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Hi all,
I'm attempting to log in using the quickstart example and the enterprise.wsdl but I keep receiving this error.
The ServicePointManager does not support proxies with the https scheme.
   at System.Net.ServicePointManager.FindServicePointHelper(Uri address, Boolean
   at System.Net.ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(Uri address, IWebProxy pro
xy, ProxyChain& chain, HttpAbortDelegate& abortDelegate, Int32& abortState)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.FindServicePoint(Boolean forceFind)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodN
ame, Object[] parameters)
   at quickstart_vb.apex.SforceService.login(String username, String password) i
n C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Developer Network\quickstart\Apex Develop
er Network\Version 10.0\Visual Basic .Net\quickstart_vb\Web References\apex\Refe
rence.vb:line 327
   at quickstart_vb.quickstart.doLogin() in C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex
 Developer Network\quickstart\Apex Developer Network\Version 10.0\Visual Basic
I would think that the proxy would support a call using https.  Any ideas?
Hi Everyone,

I'm having issue trying to add a web reference to my biztalk and .net projects using the enterprise web services API.

I'm trying to create a web reference to the following url ('https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/12.0') but I keep getting this error:

There was an error downloading 'https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/12.0'.

The request failed with HTTP status 405: GET not supported.

I would like to create the reference so I can't retrieve the WSDL and make a call to the QueryAll method. 

Am I missing something?  Did I have the right Url?

Waiting for your response.

