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Hello everyone,
I am having a problem with the date format of salesforce.  I have presently an s-control script(javascript) that get's a specific date in the following format (dd/MM/yyyy) and saves this ParsedDate date to the salesforce DB.  What I have noticed is that in the DB the format ends up being (mm/dd/yyyy).  My problem comes when I use a date in with the following numbers: 12/01/2007.  Although the number 12 should be the day, for some reason it ends up being the month.  This only happens on days that can also be months like 1-12 but not 13-31.

Either i need to format this before I parse, or there is some parameter that I need to send in the parser when saving.

Can anyone help me please with this problem wich I have been trying to figure for a while now.
Thanks in advance,
I was wondering why is it I get extra digits in an edit mode of a certain currency box but I get a ROUND 2 decimal amount when I get out of the edit mode.
Here is an example
Ex: I have created a currency field in my Quote Line page, this amount comes from the result of a formula.  Let's say the result amount would be $2000.00, but what happens is that the amount shows correctly on the page ($2000.00) but when I click on the edit button I get $2000.001.
Why ?? anyone have a clue??,
I have a question about Apex code.  When I am creating a code to validate if a certain field (textbox) is respecting a certain rule, example: date needs to be a less than another date, and if not alert the user to re-enter it with a popup or some sort, how would I be able to go about it in ALERTING.
If it's possible to send me a sample code to clarify the process... it will be very APPRECIATED.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me on this.
Is there a way to send email attachments using AJAX toolkit??
Thanks in advance :smileyhappy:,
I am new @ this, so please be patient with me :smileywink:.
I recently found out that you can also add attachments to e-mails that you send using Ajax toolkit, do you have an example of the syntax on how to implement this??
Thanks in advance,:smileyhappy:
Hi I am pretty new @ this, can anyone show me a complete simple record update script in AJAX.  I have tried on my own by using examples from the apex_ajax.pdf but I keep getting errors. I am able to do a query but my updating does not seem to be properly syntaxed.
Please help, thx in advance
I have a question about Apex code.  When I am creating a code to validate if a certain field (textbox) is respecting a certain rule, example: date needs to be a less than another date, and if not alert the user to re-enter it with a popup or some sort, how would I be able to go about it in ALERTING.
If it's possible to send me a sample code to clarify the process... it will be very APPRECIATED.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me on this.