• j.vinod
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I want to add scroll bar in my data table.

Please help me add a scroll bar in my data table in a Visual force Page.


Hi ,

I have a Visual Force Page , I have a Text Box in the Page. When I enter any value in the text box from Browser, I Expect it to get set in a Class Variable.

The Text Box , I have included , is inside a data table.

One entire Row in a data table , is a instance of user defined Apex Class. So if there are 5 rows, then 5 objects of my Apex Class , are added in a list and the list is iterated through the List in the data table. So I have a attribute inside my apex class, which is associated with the Text Box field. So once I enter some value in a list, the attribute is expected to be set, But It is not getting set. Always the set value is null.

 <apex:dataTable value="{!LabourList}" var="L2" id="LabourItems" rowClasses="odd,even" styleClass="tableClass" cellspacing="20" columnsWidth="5">

 <apex:column >
                     <apex:facet name="header"><apex:outputLabel value="Hours" style="font-weight:bold" for="Hours"/> </apex:facet>
                     <apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredInput">
                             <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredBlock"/>
                             <apex:inputText value="{!L2.Quantity}" id="LabourQuantity"></apex:inputText>


Here LabourList is the List of objects my Class, and L2 is the iterating variable.  Here L2.Quantity is not being set.

Please help me out as it is a production critical issue.




I have 2 Tables.
Oppurtunity object is the Parent of Job object.

Iam Querying something like this

String sSql ='SELECT Opportunity__r.Channel__c  FROM Job__c where Id=\'a008000000BxwsS\'';

List <SObject> s = Database.query(sSql);
     for (Sobject s1 : s){
          Object O1 = s1.get('Opportunity__r.Channel__c');
          Channel = (String)O1;

But It gives me error message

System.SObjectException: Invalid field Opportunity__r.Channel__c for Job__c

I know the field exists and I am able to see it in relationship. But I am unable to retrieve the field using Dynamic Apex "get" method.

Any Help is appreciated.


Hi ,

I have a Visual Force Page , I have a Text Box in the Page. When I enter any value in the text box from Browser, I Expect it to get set in a Class Variable.

The Text Box , I have included , is inside a data table.

One entire Row in a data table , is a instance of user defined Apex Class. So if there are 5 rows, then 5 objects of my Apex Class , are added in a list and the list is iterated through the List in the data table. So I have a attribute inside my apex class, which is associated with the Text Box field. So once I enter some value in a list, the attribute is expected to be set, But It is not getting set. Always the set value is null.

 <apex:dataTable value="{!LabourList}" var="L2" id="LabourItems" rowClasses="odd,even" styleClass="tableClass" cellspacing="20" columnsWidth="5">

 <apex:column >
                     <apex:facet name="header"><apex:outputLabel value="Hours" style="font-weight:bold" for="Hours"/> </apex:facet>
                     <apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredInput">
                             <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredBlock"/>
                             <apex:inputText value="{!L2.Quantity}" id="LabourQuantity"></apex:inputText>


Here LabourList is the List of objects my Class, and L2 is the iterating variable.  Here L2.Quantity is not being set.

Please help me out as it is a production critical issue.

