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I need to release this api call for our client, the coverage of my test is 67%, like you know I need at least 75% how I can get the 75%? Below the code.


public class APICall {

  //Future annotation to mark the method as async.

//  String id, String name
public static void APICall_Request (Datetime fecha_inicio, Datetime fecha_fin, string Event_Id, string account_Id) {

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

/****getting info from table Account***/

      List<account> b = [Select latitud__c, Longitud__c From Account Where Id=:account_Id];

    string latitud = b[0].latitud__c; //info for the XML
    string Longitud = b[0].Longitud__c; //info for the XML
    /****converting the datetimne*******/
    Datetime fecha_fin_def   = fecha_fin.AddHours(1);//time dif our time -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
    Datetime fecha_inic_def  = fecha_inicio.AddHours(-1);//time dif -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
/******** XML*******/
      req.setBody( '<request>    <authentication>        <username>65460806</username>        <password>hello</password>    </authentication>    <sphere>        <name>'+Event_Id+'</name>  <campaign>DEMO</campaign>      <onEnter>           <processId>6540088</processId>          <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>        </onEnter>        <onExit>            <processId>6540088</processId>           <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>      </onExit>        <device>65460806</device>                <zone>            <address>'+Longitud+' '+latitud+'</address>            <radius>90</radius>            <unitType>mtrs</unitType>        </zone>        <startDate>'+fecha_inic_def+' +0000</startDate>        <endDate>'+fecha_fin_def+' -0000</endDate>    </sphere></request>');

        // Create a new http object to send the request object
        // A response object is generated as a result of the request
        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);


/********************** the result is ok sucessful this function and the connection is working fine *************************/


     //check the response
    if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {
      System.debug('Exitoso '+ res);

// checking the result
      Event acc = new Event(Id='00US00000014KqmMAE');
     acc.Description = ' Created '+datetime.now()+'  '+res.getBody()+' inicio '+fecha_inicio+'  fin '+fecha_fin+' lat '+latitud+' long '+Longitud ;

       try {
               update acc;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),

    } else {
      System.debug('Callout failed: ' + res);
// checking the result      
      Event acc = new Event(Id='00US00000014KqmMAE');
      acc.Description = 'Malo '+res.getBody();

       try {
               update acc;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),

    }///api Call


/**************************************test mehotd*****************************/




private class TestApiCall
  //Added for security review
   public static testMethod void TestAPICall() {
        // TO DO: implement unit test


     Datetime fecha_inicio = datetime.now();
     Datetime fecha_fin = datetime.now();
     string Event_Id = '00UA00000041osdMAA';
     string account_Id = '001A000000LKjdeIAD';
     APICall.APICall_Request(fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, Event_Id, account_Id); /// after add this I increase the coverage from 53 % to 67%
     List<Account> b = [Select latitud__c, Longitud__c, Id From Account Where Id='001A000000LKjgIIAT'];

    string latitud = b[0].latitud__c;
    string Longitud = b[0].Longitud__c;
     List<Event> t = [Select EndDateTime, StartDateTime, Id, WhatId From Event Where Id='00UA00000041oscMAA'];

    Datetime fecha_fint    = t[0].EndDateTime;
    Datetime fecha_iniciot = t[0].StartDateTime;
    string Event_Idt= t[0].Id;
    string account_Idt = t[0].WhatId;

    APICall.APICall_Request(fecha_iniciot, fecha_fint, Event_Idt, account_Id); //adding this new line still have 67%
           Account acc2 = new Account(Id='001A000000LKjgIIAT');
           acc2.name = 'ANVA CELULAR, C.A.';
           acc2.latitud__c = '654897' ;
            acc2.Longitud__c = '98732100' ;
            acc2.Categoria__c = 'Uno (1)';
            acc2.Estatus__c = 'Operativo';
            acc2.Region__c ='GRAN CARACAS';
            acc2.Zona__c = 'ZONA METROPOLITANA';
            acc2.Tipo__c = 'AA - Agente Autorizado';
            try {
               update acc2;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),
        acc2 = [Select name from Account where Id=:acc2.Id];  
        System.debug('Nombre: ' + acc2.name);
        System.assertEquals('ANVA CELULAR, C.A.', acc2.name);

          Account acc3 = new Account(Id='001A000000P2qYeIAJ');
           acc3.name = 'EQUIPOS ELECTRONICOS GLENOS, C.A.';
           acc3.latitud__c = '654897' ;
            acc3.Longitud__c = '98732100' ;
            acc3.Categoria__c = 'Uno (1)';
            acc3.Estatus__c = 'Operativo';
            acc3.Region__c ='GRAN CARACAS';
            acc3.Zona__c = 'ZONA METROPOLITANA';
            acc3.Tipo__c = 'AA - Agente Autorizado';
            update acc3;
        acc3 = [Select name from Account where Id=:acc3.Id];  
        System.debug('Nombre: ' + acc3.name);
        System.assertEquals('EQUIPOS ELECTRONICOS GLENOS, C.A.', acc3.name);

    }//test class


Thanks in Advance





I need to release this api call for our client, the coverage of my test is 67%, like you know I need at least 75% how I can get the 75%? Below the code.


public class APICall {

  //Future annotation to mark the method as async.

//  String id, String name
public static void APICall_Request (Datetime fecha_inicio, Datetime fecha_fin, string Event_Id, string account_Id) {

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

/****getting info from table Account***/

      List<account> b = [Select latitud__c, Longitud__c From Account Where Id=:account_Id];

    string latitud = b[0].latitud__c; //info for the XML
    string Longitud = b[0].Longitud__c; //info for the XML
    /****converting the datetimne*******/
    Datetime fecha_fin_def   = fecha_fin.AddHours(1);//time dif our time -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
    Datetime fecha_inic_def  = fecha_inicio.AddHours(-1);//time dif -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
/******** XML*******/
      req.setBody( '<request>    <authentication>        <username>65460806</username>        <password>hello</password>    </authentication>    <sphere>        <name>'+Event_Id+'</name>  <campaign>DEMO</campaign>      <onEnter>           <processId>6540088</processId>          <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>        </onEnter>        <onExit>            <processId>6540088</processId>           <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>      </onExit>        <device>65460806</device>                <zone>            <address>'+Longitud+' '+latitud+'</address>            <radius>90</radius>            <unitType>mtrs</unitType>        </zone>        <startDate>'+fecha_inic_def+' +0000</startDate>        <endDate>'+fecha_fin_def+' -0000</endDate>    </sphere></request>');

        // Create a new http object to send the request object
        // A response object is generated as a result of the request
        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);


/********************** the result is ok sucessful this function and the connection is working fine *************************/


     //check the response
    if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {
      System.debug('Exitoso '+ res);

// checking the result
      Event acc = new Event(Id='00US00000014KqmMAE');
     acc.Description = ' Created '+datetime.now()+'  '+res.getBody()+' inicio '+fecha_inicio+'  fin '+fecha_fin+' lat '+latitud+' long '+Longitud ;

       try {
               update acc;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),

    } else {
      System.debug('Callout failed: ' + res);
// checking the result      
      Event acc = new Event(Id='00US00000014KqmMAE');
      acc.Description = 'Malo '+res.getBody();

       try {
               update acc;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),

    }///api Call


/**************************************test mehotd*****************************/




private class TestApiCall
  //Added for security review
   public static testMethod void TestAPICall() {
        // TO DO: implement unit test


     Datetime fecha_inicio = datetime.now();
     Datetime fecha_fin = datetime.now();
     string Event_Id = '00UA00000041osdMAA';
     string account_Id = '001A000000LKjdeIAD';
     APICall.APICall_Request(fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, Event_Id, account_Id); /// after add this I increase the coverage from 53 % to 67%
     List<Account> b = [Select latitud__c, Longitud__c, Id From Account Where Id='001A000000LKjgIIAT'];

    string latitud = b[0].latitud__c;
    string Longitud = b[0].Longitud__c;
     List<Event> t = [Select EndDateTime, StartDateTime, Id, WhatId From Event Where Id='00UA00000041oscMAA'];

    Datetime fecha_fint    = t[0].EndDateTime;
    Datetime fecha_iniciot = t[0].StartDateTime;
    string Event_Idt= t[0].Id;
    string account_Idt = t[0].WhatId;

    APICall.APICall_Request(fecha_iniciot, fecha_fint, Event_Idt, account_Id); //adding this new line still have 67%
           Account acc2 = new Account(Id='001A000000LKjgIIAT');
           acc2.name = 'ANVA CELULAR, C.A.';
           acc2.latitud__c = '654897' ;
            acc2.Longitud__c = '98732100' ;
            acc2.Categoria__c = 'Uno (1)';
            acc2.Estatus__c = 'Operativo';
            acc2.Region__c ='GRAN CARACAS';
            acc2.Zona__c = 'ZONA METROPOLITANA';
            acc2.Tipo__c = 'AA - Agente Autorizado';
            try {
               update acc2;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                //Assert Error Message
                System.assert( e.getMessage().contains('Update error'),
        acc2 = [Select name from Account where Id=:acc2.Id];  
        System.debug('Nombre: ' + acc2.name);
        System.assertEquals('ANVA CELULAR, C.A.', acc2.name);

          Account acc3 = new Account(Id='001A000000P2qYeIAJ');
           acc3.name = 'EQUIPOS ELECTRONICOS GLENOS, C.A.';
           acc3.latitud__c = '654897' ;
            acc3.Longitud__c = '98732100' ;
            acc3.Categoria__c = 'Uno (1)';
            acc3.Estatus__c = 'Operativo';
            acc3.Region__c ='GRAN CARACAS';
            acc3.Zona__c = 'ZONA METROPOLITANA';
            acc3.Tipo__c = 'AA - Agente Autorizado';
            update acc3;
        acc3 = [Select name from Account where Id=:acc3.Id];  
        System.debug('Nombre: ' + acc3.name);
        System.assertEquals('EQUIPOS ELECTRONICOS GLENOS, C.A.', acc3.name);

    }//test class


Thanks in Advance