• jimguiles
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I need to creates some cross object formulas that pull information from a task over to the opportunity.  From what I have read that should be possible, however, I am struggling with the syntax.  If anyone could provide some general examples of the formulas that would be a big help. 

Message Edited by jimguiles on 10-31-2008 06:21 AM
Not only am I new to Salesforce, our company is just beginning to use workflow.  It was put in place prior to my coming on and was left in a bit of a mess.  With some searching and help from various places, and a lot of trial and error I have been able to fix a great deal of our issues. I'm having difficulty with cross object formulas and workflow.
I am currently trying to use workflow tasks that are in place and being used to update fields on our opportunity.  Either with a date it was closed or even status would work as well.  I felt that I should be able to use a workflow rule and field update to get this done.  I admit my experience is limited, but I cannot seem to pull something from the task to the opportunity.  Is this possible?  If not, what would you recommend that will allow me populate this field, preferably with a date.
ie.  "x" task completed ----> "y" field is populated with the date that "x" was completed
Thanks for any help you could provide.
I need to creates some cross object formulas that pull information from a task over to the opportunity.  From what I have read that should be possible, however, I am struggling with the syntax.  If anyone could provide some general examples of the formulas that would be a big help. 

Message Edited by jimguiles on 10-31-2008 06:21 AM