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I've just recently jumped into trying to write Triggers and am having difficulty getting this trigger and test class to work.


It seems the test class doesn't like the Double I'm trying to add into the new record and the trigger doesn't like one of my variable statements.


Can someone help point me in the right direction?


Here's the error when trying to deploy the test class.  Note: the test class worked for another trigger until I added the "rPosition__c = 5".


Run Failures:

  resultsFetchTestClass.myUnitTest System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, calculatePointsOnResults: execution of BeforeInsert

caused by: System.TypeException: Invalid double: 5.0

Trigger.calculatePointsOnResults: line 4, column 17: []

  Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 66%, at least 75% test coverage is required


Here's the test class.  You can see that Member and Test are lookups.  This test class deployed fine for another trigger I wrote but when I added rPosition__c it came back with the "Invalid Double" error.  rPosition is a number(2,0) field.



@isTestprivate class resultsFetchTestClass { static testMethod void myUnitTest() { // TO DO: implement unit test Results__c rResults = new Results__c(Member__c = 'a0K80000001EQri', Test__c = 'a0M80000003pvbD', rPosition__c = 5); insert rResults; }}


 Here's the trigger.  In the code you can see one statement that is commented out that worked (replacing the rPos variable with the value 2).  If I deploy the test class without the rPosition I get an error saying there were no items in the list created.



trigger calculatePointsOnResults on Results__c (before insert, before update) { for (Results__c rRes : Trigger.new){ Double rPos = Double.valueOf(rRes.rPosition__c); String group = String.valueOf(rRes.Group__c); Points__c p = [Select s.Points__c From Points__c s where Position__c = :rPos AND Group__c = :group LIMIT 1];// Points__c p = [Select s.Points__c From Points__c s where Position__c = 2 AND Group__c = :group LIMIT 1]; THIS ONE WORKS rRes.Points__c = p.Points__c; }}


 I'm sure I'm doing a bunch of stuff wrong, just trying to move along in my learning and take care of a few app issues.

