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I am trying to make @future callout after the trigger execution is complete. But how do I determine that that trigger execution is completed?
In a lightning component when I change value I am rendering values for different picklist. But the second picklist(prepay Buydown Years is adding values instead of re-rendering picklist values 
 pick list values duplicating instead of re-render
When I change values in the field - Fixed_Rate_Period__c 
I want to rerender picklist values. - Prepay_Buydown_Years__c
<!-- Prepay Buydown Years -->
          <lightning:select disabled="{!v.isEdgeCase == true ? true : v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Product__c != v.PermLoanString }" aura:id="PrepayBuydownYears" name="PrepayBuydownYears" label="Prepay Buydown Years" value="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}" onchange="{!c.changeRefreshEvent}">

            <option disabled="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c != null &amp;&amp; v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c != ''}" value="" selected="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c == null || v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c == ''}" >--None--</option>
              <aura:iteration items="{!v.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}" var="item">

                  <!-- Rebate --> 
                  <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Rebate_or_Buydown__c == 'Rebate'}">
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '96month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c > 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 4}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c == 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 5}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '36month' || v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '12month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c == 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 3}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c > 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 2}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                  <!-- RateBuydown -->
                  <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Rebate_or_Buydown__c == 'RateBuydown'}">
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '36month' || v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '12month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 3}">
                              <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '96month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 5}">
                              <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>

Thanks for help
Our business requires us to have duplicate account names. Any suggestions on how to create unique field that will allow us to use like Account Name (like in reports)
For example we need to create contracts with "ABC" company that purchases 4 plans from us for each location. all four contracts need to be under ABC name. It might be due to different renewal dates.

Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert(alltktReqLst, false);
       // Iterate through each returned result
       for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) {}
I am getting error  when I try to iterate through result set. I tested that the insert statement is working and records are inserted. HELP please, why is variable does not exists for srList?
I am getting maximum trigger dept exceeded error, because (1) Account After update trigger is updating opportunities (used in SF2SF updates)   (2) Opportunity After Update trigger is updating account information (internal sales process)

I used to have #2 scenario in workflow rules, that I have to move to trigger due to WF rule limit. I am using static variable but I am still getting this error. How can I identify/differentiate #1 and #2 scenario in Trigger and prevent this recursive calling.  Any suggestions?


I would like to create an action button on Campaign on mobile for "Create Contact"  I am working for a non-profit, where there is no requirement for creating Lead or converting lead process. This non-profit has is a contact, with status (Supporter, Inactive).
During an event or in campaign need to create contact from campaign page. 
(1) I am able to create cutom button on campaign page to create contact. but not able to add to  Mobile (Salesforce1) layout 
(2) is there a way to add contact and also attach to campaign in action button
    note I have 2 campaign record types
Our org is reaching workflowrules limit. I have to delete some. Is there a way to find which workflow is not being used? Or which work is is called how many time in a month?
I have a trigger on Account to send email notification after mass update is complete.
But I am getting multiple email notification because Salesforce Trigger is processing 200 at a time. Any suggestions on how I can only send one email instead of multiple (1 for every 200)
trigger AccountTriggers on Account (before Insert, after update, after insert){

  //Email Notification after mass upload Complete 
  if(!recordIds.isEmpty() && recordIds.size() > 100){     

I tried with DbAmp, Apex dataloader. I have over 800 records. I got 5 email notification when I loaded my records.

We are getting weekly data to load into Salesforce. Need to notify sales team after the upload is complete. But the above sample code is generating 5 emails, 1 for every 200 records. I tried is isBatch(), the values is FALSE in this scenario.
Any suggestions ?
I would like to monitor API Usage when Client ID is of certain type. Is it possible to create a trigger after insert on API Usage so that I can capture the information.
We will be getting an automated load into salesforce on weekly, and I want to capture record count every time for certain Client ID.
Is there a way to capture mass upload into salesforce with how many records loaded  within salesforce 
We have some automtion and integration process that is using dataloader version 14. It was working until August 1st 2015. we are using to update opportunity data. Is there any other solution than upgrading dataloader. I am getting the followin error when I try to login 
"Failed to send request to https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/14.0

in automation it get the following error

unable to find valid certification path to requested target at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(SunCertPathBuilder.java:236) at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(CertPathBuilder.java:194) at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(PKIXValidator.java:216) ... 23 more 3282 [AccountRenewalSummaryUpdate] ERROR com.salesforce.lexiloader.process.ProcessRunner - Failed to send request to https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/14.0/00D5000000xxxx
How do I update may email template image URL  in preparation for split instance? my current code looks like below
<img src="https://na3.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?
id=015D0000000Dpwc&oid=00DD0000000FHaG&lastMod=1270576568000" alt="Company Logo" height="64" width="64"/>
what should be the new code, in preparation for split instance?
I have trigger that is not getting fired in production. I create two developer sandboxes trigger works in one not in other.
I tested the trigger updates in Full sandbox before deploying it is still working. 

Here is the simple trigger. When i update the case I do not see the my debug print in logs
trigger CaseTriggers on Case (before update, after update) {

     if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){  system.debug('insde Case Trigger');
      //CaseTriggersCls.Case2AccountUpdate (Trigger.new);

How to debug production trigger not firing?
I have a map with id and Account map<id, account> here the sample code
map<id, Account> updateAccts = new map<id, Account>();
List<Account> getAccts = [SELECT id, Case_Mailed_to_Group__c, Case_In_Work__c, CKE__C FROM Account WHERE ID in: caseAccUpdateIds ];

for(Account a: getAccts){
         //update account field in the map   HOW update CKE__c field on account
        Account ac = updateAccts.get(a.Id);
        ac.CKE__C = a.CKE__C;  //not working
      updateAccts.put(a.id, a);
update updateAccts.values();
I am developing custom event organization implementation.  I have a requirement to have ability to pick either user or contact
organizer type - Internal (User) contractor(Contact) Other
(1)  can I present user with pick list When Internal selected 
Then a look up will be user User lookup
(2) When Picklist selection is Contractor 
then user will have contact Lookup

I can write custom code, any suggestions?
My user wants an Icon on Contact page to go to Next Contact (">>") related to the account.
Here is my scenario.
Account has upto 15 contact. User need to make changes to the all 15 contacts. 
Open contact from related list make changes and save
Click on "some Icon" to get to next contact of the account ( how can I do this)
Save and click on "some Icon" to go to next contact

I can write code if you can give me suggestions on how to do this.
Appreciate any suggestions
I have created a custom object and trying deploy to fullsandbox from my developer sandbox along with profiles
I am getting the following error when I try deploy change set. 

Component Errors
Api Name: Admin
Type: Profile Settings
Error message: You may not modify the permission Reserved for Future Use while editing a Standard Profile

Can someone help me what this message means and how to fix it?
I have two picklist in custom object and a checkbox

isPoster__c ( this is trrue show poster picklist)

Here are my two code lines
<apex:inputField value="{!v.brform.Brochures__c}" rendered="{!(!v.brform.IsPoster__c)}"/> 
 <apex:inputField value="{!v.brform.Posters__c}" rendered="{!(v.brform.IsPoster__c)}"/>
Problem: selected value of Brochures__c is always null
Poster__c selected value is working
I have this custom object in a wrapper class. On the visualforce page I see correct display of picklist based on the "isPoster__c"  flag. But in the controller when I check selected value Posters__c is correct.  But Brochures__c is always null. 
Any tips on how I can solved this problem?

I am working on order form. I am querying for avilable items and displying on form. I have more than 20 items, so using component to display input fields
Here may controller code. BRData is a list of available items
BRData= SELECT id, BR_Image_Name__c, Title__c, Description__c, isPoster__c, Lang_Russian__c, Lang_english__c, lang__c, spanish__c
FROM brochures__c where Display__C = TRUE by sort_order__c
Component code
<apex:inputField id="postSpanish" rendered="{!if(currentBrochureData.BR_Lang_Spanish__c ==TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)}" value="{!currentBrochureData.BR_Posters__c}"/>
<apex:inputField id="Russian" rendered="{!if(currentBrochureData.BR_Lang_Russian__c ==TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)}" value="{!currentBrochureData.BR_Quantity__c}"/>
Page code
<c:BrochureDataCmpt BrochureData="{!BrData[2]}" />
All images and input data fields Data is properly being displayed. How to get the value entered in BR_Posters__c, BR_quantity__c to my controller? 

We have chatter enabled, but some users want to "Blog" feature. Is there a blog feature in Salesforce?
I have two picklist in custom object Brochures__c
Language__C with values  English, spanish Russian
Count__C with values 20, 50, 100, 200

I am trying to create a custom sites pages to display like following. User will be selecting count for each language.
English (as text) Count (picklist)
Spanish (as Text) Count (Picklist)
Russian  Count (Picklist)

Can you help me to write a code to iterate through language pickslist and display each value as text in VF page.  appreciate any suggestions.
sample view of site page

I have created a custom object and trying deploy to fullsandbox from my developer sandbox along with profiles
I am getting the following error when I try deploy change set. 

Component Errors
Api Name: Admin
Type: Profile Settings
Error message: You may not modify the permission Reserved for Future Use while editing a Standard Profile

Can someone help me what this message means and how to fix it?
I am trying to make @future callout after the trigger execution is complete. But how do I determine that that trigger execution is completed?
In a lightning component when I change value I am rendering values for different picklist. But the second picklist(prepay Buydown Years is adding values instead of re-rendering picklist values 
 pick list values duplicating instead of re-render
When I change values in the field - Fixed_Rate_Period__c 
I want to rerender picklist values. - Prepay_Buydown_Years__c
<!-- Prepay Buydown Years -->
          <lightning:select disabled="{!v.isEdgeCase == true ? true : v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Product__c != v.PermLoanString }" aura:id="PrepayBuydownYears" name="PrepayBuydownYears" label="Prepay Buydown Years" value="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}" onchange="{!c.changeRefreshEvent}">

            <option disabled="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c != null &amp;&amp; v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c != ''}" value="" selected="{!v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c == null || v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c == ''}" >--None--</option>
              <aura:iteration items="{!v.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}" var="item">

                  <!-- Rebate --> 
                  <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Rebate_or_Buydown__c == 'Rebate'}">
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '96month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c > 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 4}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c == 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 5}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '36month' || v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '12month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c == 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 3}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.LLC_BI__Spread__c > 0}">
                              <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 2}">
                                  <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                  <!-- RateBuydown -->
                  <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Rebate_or_Buydown__c == 'RateBuydown'}">
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '36month' || v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '12month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 3}">
                              <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>
                      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.loanRecord.Fixed_Rate_Period__c == '96month'}">
                          <aura:if isTrue="{!item.value &lt; 5}">
                              <option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{!item.value == v.loanRecord.Prepay_Buydown_Years__c}"/>

Thanks for help
Our business requires us to have duplicate account names. Any suggestions on how to create unique field that will allow us to use like Account Name (like in reports)
For example we need to create contracts with "ABC" company that purchases 4 plans from us for each location. all four contracts need to be under ABC name. It might be due to different renewal dates.

Hi, I am iterationg some records and i want to put images based on condition , I am comparing values in <aura:if>  but its not working.
Below is the code :

 <aura:iteration items="{!v.applicationList}" var="obj">
   <aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='Approved'}">
       <i class=""><img src="/resource/1473844082000/app_approve"/></i>
   <aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='In progress'}">
      <i class=""><img src="/resource/1473663683000/app_yell"/></i>  
   <aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='Declined'}">            
      <i class=""><img src="/resource/1473844158000/app_pending"/></i>  


I tried with this code, but this is also not working,

<aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='Approved'}">
<i class=""><img src="/resource/1473844082000/app_approve"/></i>
<aura:set attribute="else" >
  <aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='In progress'}">
<i class=""><img src="/resource/1473663683000/app_yell"/></i>  
 <aura:set attribute="else" >
      <aura:if isTrue="{!obj.Status__c=='Declined'}">            

          <i class=""><img src="/resource/1473844158000/app_pending"/></i>    
<aura:set attribute="else">

I would like to create an action button on Campaign on mobile for "Create Contact"  I am working for a non-profit, where there is no requirement for creating Lead or converting lead process. This non-profit has is a contact, with status (Supporter, Inactive).
During an event or in campaign need to create contact from campaign page. 
(1) I am able to create cutom button on campaign page to create contact. but not able to add to  Mobile (Salesforce1) layout 
(2) is there a way to add contact and also attach to campaign in action button
    note I have 2 campaign record types
Our org is reaching workflowrules limit. I have to delete some. Is there a way to find which workflow is not being used? Or which work is is called how many time in a month?
I have a trigger on Account to send email notification after mass update is complete.
But I am getting multiple email notification because Salesforce Trigger is processing 200 at a time. Any suggestions on how I can only send one email instead of multiple (1 for every 200)
trigger AccountTriggers on Account (before Insert, after update, after insert){

  //Email Notification after mass upload Complete 
  if(!recordIds.isEmpty() && recordIds.size() > 100){     

I tried with DbAmp, Apex dataloader. I have over 800 records. I got 5 email notification when I loaded my records.

We are getting weekly data to load into Salesforce. Need to notify sales team after the upload is complete. But the above sample code is generating 5 emails, 1 for every 200 records. I tried is isBatch(), the values is FALSE in this scenario.
Any suggestions ?
I would like to monitor API Usage when Client ID is of certain type. Is it possible to create a trigger after insert on API Usage so that I can capture the information.
We will be getting an automated load into salesforce on weekly, and I want to capture record count every time for certain Client ID.
Is there a way to capture mass upload into salesforce with how many records loaded  within salesforce 
How do I update may email template image URL  in preparation for split instance? my current code looks like below
<img src="https://na3.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?
id=015D0000000Dpwc&oid=00DD0000000FHaG&lastMod=1270576568000" alt="Company Logo" height="64" width="64"/>
what should be the new code, in preparation for split instance?
I have trigger that is not getting fired in production. I create two developer sandboxes trigger works in one not in other.
I tested the trigger updates in Full sandbox before deploying it is still working. 

Here is the simple trigger. When i update the case I do not see the my debug print in logs
trigger CaseTriggers on Case (before update, after update) {

     if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){  system.debug('insde Case Trigger');
      //CaseTriggersCls.Case2AccountUpdate (Trigger.new);

How to debug production trigger not firing?
I have a map with id and Account map<id, account> here the sample code
map<id, Account> updateAccts = new map<id, Account>();
List<Account> getAccts = [SELECT id, Case_Mailed_to_Group__c, Case_In_Work__c, CKE__C FROM Account WHERE ID in: caseAccUpdateIds ];

for(Account a: getAccts){
         //update account field in the map   HOW update CKE__c field on account
        Account ac = updateAccts.get(a.Id);
        ac.CKE__C = a.CKE__C;  //not working
      updateAccts.put(a.id, a);
update updateAccts.values();
Hi There,

I have a requirement to schedule meetings within Apex by sending email invitations. I then want to be able to process the responses to meeting requests within my appication so that I can record who is attending etc. I am a complete newbie when it comes to caledars and have no clue where to start. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance
Hi - I'm trying to copy a file in a Content library into an attachment of a Contract record as I can't give the Account Owner access to a group folder in Content. 
The document in Content is encypted.  I've used the attached code to do the migration. If I have an unecrypted file it works fine. The encrypted files are now corrupted when they are copied into attachments. If I manually download from content and upload the encrypted files into attachments they are fine.

Any ideas on what may be changing the file structure that corrupts the encrypted files? I assume that the transfer would copy a byte for byte copy of the document?

Public Pagereference Migrate() {

List<contentVersion> ContentDocs = [select id,VersionData,GNS_Partner__c,Implementation_Ref__c,MFR_Ref__c,Migrated__c,Title,description,pathonclient,ownerid,contentsize from contentversion where islatest=true and Migrated__c=false and contentsize <5000001 and GNS_partner__c=:system.currentPageReference().getparameters().get('id')];

List<attachment> NewAtt = new list<attachment> ();

String Descrpt;

    For(ContentVersion c: ContentDocs){

    if(c.description !=null){Descrpt = c.description;}
      else {descrpt = 'Executed Contract = Voltage Encrypted';}
      String VerData = encodingUtil.base64Encode(c.versiondata);
              NewAtt.add(new Attachment(ParentId=c.Implementation_Ref__c,body=EncodingUtil.base64Decode(VerData),name=c.title,description=c.description, ownerid=c.ownerid,contenttype='application/pdf'));

// Update content as migrated and insert new Attachments to IMP

update ContentDocs;
insert NewAtt;
return null;
return null;

i have a visual for page that include this:
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c}" required="true">
          <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="page"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Credit_Card_Number__c}" rendered="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c='Credit Card'}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Your_Smart_Money_Number__c}" rendered="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c='Smart Money'}" label="Smart Money Transaction #"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Amount_Paid__c}" required="true"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Pay" action="{!pay}" style="padding: 5px 25px;"/>

i added/enabled this visualforce page to my site domain: http://elavil-developer-edition.ap1.force.com/sitepage/OnlinePayment
it should display like this:
User-added image
instead, it displays like this:
User-added image

all of these fields are visible when i open/view it as an administrator. why is it that when i go to my site domain(http://elavil-developer-edition.ap1.force.com/sitepage/OnlinePayment) the fields doesn't show? can anyone help me please?
  • March 05, 2014
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Hi all,


Does anyone know if it is possible to generate an iCalendar/.ical/.ics file based on the content of a Salesforce record?


Ideally we would like to be able to have a custom button on a record that on pressing it generates a Meeting Invite to be saved/sent from Outlook. The recipients/attendees, subject, dates, etc. would be defined by fields on the Salesforce record.


I have searched the AppExchange but cannot find anything that meets this requirement. Any help or advice is much appreciated.





I have an object that has a lookup field, but I need more than 10 criteria filters. I have called salesforce premier support to ask for idea about a work around but out of the 3 cases started to get help no one has come up with a solution. I've attached an image to show my filteres and object fields.


Criteria Filters
