• agulli1
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I am trying to use the WYSIWYG editor that is free through force.com labs, CMSForce2. I have gotten through the instructional and try to add content but it doesn't show up.  Also everytime I try to add to content to the webpage it makes me login.  Are these errors related?


I am able to produce content in the WYSIWYG editor and click save.  It then takes me back to the console where it shows the preview buttons that indicate there is content in the block but no content appears.  Any suggestions?  This is in a developer org.

Hi all,


The code Im working on here calls 'Lead' for the recipientType and 'LeadFloorPlanAssoc' as the relatedTo Object.  LeadFloorPlanAssoc is a custom object created to pull information from the Floor Plan custom object and the Lead Object.  Finally it displays a related list of Floor Plans in the Lead object.  We are trying to create an email template that lists available Floor Plans in an email sent to a Lead.  However, when I run the template nothing shows up in the list even though I should have the property name and price showing up for the available floor names.


I've tried a number of workarounds.  Changing relatedToType to Lead and trying to call floor plan straight from the Lead related list, which creates this error:

 Error: Invalid field Floor_Plan__r for SObject Lea


I've also tried changing the   value="{!relatedTo.Floor_Plan__r}" to a Floor_Plan_c which would seem to more closely fit the example in the Visualforce manual, but this creates the error:

 Error: Unknown property 'String.id'


Any help or ideas would be really appreciated.


Heres the code:



<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Lead"
subject="Properties for: {!recipient.name}"

<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
<p>Dear {!recipient.name},</p>
<p>Below is a list of Properties</p>
<table border="1" >
<th>Property Name</th><th>Price</th><th>Community</th>

<apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Floor_Plan__r}">
<td><a href =


We are looking to create a mobile version of our site.  Will we have to create two separate versions of the site (one for desktop and one for mobile) or is there a tool that will transform a normal webpage into a mobile version?



Maybe some CSS?



Thanks for any response.





Im a new developer and need a criteria based search function that will search a detail object in a master detail relationship.  It will display in the 'leads' object as a related list but will search a detail object where 'account' is the master and the detail object is 'floor plan'.  


I'm pretty sure that I would have to use SOQL to create this function but Im not sure how (haven't found any good tutorials and I don't have a java background) or where (do a visual force override?) to do it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Im a new developer and need a criteria based search function that will search a detail object in a master detail relationship.  It will display in the 'leads' object as a related list but will search a detail object where 'account' is the master and the detail object is 'floor plan'.  


I'm pretty sure that I would have to use SOQL to create this function but Im not sure how (haven't found any good tutorials and I don't have a java background) or where (do a visual force override?) to do it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hi all,


The code Im working on here calls 'Lead' for the recipientType and 'LeadFloorPlanAssoc' as the relatedTo Object.  LeadFloorPlanAssoc is a custom object created to pull information from the Floor Plan custom object and the Lead Object.  Finally it displays a related list of Floor Plans in the Lead object.  We are trying to create an email template that lists available Floor Plans in an email sent to a Lead.  However, when I run the template nothing shows up in the list even though I should have the property name and price showing up for the available floor names.


I've tried a number of workarounds.  Changing relatedToType to Lead and trying to call floor plan straight from the Lead related list, which creates this error:

 Error: Invalid field Floor_Plan__r for SObject Lea


I've also tried changing the   value="{!relatedTo.Floor_Plan__r}" to a Floor_Plan_c which would seem to more closely fit the example in the Visualforce manual, but this creates the error:

 Error: Unknown property 'String.id'


Any help or ideas would be really appreciated.


Heres the code:



<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Lead"
subject="Properties for: {!recipient.name}"

<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
<p>Dear {!recipient.name},</p>
<p>Below is a list of Properties</p>
<table border="1" >
<th>Property Name</th><th>Price</th><th>Community</th>

<apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Floor_Plan__r}">
<td><a href =


Is there any way to mass delete records in a custom object (table)?  The Mass Delete feature under Setup -> Administration Setup -> Data Management -> Mass Delete Records  only seems to perform a mass delete for SDFC standard objects....


It is pretty painful to delete records one by one - phew!!



  • December 21, 2009
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I tried to install a package in production environment(It is not the beta version) but while installing I am getting an error like "Missing Organization Feature: PartnerNetwork"


Can you please suggest me a solution for this type of error and can u explain why i get this error ?


Awaiting kind responses

  • March 02, 2009
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