• myfootsmells
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I have a pipeline field that is calculated.  I would like it so when I save an opportunity, it automatically updates the amount field w/ the pipeline field.

Is this possible w/o having to create another button?

I only have SalesForce Pro.


I know I'm missing something but why can't I create a custom controller?


<apex:page controller="MyController" > 
<apex:pageBlock title="Contacts">


In the tutorial is says if I put that code in a Page and hit save, I'll have a Controller option available but I don't.  I get an error message "Error: Apex class 'MyController' does not exist."  What am I missing here?


I'm on SalesForce Pro if that makes a difference.



I have a pipeline field that is calculated.  I would like it so when I save an opportunity, it automatically updates the amount field w/ the pipeline field.


Is this possible w/o having to create another button?


I only have SalesForce Pro.



Is it possible so when my Stage is either Won or Loss it will automatically put today's date into the Closed Date field?


When I use the SForce Query Wizard to dump the contents of my Opportunities, it will show the Testing field twice.  Then when I click Next to export into Excel, I get this error:
ERROR at Row:1:Column:1850
duplicate field selected: Testing__c
I do have quite a bit of text fields in my opportunities page, could this be a problem?
Let me know as this is driving me nuts!

I know I'm missing something but why can't I create a custom controller?


<apex:page controller="MyController" > 
<apex:pageBlock title="Contacts">


In the tutorial is says if I put that code in a Page and hit save, I'll have a Controller option available but I don't.  I get an error message "Error: Apex class 'MyController' does not exist."  What am I missing here?


I'm on SalesForce Pro if that makes a difference.



I have a pipeline field that is calculated.  I would like it so when I save an opportunity, it automatically updates the amount field w/ the pipeline field.


Is this possible w/o having to create another button?


I only have SalesForce Pro.



Is it possible so when my Stage is either Won or Loss it will automatically put today's date into the Closed Date field?

