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I was referred here from the Formulas & Validation Rules Board.

I was told this approach is not officially supported by salesforce (even though they present this technique in various forums), but I would like to proceed. I have a custom object with a custom button that creates a child Task and presets the values on several Task fields.  I'm having trouble defaulting one field - the Related To picklist.  I want the parent object name in the picklist to default, but I can't seem to do it. Using Firebug, I determined that the Related To picklist field is tsk3_mlktp, but no matter what I try, I can't get that field to default to my custom object name within that picklist.  I've tried the object name in double-quotes, as well as the object ID.  If I use the object ID, It does populate the actual object ID in the Related To field, but what I need is the value/name of that object.  

Any suggestions? Thanks. 


Original posting: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Formulas-Validation-Rules/Setting-the-Related-To-picklist-value-via-a-custom-button/td-p/281317


I know this is not officially supported by salesforce (even though they present this technique in various forums).
I have a custom object with a custom button that creates a child Task and presets the values on several fields.  I'm having trouble defaulting one field - the Related To picklist.  I want the parent object name in the picklist to default, but I can't seem to do it.
Using Firebug, I determined that the Related To picklist field is tsk3_mlktp, but no matter what I try, I can't get that field to default to my custom object name within that picklist.  I've tried the object name in double-quotes, as well as the object ID.  If I use the object ID, It does populate the actual object ID in the Related To field, but what I need is the value/name of that object.
Any suggestions?




I'm looking to add some type of visual notification on the Home Tab for users when a certain condition exists with records in a custom object.  For example, the user is listed in a lookup field on a record in the custom object, and the Status of the record = x.  I don't necessarily need the details (just a summary indication is fine if one or more records meet this criteria), but a detailed list would be fine also.  Trying to avoid having users run a report or navigate to a tab & select a view.




I know this is not officially supported by salesforce (even though they present this technique in various forums).
I have a custom object with a custom button that creates a child Task and presets the values on several fields.  I'm having trouble defaulting one field - the Related To picklist.  I want the parent object name in the picklist to default, but I can't seem to do it.
Using Firebug, I determined that the Related To picklist field is tsk3_mlktp, but no matter what I try, I can't get that field to default to my custom object name within that picklist.  I've tried the object name in double-quotes, as well as the object ID.  If I use the object ID, It does populate the actual object ID in the Related To field, but what I need is the value/name of that object.
Any suggestions?