• tsmith.ax677
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This should be very simple, but I've been unable to find any example documentation to get this working.


Any help would be extremely appreciated!


I simply want to pre-fill some fields when a user creates a new record. I have successfully accomplished this by creating a Custom Button with the following URL setup:



This Custom Button works great, except instead of a Custom Button, I want to Override the "New" standard button for the object with this same URL logic.


What would the equivalent code for my visualforce page look like?


I've even tried such things as:



<apex:page StandardController="Application__c" action="https://na5.salesforce.com/a0R/e?CF00N700000024t7L={!HTMLENCODE(Opportunity.Name)}&CF00N700000024t7L_lkid={!Opportunity.Id}&retURL=%{!Opportunity.Id}&CF00N700000025GKF={!$User.FirstName}&CF00N70000002525I={!Opportunity.Contact__c}&CF00N700000024tek={!Opportunity.Account}"/>




Additional details:


- This is a custom object called "Application" that I am trying to have some fields be "pre-filled" for.

- Generally, users currently click "New Application" standard button from an "Opportunity". I want to Override this "New Application" button with the above URL.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you!!

This should be very simple, but I've been unable to find any example documentation to get this working.


Any help would be extremely appreciated!


I simply want to pre-fill some fields when a user creates a new record. I have successfully accomplished this by creating a Custom Button with the following URL setup:



This Custom Button works great, except instead of a Custom Button, I want to Override the "New" standard button for the object with this same URL logic.


What would the equivalent code for my visualforce page look like?


I've even tried such things as:



<apex:page StandardController="Application__c" action="https://na5.salesforce.com/a0R/e?CF00N700000024t7L={!HTMLENCODE(Opportunity.Name)}&CF00N700000024t7L_lkid={!Opportunity.Id}&retURL=%{!Opportunity.Id}&CF00N700000025GKF={!$User.FirstName}&CF00N70000002525I={!Opportunity.Contact__c}&CF00N700000024tek={!Opportunity.Account}"/>




Additional details:


- This is a custom object called "Application" that I am trying to have some fields be "pre-filled" for.

- Generally, users currently click "New Application" standard button from an "Opportunity". I want to Override this "New Application" button with the above URL.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you!!