• jason_best
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I am very new to SF, but I'm building out a Student Recruiting App for 
my org.  I would love some feedback on the design of this trigger I 
just created.  I'm not sure how much background you need on the data 
structure of the app to provide feedback, but I will give you a basic 


  • Education Object is detail to to Contact - used to show all schools a 
    prospect has attended.
  • Education has Account Lookup field for link back to School(Account 
  •  Enrollment is Child to Contact - used to Inquiry through graduation 
    for students 
  •  Application is Child to Enrollment 
  •  Document is Child to Application 

I hope that's enough to make sense of it all.  Here is the trigger.  It works just fine, but I 
would love to hear from the experts if this looks like it will scale 
well and any other feedback you are willing to offer. 


trigger CreateDocuments on Application__c (after insert) { 

List<Document__c> createdocument = new List <Document__c> {}; 
	for (Application__c app : trigger.new) { 
		List<Contact> c=[SELECT Id,Name FROM Contact WHERE 
		List<Education__c> ed = [SELECT School__c FROM Education__c WHERE 
		if(app.Recieved_Method__c <> 'Online'){ 
			for(Education__c e : ed){ 
			createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Transcript', 
			Application__c =app.id,School__c=e.School__c,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
		createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Recommendation 1', 
		Application__c = app.id,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
		createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Recommendation 2', 
		Application__c = app.id,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
try { 
	insert createdocument; 
catch (Exception Ex) 


I am very new to SF, but I'm building out a Student Recruiting App for 
my org.  I would love some feedback on the design of this trigger I 
just created.  I'm not sure how much background you need on the data 
structure of the app to provide feedback, but I will give you a basic 


  • Education Object is detail to to Contact - used to show all schools a 
    prospect has attended.
  • Education has Account Lookup field for link back to School(Account 
  •  Enrollment is Child to Contact - used to Inquiry through graduation 
    for students 
  •  Application is Child to Enrollment 
  •  Document is Child to Application 

I hope that's enough to make sense of it all.  Here is the trigger.  It works just fine, but I 
would love to hear from the experts if this looks like it will scale 
well and any other feedback you are willing to offer. 


trigger CreateDocuments on Application__c (after insert) { 

List<Document__c> createdocument = new List <Document__c> {}; 
	for (Application__c app : trigger.new) { 
		List<Contact> c=[SELECT Id,Name FROM Contact WHERE 
		List<Education__c> ed = [SELECT School__c FROM Education__c WHERE 
		if(app.Recieved_Method__c <> 'Online'){ 
			for(Education__c e : ed){ 
			createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Transcript', 
			Application__c =app.id,School__c=e.School__c,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
		createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Recommendation 1', 
		Application__c = app.id,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
		createdocument.add(new Document__c ( Name = 'Recommendation 2', 
		Application__c = app.id,Contact__c=app.Contact__c)); 
try { 
	insert createdocument; 
catch (Exception Ex) 