• mark@rally
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<apex:dataTable value="{!products}" var="prod" border="0" cellPadding="0" cellspacing="0" headerClass="headerRow" rowStyleClass="dataRow" styleClass="list">

When you save, Visualforce throws:

ErrorError: Unsupported attribute rowstyleclass in <apex:dataTable>

rowStyleClass is in the developer guide - known error?
For a standard controller like Account, you may reference Contacts and Opportunities like {!account.Contacts} and {!account.Opportunities}.

For a custom object, does the standard controller manage related lists? For example, I have a custom object, Product__c. Product__c has many features. Each feature is a custom object, Feature__c. Is there a method with the standard controller to get the features for Product__c like {!Product__c.Features}? Or do I have to write a custom controller? And if I write a custom controller, can I extend the standard controller?

A lot of questions so thanks in advance.
Does Salesforce generate a standard controller when you create a Custom Object? If yes, how do you reference it? For example, here is how you reference a standard one like Account:

<apex:page standardController="account" tabStyle="RPMProduct__c">

Although tabSytle supports the Custom Object named RPMProduct, standardController does not. The RPMProduct page is using some controller. What controller does a custom object use? How do I use it in VisualForce?

Also is there a list of standard objects/controllers/fields to reference while developing with VisualForce or Apex code for that matter? The only method I know is to view the standard object and fields through Setup -> Customize in the Salesforce subscription (time consuming).

Does Salesforce generate a standard controller when you create a Custom Object? If yes, how do you reference it? For example, here is how you reference a standard one like Account:

<apex:page standardController="account" tabStyle="RPMProduct__c">

Although tabSytle supports the Custom Object named RPMProduct, standardController does not. The RPMProduct page is using some controller. What controller does a custom object use? How do I use it in VisualForce?

Also is there a list of standard objects/controllers/fields to reference while developing with VisualForce or Apex code for that matter? The only method I know is to view the standard object and fields through Setup -> Customize in the Salesforce subscription (time consuming).
