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Hi guys


We have some users that constantly need to change the values on a few picklists, so we'd like to delegate that ability to them, but not let them touch the rest of the object.

They'd also need to change the values available via the Controlling field for dependent picklists.

Is this possible?

This is for both Standard and Custom Objects.



Hi guys


I'm wanting to trigger a time based workflow rule based on the criteria of the parent object.

Is this possible?


ie. ObjectA is parent to ObjectB

I want a time based email alert to be sent to ObjectB if the Status of ObjectA isn't 'CLOSED'.


From my understanding, Workflow Rules are triggered when an object is edited, so to send an email to ObjectB requires a field on ObjectB to be edited.  Seeing as the criteria points to ObjectB's parent, changing the Status at ObjectA won't trigger the Workflow Rule for its ObjectB child record(s).


Is this possible without delving into Apex code?




Hi Guys

I have a requirement to send an Email Alert to a Contact record that is the Parent's parent of a custom Object.


Contact > ObjectA > Object B


I have a field at ObjectB that I'm using to determine when to send the email, and I want it sent to ObjectB.ObjectA.Contact.email_address
However, there doesn't appear to be a way to use any of these lookup values to find the Contact's email address.


Has anyone come across this and found a solution?
In a normal database, it would be a pretty simple join to traverse up the tables.





Hi guys


I'm trying to automatically update a 'Risk' field based on which 'Industry' a user selects.

eg.  Construction = High Risk,  Administration = Low Risk

When a user selects 'Construction', 'High Risk' is automatically selected (and protected)


I can achieve this with a basic CASE formula, however I'm hoping there is a more elegant and scalable way of doing this.

If I was designing this with a database, I'd have a separate table with one column for Industry and one for Risk, the use this to look up which value to use.


Looking at the Custom Settings feature, I'm hoping this may be able to help.

Has anyone been able to achieve this?

Also, is there a way to synchronise the values in the Industry field as well as the Custom Setting? 

ie. if there is a new Industry, is there a way to ensure both the Industry field and the Custom Setting is updated?



Hi guys


I'm wanting to trigger a time based workflow rule based on the criteria of the parent object.

Is this possible?


ie. ObjectA is parent to ObjectB

I want a time based email alert to be sent to ObjectB if the Status of ObjectA isn't 'CLOSED'.


From my understanding, Workflow Rules are triggered when an object is edited, so to send an email to ObjectB requires a field on ObjectB to be edited.  Seeing as the criteria points to ObjectB's parent, changing the Status at ObjectA won't trigger the Workflow Rule for its ObjectB child record(s).


Is this possible without delving into Apex code?




Hi Guys

I have a requirement to send an Email Alert to a Contact record that is the Parent's parent of a custom Object.


Contact > ObjectA > Object B


I have a field at ObjectB that I'm using to determine when to send the email, and I want it sent to ObjectB.ObjectA.Contact.email_address
However, there doesn't appear to be a way to use any of these lookup values to find the Contact's email address.


Has anyone come across this and found a solution?
In a normal database, it would be a pretty simple join to traverse up the tables.





Hi guys


I'm trying to automatically update a 'Risk' field based on which 'Industry' a user selects.

eg.  Construction = High Risk,  Administration = Low Risk

When a user selects 'Construction', 'High Risk' is automatically selected (and protected)


I can achieve this with a basic CASE formula, however I'm hoping there is a more elegant and scalable way of doing this.

If I was designing this with a database, I'd have a separate table with one column for Industry and one for Risk, the use this to look up which value to use.


Looking at the Custom Settings feature, I'm hoping this may be able to help.

Has anyone been able to achieve this?

Also, is there a way to synchronise the values in the Industry field as well as the Custom Setting? 

ie. if there is a new Industry, is there a way to ensure both the Industry field and the Custom Setting is updated?



i created BulkTrigger for Lead Conversion.i created two custom objects. i.e   Agency and Broker objects.

i. Now Lead is Converted then  Lead company name goes to Agency and Lead Name goes to Broker object. that's working fine.

ii. once lead is converted Salesforce automatically created account and contact records.But we Need to Prevent the Account and Contact inserting. .is it possiable. ...............Pls Help me...........................


User Manually Lead Records converted using Convert Button in Lead home page.




trigger ConvertLead on Lead (after insert, after update) {
    List<Lead> leadIds = new List<Lead>();
    Id lId;
  for(Lead led: Trigger.New){
        if(led.isConverted == true && led.Lead_type_picklist__c =='Broker'){
            if(led.id != null)
    Map<Id,Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>([Select id,Name,Company from Lead Where id in:leadIds]);
    List<Agency__c > agencyinsert = new List<Agency__c >();
    List<Broker__c> brokers = new List<Broker__c>();
    for(integer i=0; i<leadIds.size(); i++){
        lId = leadIds[i].Id;
        Lead leadobj = leadMap.get(lId);
        Agency__c ag = new Agency__c();
    if( agencyinsert.size()>0)
        insert agencyinsert;
   for(integer i=0; i<leadIds.size(); i++){
      for(integer j=0; j<agencyinsert.size(); j++){
             Lead leadobj1 = leadMap.get(lId);
             Broker__c b = new Broker__c();
             b.Name = leadobj1.Name;
             b.Agency__c = agencyinsert[j].id;
     if(brokers.size() > 0)
        insert brokers;


How can Prevent the inserting account and contact records once lead is conversion.pls help me...............................

  • January 24, 2012
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We are trying to send an email to SFDC for parsing using the EmailToApex class example in the tutorial. Nothing gets posted. We looked at the other discussion threads and found some inference that the sender of the email needed to be the same as the account login on SFDC. Not sure why that would be but we tried it anyway - no deal.

We activated bounce back on the messages and got a response that says the following:

554 Transaction failed: No authentication check passed.

Return-Path: <user@ourdomain.com>

X-SFDC-Interface: external

In looking at the hint for the Advanced Email Security Settings, it says the following:
Before enabling this option, make sure that your users email domains support at least one of the following protocols: SPF, Sender ID, or DomainKeys.

In looking at the rejection (bounce back) response, it appeared that could in fact be the case.
(Note the NONE next to each of these values).

We contacted our mail host and they have activated SPF for us on our mail server.
However, they said that they will likely need to add the SFDC mail servers to our SPF service as well.
Is that true?

Here is the language from the hosting company support rep:
Tech Support: Ask SalesForce "What do I put in my SPF record to make sure messages sent from the SalesForce server pass SPF checks?" If SalesForce publishes their own SPF record (which I'm sure they do) they will tell you something like "include:(some salesforce.com server here)". This will be the most accurate way to ensure that we setup your SPF record correctly.

Do we really need to have SFDC servers on our mail sever? That seems unnecessary. If it is in fact the case- what are the SFDC mail servers we need to add? There must be several.

Any help is appreciated.

  • March 13, 2009
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We are using email2case with our Google Apps account so all emails to support@ get picked up by the email2case agent and piped in


It works apart from intermittently it will just *crash or hang* where it fails to connect to Salesforce or fails with a connection error when connecting to imap.gmail.com (see below)


2009-01-26 17:14:34,468 [Timer-0] INFO     processing 0 messages

2009-01-26 17:25:03,812 [Timer-0] ERROR Unable to connect to mail service.

Service: imap.gmail.com

User: support@domain.co.uk


Message: * BYE Temporary System Error;

  nested exception is:

        com.sun.mail.iap.ConnectionException: * BYE Temporary System Error



Worse still ... it doesnt re-connect .. so our support system just dies 



We have been advised (by Salesforce support) that it doesnt work with Google Apps, however, we tried it on another IMAP email account and experienced the same problems


It is making the email2Case totally useless for us as we have keep resetting agent to get it to start polling again.


Attached our config files incase there is something obvious we've missed but it works most of the time


============= Email2Case.txt =================
















======  SFDCCONFIG.TXT ======================




























