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When I try to log into Apex Explorer, it dies with a system.nullreferenceexception.  I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling it several times with the same result.  It seems like there's an error in the OSQL when it starts.  I've tried to look around for remnants that should be removed but can't find anything.
I've imported a web reference into my C# project and when I try to build the app I get the following error:

The namespace 'Foo.Bar.SForceReference' already contains a definition for 'ExceptionCode'

Using the Object Browser, I can see there's are duplicates for exceptionCode, exceptionCodeField, exceptionMessage, exceptionMessageField, and PropertyChanged methods under the ApiFault class.  There are also duplicate entries in the ExceptionCode enumeration class.  Very strage...

Can anyone offer some insight into this?
I've imported a web reference into my C# project and when I try to build the app I get the following error:

The namespace 'Foo.Bar.SForceReference' already contains a definition for 'ExceptionCode'

Using the Object Browser, I can see there's are duplicates for exceptionCode, exceptionCodeField, exceptionMessage, exceptionMessageField, and PropertyChanged methods under the ApiFault class.  There are also duplicate entries in the ExceptionCode enumeration class.  Very strage...

Can anyone offer some insight into this?