• ChrisNorton.ax307
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I've spent a few minutes looking to see if this is possible and i'm confident that it can be.
We have a requirement to create a means to log an activity with one click.
E.g on the contact record have a custom button that executes some code to create AND SAVE a task with a specified subject ("VM Left") and have the user returned to the contact record.
I can see how to create a new custom button that will take you to the create a task screen with the subject pre-populated, however you still need to click on save, the 2nd click that i would like to eliminate.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

I have a requirement to send emails to notify the owner and their manager if an Opportunity hasn't been modified for more than 8 and 10 days respectively. The only other criteria is that the stage is Pipeline -10% or greater.

Is it simply a case of having a workflow that actions on creation and when it didn't previsously meet the criteria and having that workflow set a time-delayed action to send an email 8/10 days after creation?

My concern is that, for example, an opportunity is created on the 1st with the stage Pipeline so the rule triggers and sets a time delay action for the 8th. On the 2nd the Opportunity amount is updated, changing the last modified date to the 2nd. Will the time flow rule be cancelled, or will it be pushed back to the 9th?

Any Help or suggestions would be appreciated!

Kind Regards

I've spent a few minutes looking to see if this is possible and i'm confident that it can be.
We have a requirement to create a means to log an activity with one click.
E.g on the contact record have a custom button that executes some code to create AND SAVE a task with a specified subject ("VM Left") and have the user returned to the contact record.
I can see how to create a new custom button that will take you to the create a task screen with the subject pre-populated, however you still need to click on save, the 2nd click that i would like to eliminate.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

I have a requirement to send emails to notify the owner and their manager if an Opportunity hasn't been modified for more than 8 and 10 days respectively. The only other criteria is that the stage is Pipeline -10% or greater.

Is it simply a case of having a workflow that actions on creation and when it didn't previsously meet the criteria and having that workflow set a time-delayed action to send an email 8/10 days after creation?

My concern is that, for example, an opportunity is created on the 1st with the stage Pipeline so the rule triggers and sets a time delay action for the 8th. On the 2nd the Opportunity amount is updated, changing the last modified date to the 2nd. Will the time flow rule be cancelled, or will it be pushed back to the 9th?

Any Help or suggestions would be appreciated!

Kind Regards
