can do that - and what the formula would look like.
Here is the data I am using as an example:
I have a total sale payout field which is a currency formula field.
Using that amount in conjunction with the following chart it yields the payout amount. I need the payout amount field to be a summary field in the Salesforce reports (meaning it can be totaled) so it cannot be a text picklist as I have it set up now. I would like to use an S control to read the net revenue value selection that I enter and generate the payout amount into a non-text field. Any chance of that? I am not a Salesforce guru - so if this makes no sense - let me know. The chart is much more extensive than the one below - but it gives you an idea.

Net Revenue Amounts

(per appointment or hot lead)


$ Payout

$0 - $500


$501 - $1,000


I have a picklist of data. I need to use that picklist to populate a non-text field. Wondering if S-Control can do that - and what the formula would look like.
Here is the data I am using as an example:
I have a total sale payout field which is a currency formula field.
Using that amount in conjunction with the following chart it yields the payout amount. I need the payout amount field to be a summary field in the Salesforce reports (meaning it can be totaled) so it cannot be a text picklist as I have it set up now. I would like to use an S control to read the net revenue value selection that I enter and generate the payout amount into a non-text field. Any chance of that? I am not a Salesforce guru - so if this makes no sense - let me know. The chart is much more extensive than the one below - but it gives you an idea.

Net Revenue Amounts

(per appointment or hot lead)


$ Payout

$0 - $500


$501 - $1,000
