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Hi all,


I am new to Froce.com and I have been trying to setup RubyonRails environment and everythign looks good to me on that front. When I try to run a basic command like Salesforce::Contact.first it send out messages like below. Please advice


C:\software\Ruby192\bin\test>ruby script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.8)
>> Salesforce::Contact.first
RuntimeError: Incorrect user name / password []

I am trying to figure out how do we give username password in database.yml file ??? it should be in < > or something???

Is there any other place where we need to provide this username password??

  • December 23, 2010
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Hi all,


I am new to Froce.com and I have been trying to setup RubyonRails environment and everythign looks good to me on that front. When I try to run a basic command like Salesforce::Contact.first it send out messages like below. Please advice


C:\software\Ruby192\bin\test>ruby script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.8)
>> Salesforce::Contact.first
RuntimeError: Incorrect user name / password []

I am trying to figure out how do we give username password in database.yml file ??? it should be in < > or something???

Is there any other place where we need to provide this username password??

  • December 23, 2010
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