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Is it possible to extend the login process of an internal SFDC user to also do an SAML assertion to one of our other apps? I need to basically log every user onto to SFDC natively as well as custom to one of our other apps so they have a silent login experience. Is this possible?

I tried regular .Query and Straight Blob retrieval nothing works. We have a custom rich text field  that I need to pull using REST API. Anyone have a clue to how this is done? Thanks.

Can you programatically add a lead that has a different owner from the login used to hit the API?
If so how do you go about this?
Thanks in advance

I tried regular .Query and Straight Blob retrieval nothing works. We have a custom rich text field  that I need to pull using REST API. Anyone have a clue to how this is done? Thanks.

I have a serious issue. How to activate the lead assignment rule thorugh code. I am working on c#. I tried using AssignmentRuleHeader. But it didnt work for me.
Please help.
Thanks and Regards,