• TempleHoff
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I am trying to write a rule that will prevent someone from moving the stage of an opportunity to Closed & Booked if the IIS Cost is not approved for a specific opportunity product called IIS - Professional Services - PS.These are the fields I am working with

OPPORTUNITY Stage - Picklist Value - value would be Closed & Booked
OPPORTUNITY PRODUCT NAME - Picklist Value - value would be IIS - Professional Services - PS
OPPORTUITY PRODUCT APPROVED BY - Picklist Value - value would be Blank

If the last field is blank then you cannot move the stage to closed and booked. What wwould this rule look like. And would it be on the opportunity or opportunity product?

AND (ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed & Booked"),
(Product2.Name  = 'IIS - Professional Services - PS'),   ISBLANK( IIS_PS_Cost__c ))
So, I made a custom Print view for an object and thought it would be nice to include the Chatter Feed at the end of the document.  But when you use the standard <chatter:feed> or <chatter:feedWithFollowers> on a Visualforce page that you renderAs="PDF", it looks like garbage with artifacts randoming thrown all over the page.   Has anyone been able to produce a nice looking printout of a Chatter feed on an object?
I've writen a trigger so that when I import an Account record from Data.com or clean one the trigger will use the Parent DUNS on the associated D&B Company record to see if I already have the parent in my org.  If I do, then it sets the parent automatically.  The trigger works great and is bulkified.  But now I'm stuck.  How do I generate mock D&B Company records in a Test Method to test against?  Do I have to 'see all data' in the TestMethod test from a known real D&B Company record?

I have a trigger that works:

trigger setGeo on CarQuotes__c (before insert, before update) {

for(CarQuotes__c Car : trigger.new)
    if (Car.NeedDistance__c == True){
    else { Car.NeedDistance__c = True; }


My class ZipGeoCode works as well.  It uses the @future and calls the Google api to get a driving distance and populates a field on the CarQuotes__c record.


The problem is that when you create a new record or update a record, when you click save what you see does not reflect the distance that was gathered from Google.  But if you refresh or navigate away from the record and back to it, you see the distance value was in fact updated.  This is deceptive for the users.  Is there any way to have the trigger pause until the ZipGeoCode is finished?  Or on edit/update to force the browser to refresh?  So that the users view of the record after save shows the value?

I need to display a list of accounts grouped by a common field (Ulitmate_Parent_Id).  Then as a subquery list all the opportunities on each account.


Heres my SOQL:  

List<Account> accounts = [Select Id, Account_Family__c, Name, BillingCity,(Select Name, StageName, Owner.Name, From Opportunities) from Account where GROUP BY Account_Family__c];


Problem is I get an error saying that GROUP BY is not allowed in a query with a subquery.  But I need it GROUPed BY.  So how do I get arround this?  Can I execute the query then somehow generate the grouping on the list afterwords?  

I'm trying to build a simple flow that can be used from a button on an account to find any children of the account and update their Parent Account field.  I can get the Account ID into the flow, and I've create a search field for the user to enter search criteria which drives a Dynamic Multiple Choice checkbox field which displays the list of Accounts that match the criteria.  Now all I want to do is update the parent Account of each account that is selected in the list.  For the life of me, I can only get the first account selected in the list to actually update.  I've tried set a variable equal to the Dynamic Multiple Choice field and I can then see that the record IDs of all the select accounts are added to the field and ; seperated.  But, then the Update function fails because I can set the criteria in the Update function to update where the variable contains the accountid.  Any help on this?  How do you update all the records selected in a Dynamic Multiple Choice field?

I can access my flow on my mobile device, but looks like garbage.  So, I embedded it in a VisualForce page and dropped in the Jquery mobile stuff as described here: http://bobbuzzard.blogspot.cz/2012/04/mobile-apps-with-visualforce-and-jquery.html  So, not the flow looks wonderful on my mobile device, but the Flow Next/Previous/Finish buttons do not work.  Any ideas?

So, I've got a VisualForce page with one number field showing.  I would like to place a button or link following the field.  The user can then either type the number 5 for instance in the field.  Or the user could click the link/button after the field 5 times.  Each click would one-up the value present in the field, but not save the data.  I don't want to save the field data until the save button on the page is clicked.  Ideally, I'd like to acheive this without resorting to APEX coding if possible.  And ideally, I'd like it to render nicely in HTML5 for mobile use.  Any ideas?

I need a way to show all the Sales Team Members on an opportunity pipeline report without using a Summary report which displays redundant opportunity data for each Sales Team Member.  I thought the easy way would be a trigger that would update a text field on the opportunity with the comma separated list of Team Member names each time a Sales Team member was added or removed.  I'm not skilled enough to write such a trigger from scratch and have been unable to find a sample that does this or something similar.  Does anyone know of a sample I could work from?



I have installed Wikiforce is both prod and sandbox.  It seems to work but when try to add an image to a wikipage the browse button returns a message "Page WikiPageImages does not exist". The URL of the returned page indicates a 'c' namespace rather than a 'wf' namespace.  When I view the installed package everything seems to show a 'wf' namespace.  How can I correct the calls to both WikiPageImages and WikiPageLinks to use the wf namespace? Are they hardcoded to the 'c' namespace for some reason?

So, I made a custom Print view for an object and thought it would be nice to include the Chatter Feed at the end of the document.  But when you use the standard <chatter:feed> or <chatter:feedWithFollowers> on a Visualforce page that you renderAs="PDF", it looks like garbage with artifacts randoming thrown all over the page.   Has anyone been able to produce a nice looking printout of a Chatter feed on an object?
I've writen a trigger so that when I import an Account record from Data.com or clean one the trigger will use the Parent DUNS on the associated D&B Company record to see if I already have the parent in my org.  If I do, then it sets the parent automatically.  The trigger works great and is bulkified.  But now I'm stuck.  How do I generate mock D&B Company records in a Test Method to test against?  Do I have to 'see all data' in the TestMethod test from a known real D&B Company record?
I am trying to write a rule that will prevent someone from moving the stage of an opportunity to Closed & Booked if the IIS Cost is not approved for a specific opportunity product called IIS - Professional Services - PS.These are the fields I am working with

OPPORTUNITY Stage - Picklist Value - value would be Closed & Booked
OPPORTUNITY PRODUCT NAME - Picklist Value - value would be IIS - Professional Services - PS
OPPORTUITY PRODUCT APPROVED BY - Picklist Value - value would be Blank

If the last field is blank then you cannot move the stage to closed and booked. What wwould this rule look like. And would it be on the opportunity or opportunity product?

AND (ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed & Booked"),
(Product2.Name  = 'IIS - Professional Services - PS'),   ISBLANK( IIS_PS_Cost__c ))
I have a custom object (MyChild) that is a child of Account.  I'm building a custom Visualforce replacement for the detail view of MyChild.   I'm using the standard controller for MyChild.  I'd like to display a table on the top of the page dcontaining the list of Contact records associated with the parent Account.  I can make this work with a seperate Visualforce page iframed in as an sControl.  But I don't want to do that.  Does anyone have a pattern component or extension to pass a list of child records of another type back like this?

I have a trigger that works:

trigger setGeo on CarQuotes__c (before insert, before update) {

for(CarQuotes__c Car : trigger.new)
    if (Car.NeedDistance__c == True){
    else { Car.NeedDistance__c = True; }


My class ZipGeoCode works as well.  It uses the @future and calls the Google api to get a driving distance and populates a field on the CarQuotes__c record.


The problem is that when you create a new record or update a record, when you click save what you see does not reflect the distance that was gathered from Google.  But if you refresh or navigate away from the record and back to it, you see the distance value was in fact updated.  This is deceptive for the users.  Is there any way to have the trigger pause until the ZipGeoCode is finished?  Or on edit/update to force the browser to refresh?  So that the users view of the record after save shows the value?

We now have Mobile Packs for jQuery Mobile, Backbone.js and AngularJS, with (safe harbor!!!) Knockout.js in the pipeline. What other client-side framework(s) are you using? We've heard from fans of Ember.js and Sencha, but we need your help in prioritizing the next set of Mobile Packs.


Let us know here what you're looking for...

In Find Nearby: in IE after "Map It!" is selected, the middle (list of found nearby records) and right (driving directions) panes are not displayed....  I have meesed with just about every security setting without luck.  All the panes display properly in Firefox.  Any ideas?

I'm trying to provide a VF page inside a custom object page layout.  I would like to allow my users to edit their information and click the save button without the VF page changing it's position within the inner frame.  (See Screen shots)



Custom Object with VF Page before clicking Save commandButton


RPI Object Before VF Page Save

























Custom Object with VF Page after clicking the Save commandButton


RPI Object After VF Page Save



























What is the best way to correct this?  Is it possible to have the parent page refresh after the save commandButton is clicked.


Here is my code....


<apex:page StandardController="RPI_Request__c">
  <apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
      <apex:panelGrid dir="LTR" columns="6" id="theGrid">
          <apex:outputText value="" id="one"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Owner(s)" id="two"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Start" id="three"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Finish" id="four"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Fix Needed?" id="five"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Estimated Completion" id="six"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Gather/Create Specifications: " id="seven"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Gather_Create_Specs_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="eight"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Gather_Create_Specs_Start__c}" id="nine"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Gather_Create_Specs_Finish__c}" id="ten"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Gather_Create_Specs_Fix__c}" id="eleven"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Gather_Create_Specs_Est_Comp__c}" id="twelve"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Review/Finalize Specifications: " id="thirteen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Review_Final_Specs_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="fourteen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Review_Final_Specs_Start__c}" id="fifteen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Review_Final_Specs_Finish__c}" id="sixteen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Review_Final_Specs_Fix__c}" id="seventeen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Review_Final_Specs_Est_Comp__c}" id="eighteen"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Create Matrix: " id="nineteen"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Create_Matrix_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="twenty"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Create_Matrix_Start__c}" id="twentyone"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Create_Matrix_Finish__c}" id="twentytwo"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Create_Matrix_Fix__c}" id="twentythree"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Create_Matrix_Est_Comp__c}" id="twentyfour"/>
          <apex:outputText value="Finalize Matrix: " id="twentyfive"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Finalize_Matrix_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="twentysix"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Finalize_Matrix_Start__c}" id="twentyseven"/> 
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Finalize_Matrix_Finish__c}" id="twentyeight"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Finalize_Matrix_Fix__c}" id="twentynine"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Finalize_Matrix_Est_Comp__c}" id="thirty"/>           
          <apex:outputText value="Mapping/Development: " id="thirtyone"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Mapping_Dev_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="thirtytwo"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Mapping_Dev_Start__c}" id="thirtythree"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Mapping_Dev_Finish__c}" id="thirtyfour"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Mapping_Dev_Fix__c}" id="thirtyfive"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Mapping_Dev_Est_Comp__c}" id="thirtysix"/>
          <apex:outputText value="QA: " id="thirtyseven"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.QA_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="thirtyeight"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.QA_Start__c}" id="thirtynine"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.QA_Finish__c}" id="forty"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.QA_Fix__c}" id="fortyone"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.QA_Est_Comp__c}" id="fortytwo"/>   
          <apex:outputText value="Integrated Testing: " id="fortythree"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Integrated_Testing_Owner_Lookup__c}" id="fortyfour"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Integrated_Testing_Start__c}" id="fortyfive"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Integrated_Testing_Finish__c}" id="fortysix"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Integrated_Testing_Fix__c}" id="fortyseven"/>
              <apex:inputField value="{!RPI_Request__c.Integrated_Testing_Est_Comp__c}" id="fortyeight"/>     
     <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" alt="Save" id="saveButton"/>


  • March 15, 2011
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