• hudini3
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anyone know how i would pull a lookup field through a button onto the same lookup field in the related object.
IE on a new opportunity for contact, if i have a lookup on the contact page, and that same lookup onthe opp page, how would i pull that through with a button? using the standard ID is not working.
using the ID iwth 'idname_lkid' is also not working . . .
any suggestions?
FIND will return the first space in a text string but how would i return the last space in a text string?

my real question is if I have a string of a few words with spaces in between. My last word will always be same ie product, and i want the last word returned b4 the word 'product'
so in a string that says "gnome imperial product' i want only the word imperail returned.
is this possible?
i'm trying to enable alphabetizing views easier . . .
Has anyone come up with code to override the Convert Lead button so that it can only execute when certain fields within the Lead record have been completed?

Hello All,

I hope this is the correct forum.

I relatively new to Apex and needing some help achieving this particular task.

I have two custom objects. Call these ObjA and ObjB. ObjB is related to ObjA, and has a look-up field to reference the related ObjA. It has another picklist, say "country". ObjA also has the "country" picklist.

Now when the user chooses to create the related ObjB from the ObjA details page, salesforce automatically populates the reference to ObjA in the ObjB data entry form. Is it possible for me auto-select the "country" picklist in ObjB data entry form based on the related value in ObjA?

Secondly, there's a third custom object, ObjC. I'd like the users to be taken to the data entry form to create new ObjC, if they select "US" in the picklist in ObjB and save ObjB. It'll have to be in the trigger condition, but I unsure as to how to initiate "create new object" screen.

Hope this is not as confusing as it seems to me :) I look forward to your responses and if I do manage to get it solved, I'll post the solution for future ref.


Is there a way to asoociate an Activity with multiple Contacts?

Our client's use case: When there is a meeting involving multiple contacts they want to be able to create a single task that will be related to all of the participating contacts.

If this is not possible by means of configuration or out of the box, what are the other avalable options? We have an EE edition, so no Apex Code. I can only think of fully custom UI pages using S-Controls that would create duplicate activity records and assign to multiple Contacts. Any alternative suggestions?

Thank you.
  • January 09, 2008
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How can I change the order of the columns and add new columns to the Activity View list that is displayed on a Lead?

I need to add additional information so users can quickly see certain history details without having to drill down on each activity
  • January 09, 2008
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In the cases tab i am looking for a way to select the email button and add a template which automatically puts the attachment in the attachment section on the email to later be sent.
  • January 09, 2008
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    In order to minimize the number of false opportunities and keep reports clean, i wanted to know if there was any way to customize the conversion page for lead to accounts, and specifically get rid of the automatic "create new opportunity from conversion" feature of the Convert Lead page?

Any advice on customizing conversion pages would be helpful seeing as how i have not found any way to do this so far...
Looking for an App or some codes that will enable client's SF to talk to Apparel  Magic (clothing inventory database)
Any leads appreciated!
  • December 28, 2006
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